
Smyer did Jake dirty

@big-idiot-wolf-boys / big-idiot-wolf-boys.tumblr.com

Like an earthbound sun, whenever someone was within his gravitational pull, Jacob warmed them.

I must not mock Gen Alpha. Mocking Gen Alpha is the mind killer. Mocking Gen Alpha is the little-death that brings total generational solidarity obliteration. I will engage with Gen Alpha lovingly. I will permit them to be cringe. And when they grow up I will turn my eye to their accomplishments. Where mocking has gone there will be nothing. Only generational solidarity remains


after finding out a lot of friends haven't seen movies I consider formative to childhood (I grew up in South America, so they definitely had international reach!) I'm curious to know just how many haven't seen some of these... uh, let's call them children's classics.

Due to the list of potentials being massive, I'll restrict this to the 1980s, and not include Disney animated movies i can't promise there won't be further polls

(feel free to sound off in tags the ones you haven't seen, if it's more than one!)


they used the attention the world gave the superbowl to conduct a massacre. they used the attention the world gave the grammy’s to conduct a massacre. they are now going to use the attention the world will give to the met gala to begin the rafah invasion.

eyes on rafah.



By existing as a citizen in and paying taxes to the imperial core, we automatically hold complicity in imperialist oppression because we are literally footing the bill for it. That is just the basic nature of being born to privilege in systems of oppression in general. We can be disadvantaged and marginalized in every single other consideration and we still have to understand and cope with this, and ensure we leverage it as effectively as possible.

Voting abstinence/sabotage does not absolve us of our responsibility to do everything in our power to lessen harm, but it DOES show that when our personal morals aren't satisfied, we retreat into (imperialist, this time) privilege to 'wash our hands' of the situation and declare it's not our fault and it's not our problem.


if you COULD care less about the future of this country then why don't you try CARING MORE about the future of this country? if it comes down to democracy (no matter how flawed and imperialist it is) vs. fascism, i'm going to choose democracy and then work like hell to get the leaders to stop committing genocide. because when it comes down to it, flawed, imperialist democracy has a better chance of doing the right fucking thing than fascism ever does. and that's the truth.


The conversation around media piracy is never really going to be a black-and-white "always good" or "always bad," because it's so situational.

I'd really prefer people didn't pirate my book, because I am an independent, self-published author who makes like thirty cents per sale and regularly has to e-beg in order to get groceries. Maybe don't pirate from people in my situation.

Meanwhile, it's currently very imperative that people preserve as many things being purged from HBO Max as possible, because even the creators are saying they don't know the fate of the shows right now. The corporations that own everything are screwing people over and restricting access to the art.

Authors have been screwed over by publishing houses over book piracy issues, and legitimate sales numbers can sometimes make or break an author's career. In that sort of circumstance you should get books through shops or the local library, if you can.

But on the flip side, I recently tried very hard to go through legal sources to get my hands on some books for a project I'm working on. Half my booklist is out of print or hard to find, the local libraries didn't have it, the inter-library loan system was complicated to navigate, and the only "accessible" copies cost almost $100 on Thriftbooks. Pirating the PDFs is the only way I'm able to read them at all, just like several documentaries I downloaded that are only available through paid streaming services I can't afford.

Sometimes piracy is a dick move, sometimes it's vital to media preservation, sometimes it's a grey area, most of the time you've gotta make a personal judgment call on what constitutes "ethical piracy."

I generally adhere to the guideline "fuck over as few artists as possible; fuck over corporations as much as you can."


Another point for why it’s important to own your own copies of music and media, and not use streaming services, is because the copy you own can’t be taken back.

(This is also a good time to remind people that yout*be to mp3 converters still exist).


please don't tell me you guys are ripping songs one at a time for the quality and getting mp3 -_- here's what you should actually do:

1. sign up for a free deezer account 2. download python if you don't already have it 3. download deemix-pyweb for your os (r/deemix will have the link if this one breaks) 4. extract the zip, click on deemix-pyweb.exe, login in w/ your deezer arl in settings (it'll tell you how, it's very easy)

ta-da! now you can download multiple songs, albums, playlists, and entire artist catalogs at the same time! in mp3 or flac quality! all organized w/ album covers & info & everything else!

also, you can convert any spotify playlists you have to deezer ones using soundiiz, or thru deemix itself. enjoy! 🎵

third time reblogging this because its my favorite way to download most music (more niche things arent on here but most of what spotify has, you can download through this) and adding a new link, since the orig one redirects weird. o7


Found my 53yo very-much-not-online father in the kitchen today meticulously arranging cutlery on the countertop and i was like 'what are you doing' and he looked up at me with the world's most shit-eating grin and said "Your mother told me this is how you rick-roll the Youth" and i looked over and it was fucking. Loss.jpg.

i must stress that he's never seen the original comic. My mother simply showed him the shorthand symbol and he memorized it. As far as he is aware this is just a fucking hieroglyph that deals instant psychic damage to everyone under the age of 30


I'm trying to prove a point to my brain: Reblog if you think fanfiction does not need sex to be good.

There is a trend I’ve noticed that smut fics tend to be much more popular than anything else and honestly I just want to have something to look at to remind myself and that writing doesn’t have to have sex to be worth putting out into the community.


what I really liked as a little kid was that an old nice man would visit our neighbourhood every saturday in his little green fiat 126p, park on the edge of our old and ugly playground, and set up his cotton candy machine. 

it was a loud and horrible metal thing smelling of fuel and burnt sugar. it was the best cotton candy ever. the small cotton candy cost 50gr and the big one (so big you couldn’t eat it alone!) cost 1zł. he’d always wait as we stood under the balconies, each kid yelling MAMOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAAJ MI NA WATEEE

if you only had super small change like 20gr he’d still make one for you, just very small. and if you stayed until obiad time when he would start disassembling the whirring miracle machine, he’d let you scrub out the sticky bits of half-cottoned sugar with ice cream sticks.

cheesy songs would play on his little radio and a gaggle of other grandpas and uncles would gather around him if the day was sunny to talk about old times. we’d tease him all the time, monsters that we were, or try to sneak into his ugly-green maluch.

made a lot kids smile, especially if you didn’t really have much money. 

hope you’re alright, wherever you are.

and you know, it’s funny – each time that I see a green fiat like his or each time I see cotton candy, I think of this man. he’s probably gone now, none of us even ever knew his name, he was just pan od waty. but even a loose 50gr coin found in a pocket now makes me think, 20 years later:

oh, enough for a small cotton candy on saturday! 

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