
Some boards to my mood

@boardstomymood / boardstomymood.tumblr.com

«Welcome / Bienvenue» -|18+blog/Minor DNI/Multifandom blog/Moodboard blog|- UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Request ARE OPEN

REQUEST ARE OPEN (but delayed...)

Bonjour !Welcome on my blog. I’m Belle/Bee/B, I am 25 (any pronouns are fine by me) and I love to make some moodboard/inspirationalboard/aesthetics moodboards as a hobby. I thought to share it with the tumblr community. I can interact in english and french (first language). I’m a big fan of a lot of fandoms. I’m also a fanfic addict (as a reader, my english is unfortunately not that good to write some). Have fun !

Please feel free to send in any questions you have.

Requests are : OPEN

Canon Characters moodboard : OPEN Canon Ships/Paring moodboard : OPEN Non-Canon Ships moodboard : OPEN Reader insert moodboard : OPEN OC insert moodboard : OPEN Aesthetics moodboard : OPEN Fanfiction inspirational moodboard : OPEN Song inspired moodboard : OPEN Themed moodboards Holidays Event is closed :

Please read the Rules and Fandom List before requesting

My Moodboards (description)

Each of my moodboards will : -Contain 4 to 9 pictures -Have links to image source (always) -Have links to inspiration source (song / fic) -Be tagged if you request it non-anonymously (or else Anon tagged) -Contain one or two quotes of reference (lyrics, quotes from canon/fanfic) -Will have a link in my Masterlist (soon !) -Be done (if they follow the request rules). Just not on a due date. This is a hobby.

My moodboard won't : -Have a taglist (for now) -Have anything written that is not already written somewhere (again, my english is not top notch) So no headcannons, no drabbles, no fic. Just the moodboard and 1-2 sentences. -Be done if they don't follow rules (blog and requesting ones) or are asked when requests are closed. - Again this is a hobby. Not a job. I am not paid for it. There's no ''Client-Roi''/Customer's always right rule on this blog.

You can use my moodboard or be inspired by it but link me/credit me please (I want to see what you create from it too ! :D ) !

Type of Request (Description of each one)


“They came to Thornhill, armed with pitchforks and torches. They accused her of being a witch.” - “Nana” Rose Blossom (Riverdale 5x19)

Requested ? : No Inspired by : Riverdale (the serie) Concept : Riverdale!AU : Witched!Betty Copper + Witched!Toni Topaz + Witched!Veronica Lodge + Witched!Cheryl Blossom Storyline : How they embraced dark magic in Fox Forest All pictures are free of use/made via Quotescover !

Thank you @strawberryblondiegirlwattitude and everyone who got me to 100 reblogs!


Reggie and Unsolved Mysteries

‘’And Sheriff Keller’s grilling me, Mantle the Magnificent. ‘Cause I’d want Blossom dead. When he was, like, the only good quarterback we had.’’

‘’What was it like, Suicide Squad, when you shot Jason ? You didn’t do stuff to the body, did you ? Like ? After ?’’

‘’Why do you care, Andrews ? Holy crap ! Did you and Donnie Darko kill him together ? Was it some sort of pervy blood brother thing ?’‘


“It’s called necrophilia, Reggie. Can you spell it ?’’

Riverdale(1x02) / Archie(2015) / Riverdale(2017) /Reggie and Me(2017)

- Feel free to like or reblog. Don’t repost without credit ! - [insp] -


Hi! Could I please have a moodboard for Dwayne (The Lost Boys) and the reader as partners in which they are both singers? Hope this is ok, have a wonderful day!


Thank you for requesting ! You make my day, one request at the time ! :smile:

I'm so sorry it took soooo long. I had a lot of things going on my side. But there it is now :D ! And it is posted. I hope you'll like it ! Feel free to ask again ! Have a nice day ! -Boardstomymood

Masterpost - Requests Rules - Masterlist - Ask Box - Fandom List

Hi! Could I please have a moodboard for Dwayne (The Lost Boys) and the reader as partners in which they are both singers? Hope this is ok, have a wonderful day!

Thank you for requesting ! You make my day, one request at the time ! :smile:

I'm so sorry it took soooo long. I had a lot of things going on my side. But there it is now :D ! And it is posted. I hope you'll like it ! Feel free to ask again ! Have a nice day ! -Boardstomymood

Masterpost - Requests Rules - Masterlist - Ask Box - Fandom List


''Little sister (Thou shall not fall) Come, come to your brother (Thou shall not die) Unchain me, sister (Thou shall not fear) Love is with your brother (Thou shall not kill) '' - Dwayne to Reader (also the Cry Little Sister Song by Gerard Mcmahon / Michael Mainieri)

Requested ? : Yes by @thetempleofthemasaigoddess Inspired by : Lost Boys Universe Concept : Dwayne and reader are both signers. Dwayne surprise the reader, singing a song for her on a show (and Sax Guy is gladly helping) All pictures source are in captions OR free of use/made via Quotescover ! (I edited one too). Captioned pictures link : - - - - -


I'm ready to leave this messed up world and jump into fantasy land. Who's with me?


Reggie and Unsolved Mysteries

‘’And Sheriff Keller's grilling me, Mantle the Magnificent. 'Cause I'd want Blossom dead. When he was, like, the only good quarterback we had.’’

‘’What was it like, Suicide Squad, when you shot Jason ? You didn’t do stuff to the body, did you ? Like ? After ?’’

‘’Why do you care, Andrews ? Holy crap ! Did you and Donnie Darko kill him together ? Was it some sort of pervy blood brother thing ?’‘


“It’s called necrophilia, Reggie. Can you spell it ?’’

Riverdale(1x02) / Archie(2015) / Riverdale(2017) /Reggie and Me(2017)

- Feel free to like or reblog. Don't repost without credit ! - [insp] -

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