
Bookish Lover


All things books and fandoms
“You become what you surround yourself with. Energies are contagious. Choose carefully. Your environment will become you.”


“If a person wants to be a part of your life, they will make an obvious effort to do so. Think twice before reserving a space in your heart for people who do not make an effort to stay.”


“Flowers teach us that nothing is permanent: not their beauty, not even the fact that they will inevitably wilt, because they will still give new seeds. Remember this when you feel joy, pain, or sadness. Everything passes, grows old, dies, and is reborn.”

Paulo Coelho, The Spy (via thoughtkick)


Post canon Toph who doesn’t want to go back to her shitty parents so she just decides to stay in the Fire Nation and bum off Zuko’s hospitality.

Zuko’s like no, yeah, I totally get it, and just makes her one of his advisors. At first it’s just so she has a good excuse to stay but after the first meeting Toph storms out shouting about how EVERYONE was lying why would you even need to lie about what kind of tea you want??

Zuko: I mean they’re politicians.....but also who, and when, and in what way

They make a subtle Morse code system so Toph can warn him when someone is lying to him without tipping anyone off that she can sense lies.

Zuko gets a reputation for somehow being both extremely socially inept and yet somehow disgustingly perceptive?? You can’t get ANYTHING by him???

#my lord what EXACTLY is ms Beifongs role in these meetings #a nervous nobleman asks after the third time she interrupts them with stupid commentary #zuko with perfect deadpan: she’s my scribe

You CAN’T leave that in the tags


So there’s a lot of “citizens of Ba Sing Se freak out when Lee the tea servant turns out to be the Firelord,” but consider the alternative. What if Zuko is just chilling at the Jasmine Dragon one day and sees an old regular and addresses them by their name but said regular does not remember him at all and is just like “wait what the fuck why does the Firelord know my name?” 

A citizen who frequents the tea shop rises in rank and ends up at the palace one day, and Zuko snaps his fingers in memory, points to them, and recites their order, and the citizen has a mild freak out wondering if the Fire Lord is psychic


Classic Author Asks

Mary Shelley: Were you a goth, prep, nerd, or jock in school?

Zora Neale Hurston: Do you write in your free time? If so, then what do you write?

J.D. Salinger: What was the last movie you watched?

Alice Walker: What was the first “adult” book you ever read?

Bram Stoker: Do you prefer suspenseful horror movies, gore, or jump scares?

Oscar Wilde: What book have you read more than once?

Beatrix Potter: Do you like reading inside or outside?

Ann Radcliffe: What’s something you’re known for among your friends or family?

Lord Byron: What’s a negative quality that you can admit to having?

Edna St. Vincent Millay: Do you have a favorite poem or one you can recite?

Jane Austen: Have you ever fallen in love?

Langston Hughes: If you could be part of a literary era, which one?

Emily Dickinson: What’s the last book you were reading?

John William Polidori: What was the last book you finished?

Stendhal: Have you ever hid a book you were reading because you were embarrassed? 

Charles Dickens: What book are you currently reading?

Thomas Hardy: Are you a city or country person?

Virginia Woolf: What book has been on your TBR longer than a year?

Edith Wharton: What’s your favorite season for reading?

“And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected.”

— John Steinbeck, East of Eden


can’t decide if i want to live in a tiny cottage in the french countryside doing nothing but baking with my wife all day, or if i want a life in solitude, locked away in a giant castle with a massive library with all the books my heart desires

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