
idk anymore

@formerdirectioner / formerdirectioner.tumblr.com

sometimes you just gotta yell about shit on the internet(dot)com.
L, 26, he/him.
inactive, but left up for previous posts. not super interested in any member of one direction anymore. kpop is more fun.
every larrie over the age of 18 owes every single queer person $500 per dumbass post they make online
Anonymous asked:

Louis and his entire family including Jay's parents who tell Freddie he is their great grandson using, renting and exploiting a child instead of Louis filing for a lawsuit by getting actuall lawyers (like George Michael, Kesha, MJ, Rebecca Fergusson, Adam Lambert, Britney Spears, BSB, countless others did when they filed lawsuits agains record labels and certain people who worked at the record labels) is so telling. I mean why wouldn't he rent a kid instead of losing some cash on lawyers right?

exactly there is literally no excuse for what larries have created in their minds as louis’ ~plan this isn’t even a case that would be a “he said/she said” if freddie was not louis or briana’s child and he was being forced to claim otherwise he could easily prove it in court

Anonymous asked:

Literally what is it about kpop I feel like I blinked and half my dash had turned into kpop stans and I used to really like your takes on One Direction but now you’re a kpop stan too I just really don’t get it they seem even more manufactured than 1D to me

I think to me, it depends on your definition of the term manufactured. Like, I think in some ways, the fact that they are quite open about being put in groups by agencies and not actually being like best friends since childhood or whatever makes their interactions with each other feel a lot more real than they were in groups like One Direction where they kept playing up that they were best friends and brothers but by the end of the group you could tell half of them didn’t even really like each other.

The kpop industry is fucked up and exploitative in a lot of ways, I won’t deny that. But I feel the same way about the western music industry and the film industry and every industry basically. These are young kids who move away from their families as teenagers and get worked to the bone for a chance to debut and the amount of time that they actually get to be in an active group varies but can be relatively short, with most contracts being seven years but some groups being as short as 2 1/2. There are also fucked up aspects like trainee debt, where children who don’t debut then owe money to the company for the cost of basically raising them, although from what I understand this isn’t as common anymore.

But that doesn’t mean the members themselves are fake or manufactured or bad. They certainly are products of their environment, with a lot of them doing things like getting plastic surgery before they’re even done debuting and not really understanding how ~common people live their lives bc despite being in school as trainees most of them go to performing arts schools specifically for trainees so they have time to practice or perform schedules if they debut before they graduate. But they’re also still human.

A lot of the groups I stan produce and write their own music, do things like weekly livestreams to talk to fans, come on social media quite often to share their days or joke around with their fans, etc. People like Namjoon from BTS and Chan from Stray Kids are known for being super open with fans and being a very huge comfort for people. The rap line of BTS and 3racha of Stray Kids actually write music with less writers than every member of One Direction currently does and the music gets really deep and discusses things like mental illness, heartbreak, their lives as idols, etc. I really recommend songs like uhgood from RM and alien by han jisung to get a taste of what I’m saying.

It’s possible that all members of kpop groups are really well trained to wear a mask 24/7 and nothing we see is real, there’s no doubt of that. They definitely play up things like ships and certain aspects of their personalities on camera too, for fans. But a lot of kpop stans know that and fully acknowledge it and still love the members for the pieces we see of the real them anyway. So yes, the groups are quite literally manufactured, and idols are supposed to have a certain image, but it doesn’t mean that they can’t still share large pieces of themselves and connect with fans. It’s that connection that endears and traps people so easily and quickly.

Also the music is usually fire. haha.

Anonymous asked:

how many followers do you have

Way more than I should have with how inactive I am, haha.

Anonymous asked:

How can you like kpop but call out Larries kpop stans are way worse than Larries

I disagree. I think kpop stans are much better at calling out toxic shippers like Taekookers because a lot of them learned from larry because of the one direction to kpop pipeline. In fact, I think a lot of the fandom tend to Overreact and lash out at people who just ship for fun, which I personally have no problems with and actually enjoy.

Also, sure, some kpop fans suck, but it’s such a huge fandom that, in my opinion, it is easy to block anyone you see being annoying even over the most minor shit but you’ll still have enough people to follow to have constant content.

Anonymous asked:

do you still hate louis now that he’s being a dad again

No, I don’t hate him. I don’t like him either. I think he’s a cishet man who has done and said some things I really dislike and some things that hurt me personally as a teenaged queer Louis fan. I think a lot of the anger I had towards him was because I was young and angry in general and turning on someone I had once loved who hurt me while I was in a bad environment and closeted and queer was a nice outlet. I also think he’s had to go through a lot of really traumatic shit in a very short timeframe and I feel bad for him too. I’m glad he’s being there for Freddie but I don’t think he, Briana, Eleanor, or really anyone involved (except Danielle, she was an angel) is someone I would enjoy as a person if I knew them in real life. So, mostly neutral but I lean towards dislike for things he’s done in the past and never apologized for.

Anonymous asked:

Are you still a Harrie?

No, not really. I like his music and I’ll watch his movies so I would still consider myself a fan, but I had a lot of negative experiences with Harries and I have some issues with Harry himself. I don’t think he’s a bad person, but I don’t think being in the fandom is worth it when anyone who disagrees with a single thing Harry says or does (or even does something simple like supports another artist or group) is cause for discourse and drama.


It’s stupid that this is still being talked about and people are posting misinformation for their followers seven years later, but I keep getting asks about it despite saying I’m not really around, so I want to make one post to fully sum up how child support, custody, paternity, and the legal system works. If you want to know why you should trust me over the larries who claim otherwise: You don’t have to. I can’t convince anyone to not believe what they would prefer to believe. But I did work for my state’s child support department for multiple years and I still have friends there to this day and in doing so, I had to know the laws in California as well for cases where parents live in separate states.

So first things first: Does Louis singing the birth certificate mean he is the father? Legally, in the eyes of the court, yes. And often, legality in the courts supersedes biological paternity. So let me break this down a bit. Usually, when a father is unknown or there is doubt in the paternity, the birth certificate does not get signed by a legal father. There is nothing stating a man’s name or signatures have to be on a birth certificate and very very often in cases of doubtful paternity, there’s not one. Names can always be added later: they can not always be taken off.

So you have three options for a father on a birth certificate. Option one, there isn’t one. Option two, the mother is legally married to a man who is then legally considered the father whether he signs the birth certificate or whether the baby is biologically his or not. This sounds ridiculous, but it happens more often than you think. In a situation where there is a legal husband and another biological father, if the biological father wants to have any custody/paternity/parental rights of the child, he will have to go to court. The same in the reverse situation where the legal husband does not want parental rights and therefore responsibility of the child. He has to take it to court.

And option three, the mother and father are not legally married, but the father signs the birth certificate. I’ll go purely based off California state law here. I’m not going to cite my sources because it’s one simple Google search away and I know most of y’all wouldn’t click on them anyway. Under California state law, for a man who is not married to the mother of the baby to put his name on the birth certificate, he has to sign a voluntary declaration of paternity or parentage. What that means is he has to sign a legal document that he agrees that the baby is his child and that he is accepting full responsibility of the child in exchange for parental rights such as custody and visitation. They also then can be forced to pay child support by the state. Honestly, this happens less than you think and the child support systems heavily favor the absent parent, whether it be man or woman. Because of this, in most situations, if a family can afford their own lawyers to handle child support privately, they will almost always do it this way instead. This is what Louis and Briana have chosen to do. That also means that even if a man is not biologically related to the child, he has still fully accepted legal responsibility as the father.

“But birth certificates are easy to change! He literally just needs to do a DNA test!” No. That’s not how it works. A lot of people, including biological fathers who want to get out of the responsibility of paying child support, think this is true, but it’s not. Once you have signed a voluntary declaration of paternity and put your name on a child’s birth certificate, you can’t just take it back. First of all, the signing of the document cannot be coerced. It also has to be witnessed by a notary if you sign it at any time outside of the hospital. It is not something that can be faked without being considered fraud. Once it is signed, genetic testing showing that the father is not biologically related to the child is not a valid reason in a court of law to undo the voluntary paternity. There are only two ways to undo this: File a form stating that you are rescinding the voluntary declaring of paternity within sixty days of filing it or challenging it in court. You might think “Oh, they’ll just challenge it in court then!”

They can’t. The only way to challenge this in court is to do so within two years of the date the declaration was signed. (If you were confused, Freddie is now six, so about four years too late.) Even within the timeframe, a father who wants their parental rights removed after signing this document would have to prove there had been fraud or coercion that forced them to sign in court. Not an easy task, but it could have probably been handled by a multimillionaire with a legal team at his side. But it didn’t happen. The timeframe passed.

So as of this point in time, there is Absolutely No Legal Way For Louis Tomlinson To Declare He Is Not The Legal Father of Freddie Tomlinson. Is it possible one day he will post a DNA test stating that the child isn’t his? Sure, I suppose, but it’s unlikely. People like to claim he has not gotten a DNA test because of sources like TMZ but refuse to acknowledge that family members of Freddie and other tabloids stated the opposite: That he had a DNA test done when Freddie was born and it came back that he is the father. They also try and claim his team denied having a DNA test. That’s not true. His team stated that the idea that he had not gotten a DNA test was “all part of media speculation” which, I think to almost anyone who is not a Larrie, sounds like a denial that the articles were telling the truth, not a denial of Louis getting a DNA test.

People like to point towards people like Drake and Tristan Thompson as signs of the “right” way for paternity scandals to happen, despite both men having very negative public images because of the way they handled their situations and humiliated their children and the women involved in the press. Louis and Briana handled things the way they should have: privately and in the legal system instead of in the public eye. In fact, both Louis and Briana made it clear they did not intend for the pregnancy to get out as quickly as it did, if ever. Unfortunately, someone (most likely a member of Briana’s family) leaked the news to the press for attention. That sucks! But it’s not weird or inconceivable. They’re a rich white Republican family in LA and they very clearly enjoy the attention, even if you exclude Briana herself.

Yes, the Jungwirth family sucks. Yes, Briana seems to have some really questionable parental views in regards to vaccinating her child. Yes, Louis lives in another country and cannot see his child as often as the Jungwirth’s do and doesn’t have primary custody. None of this is weird, even if it sucks. It appears that Louis is genuinely making an effort to be in Freddie’s life, even now when he is six years old and will definitely remember things like trips to England to spend Christmas with his father’s side of the family.

So when it comes down to it, if you genuinely believe that Louis is not Freddie’s father, you’re choosing to believe despite all the evidence to the contrary that Louis Tomlinson is a man who has committed illegal acts of fraud and exploited not just Freddie but multiple other children and people, up to and including getting them involved in a situation where they receive literal death threats, just to either stay closeted or to avoid having to go to court and possibly losing money in a case he would win because contracts forcing you to do things that are illegal (like fraud) are not able to be upheld in court. Not to mention how his management and company have changed multiple times now since Freddie was born so no one even has any idea who he would be being forced into this by.

I know this is super long and most likely will not get much interaction, but I want to get it all into one post that I can refer back to when I get asks about it in the future or so other people can share this with people who might be starting to genuinely question what they’ve been sold or held onto or convinced themselves of while they were a larrie. I know I can often be aggressive on this blog and the reasonings behind it are valid (at least to me, this blog was started due to the hatred that Larries, especially Amy, were throwing at Jay when she died, and so that bitterness as someone who lost their mother young has always stuck with me) but I also genuinely want people to see the other side that either gets blatantly lied about or not shared by Larries trying desperately to keep people on their side.

Anonymous asked:

Larries who deny any sort of harassment that happened are blatantly lying or brand new to the fandom. Anyone who was in the 1D fandom on twitter and tumblr in 2012 couldn’t escape the amount of drama and harassment that was going on. There still being Larries in 2022 is absolutely pathetic


Anonymous asked:

First of all no one sends death threats you insano. Secondly people only hate on Lottie and that’s cause she black fishes. That’s literally it. Larries always blur out Freddie’s face cos they don’t want a minors face splashed over the internet and some update accounts also blur out Pheobe and daisys for the same reason. Larries don’t harass their families get your facts right.

here’s a few links proving there have been death threats.

larries hated jay when she was alive because she loved eleanor, publicly talked about loving eleanor, posted about her grandson, was photographed with her grandson, and had private conversations leaked that discussed louis and eleanor living together. i literally started this blog over my anger at larries for spreading a post claiming jay’s obituary was nothing more than a “glorified classified ad” because they were mad freddie was listed as her grandson. they still accuse her of some really gross things, like spending the last couple of days she had with her family “stunting” because both freddie and eleanor were involved.

gemma is still harassed and treated badly bc she has called out larries multiple times, has said larry is fake, and said that larries are delusional and replied “what a waste” when an anonymous ask sent to her tumblr tried to defend larries by claiming they were adults with good jobs. larries still strongly dislike her because of this and because of things like simply being in the same place as olivia.

anne has been treated terribly through losing her husband because fans decided she was ~~~playing along with the stunt and wasn’t really hacked and was purposely leaking private photos of harry and kendall, for knowing camille and now for knowing olivia and her children.

lottie and fizzy both got hate for denying larry (like lottie calling larries “deluded freaks”) and for ~using larries or using louis for clout. larries used to state they were just too young to know better or that harry and louis were hiding from louis’ family as well, because larries considered being queer something sexual that needed to be hidden from louis’ young sisters. of course, as they grew up, they stopped getting the “benefit of the doubt,” the exact same thing that is currently happening to austin. lottie is often made fun of for her appearance. fizzy was often made fun of for issues that we now know lead to her death. but even after jay and fizzy died, larries didn’t stop. the things the older sisters and jay were always accused of are the same thing the younger twins get accused of now. denying larry, “sucking up to” eleanor who has been around for the majority of their lives, “sucking up to” briana for liking her instagram photos, and being accused of using their nephew for clout at the expense of their older brother. they’re literally not even adults yet.

this is a screenshot of a larrie talking about fizzy that got so widespread, fizzy herself publicly responded to it.

and then of course freddie. one of the biggest larries used to proudly post asks detailing how they pictured freddie dying as a baby and defended them when called out by saying freddie wasn’t real but was “just a doll.” i’ve been around the one direction fandom from the beginning and saw all of this play out first hand. either you’re very very new, you’re a child, you’re lying, or you’ve buried your head in the sand and are choosing to stay willfully ignorant of the fan base you support.

Anonymous asked:

No one harasses him, I do admit tho that sometimes people take bashing his beards a bit too far, no one Harasses their families and there’s something called the ability to separate reality from fiction when it comes to fanfics. You are denying that forcible closeting could be happening despite the evidence pointing to it cos you can’t accept he may be queer. Sounds homophobic to me mate.

“no one harasses him or their families” you just proved you’re either a liar or you don’t pay attention to anyone outside of yourself. there’s literally so much evidence of both harry and louis’ mothers and sister being harassed constantly by larries bc they “play along with the stunts” including hatred towards louis’ sisters for christmas less than a month ago. not to mention the literal death threats towards freddie posted by larries and the phone call TO LOUIS that said they hope his son dies when freddie was just a baby and he was already dealing with losing his mom. so i’m done with you there’s also literally no evidence pointing towards louis being ~forcibly closeted he’s a father of a six year old child. you’re just a moron with a fetish.

Anonymous asked:

No one is forcibly outing them???? We’re just recognising that they’re being closeted???? But by implying that we’re attempting to forcibly outing them do you admit then that they’re queer? Sounds like you do. Pick a narrative. You can’t out a hetero person rmr?

Louis publicly identified as heterosexual. He has said he is straight. He has directly attached a label to himself. You do not get to decide he is lying, you do not get to choose his label, you do not get to decide that because you think he is lying you’re going to openly spread and scream that he’s lying, and you don’t get to then go around and anonymously bully queer people who call you out on your gross bullshit. Louis may turn around and say he’s gay in ten years, but it’s not up to you to decide that and even if that happens you still need to respect his chosen and public identity NOW. That’s not just for Louis it’s for every person you will ever know. If someone tells you their identity, you believe them and you support them anyway.

you are so disrespectful to a man you claim to love i wouldn’t be shocked if louis would enjoy meeting me over y’all, because at least i let him be himself even if i don’t like who he is.

Anonymous asked:

HAHAHAHAHAH I AM a real queer person who is in real danger if I’m outed. You do realise all these people like David Bowie, George Michael and Ricky Martin have actually said they’re straight like stated it outright then later in life coke out as gay? Or did it escape your notice. It happens, its necessary sometimes hence the closeting you idiot.

do you not understand that forcibly outing people who are closeted is literally vile or—

Anonymous asked:

Holy shit dude is your url actually dedicated to larries while you’re an anti? Talk about being obsessed. It’s also funny to me how you think larries harass freddie when most of them don’t post his pictures, don’t type out his full name so it doesn’t trend on Twitter and say how bad they feel for the kid. I take it you’re queer yourself which just makes it harder for me to grasp how you don’t see why or how people are pushed into the closet. Have you never had to lie about your queerness to be safe? These are celebrities who were marketed to teen girls in the early 2010s, gay marriage wasn’t even legal when the band was formed let alone destigmatised. Of course they couldn’t come out. You don’t see text book examples of people like George Michael who were marketed as sex symbols (much like Harry is) and couldn’t come out till much later in their career. Real people cannot queerbait, they’re just queer but not out. Learn the difference.

you’re annoying don’t talk to actual queer people who actually have real life dangers when it comes to coming out and say they need to give a shit about your conspiracy theories over a racist man who has publicly announced he is heterosexual. if you actually gave a shit about queer people and the dangers of coming out, you would know that if someone tells you their sexuality with their own fucking mouth, you believe them. you don’t get the privilege of deciding they’re lying and trying to out them against their will. so yes, fuck off!

Anonymous asked:

about louis taking a DNA test i was here in 2016 and u can look at the dates in those articles to know too. the first ones that was released was articles saying he took a paternity test and than was released ones after some time saying he didn’t (TMZ with their sources) and saying that was louis decision to not take one cause he trusted briana cause they were being exclusive in the relationship. his PR was called to confirm and he said for mirror celeb “it's just all part of the never ending media speculation"

so they have a replay to only those “didn’t have one” articles. so take as u wish he had one he didn’t, we only got a rep replay from the “didn’t” but larries take that as a non answer what do u think?


Hi, I'm not super around but I think someone has been spreading my account because a lot of people are unlarrie-ing after Christmas, and I've gotten a lot of asks recently and new followers and I want to answer this one as a kind of general one for all the ones I've gotten.

Not only did sources originally claim he did, his team put out a statement that implied he had gotten one (by stating the media articles saying he hadn't taken a dna test were "just all part of the never ending media speculation.” aka fake. I really am not sure how larries twist that and make it into "his rep didn't deny it" that's clearly a denial?), and a member of Freddie's family claimed he did.

I'm sorry, the last one alone, is more reputable than TMZ or any larrie despite what they claim otherwise. Freddie's family is a primary source. TMZ is a tabloid. Larries are people who scream and cry about a six year old child existing online.

I have, over time, gotten softer towards the idea that most larries were just in the wrong fandom at the wrong time and fell for what they were being sold and no longer hold extreme disdain towards anyone who calls themselves a larrie but is willing to listen to and genuinely think about the other side.

The Doll Lady is still fucking gross though!

Anonymous asked:

It is a fraud and forgery if Louis Briana and the doctor signed the certificate knowing she was never pregnant and she is not the mother and Louis not the father. That means they literally created a fake document knowing that they are not the parents of a child. Also when Louis was arrested (real police report) they would check his backgroud to be able to release him on bail and police would have see he fakes being a father if he is not one. Larries pretend they don't know how real world works.

i don’t think it would come up in a background check that it was fraudulent if it hadn’t been “exposed” yet it would just come up that he has a child but yes these people aren’t claiming this is a situation where louis just didn’t know he wasn’t the dad they’re claiming that louis was involved in a situation that involves multiple different people and agencies falsifying legal documents because they claim Briana was never pregnant.


1. i know this person i don’t believe is a teenager because i went and reported their account lmfao they were literally tweeting about how they were posting “controversial things” to be in their “famous era” 

2. no i am not going to harass an actual fucking business, especially medical workers during covid, over your dumb fucking ship conspiracies

3. no it doesn’t “actually make sense” 

4. no, calling out fucking assholes on the internet does not, then, make you just as bad as them. calling out qanon, trump supporters, racists, etc. does not in turn make you just as bad as them. the same goes for homophobic conspiracy theorists who harass a child daily. 

5. fuck off! 

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