
Kirai Rin


" My pronouns aren't your business shitlord "

Disney after making a visually stunning and stunningly creative sci-fi time-period-mishmash adventure movie about cool space travel and daddy issues that is heavily inspired by classic works with a relatable teenage boy protagonist, badass female captain, and silly little marketable shapeshifting splat, and then proceeding to release it immediately after a huge franchise’s long-awaited and incredibly hyped-up blockbuster release, giving this movie absolutely no promotion or hype whatsoever or even so much as a fucking McDonalds action figure because they desperately want this movie to die because they don’t like the experimentalism and queerness and want to write it off as a bad movie instead of their own refusal to accept different kinds of storytelling and emerging social issues:


I think trans people (specifically transfems) should be allowed to be horny in peace, and that people need to leave them alone when they are.

not sorry that so many of us grew up in sexually repressed christian households and dealt with the trauma of it. if a tgirl or tboy or enby or anyone expresses themselves in a way you don't like, just let them be, learn to look the other way.

so tired of my transfem peers being scared of getting called specific things for showing an ounce of horny for something, anything actually. you fuckers need to take your transmisogyny and throw it in the trash and actually learn and change.


hey you. indie creator. get rid of the corporate execs and the imaginary writers room in your brain. the cynical youtube reviewers and disney fans who want sanitized uwu gays probably are never even gonna be even slightly aware of your existence. write those unrelatable blorbos and those messy themes and that weirdly sexy violence. you have no one to answer to but yourself. give yourself what you want and maybe some day, some 3 random lesbians from the internet whose interests you have somehow exactly hit will look at your thing and think its pretty cool, and in the end thats all you ever needed

I NEVER NOTICED THIS POST TOOK OFF everyone who said they rly needed to hear this, we r in this together babe we will get it, eye of the tiger lets go

"if we get another (this weeks problematic media) because of this fucking post im gonna kill you" you saw a post like this thats meant to encourage people to work on their art and that was your first thought? sounds like someone hasnt killed the cynical youtube critic in their brain <3 also im blocking you


Remember folks, you are not making Content. You are making art for yourself and maybe a handful of freaks (complimentary).


the genius of megamind (beyond the obvious genius ofc) is that it's superman parody actually presents a genuinely unsettling depiction of the "hero" that I like wayyy better than "what if superman was evil" or "what if superman was wrong"... it's "what if superman didn't care"

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