
These are great! These are all really useful methods of defending yourself and I actually learned most of these in my Krav Maga classes. 

I would have to go up against people (usually guys) twice my size and could easily overpower me, but these tricks DO work and they don’t require a lot of strength.

Reblog to save a life


So, I was sitting in a meeting last week, daydreaming as I sometimes do, and...I wouldn’t call it a light bulb moment exactly, but it seemed clear, inarguable, that writing is my thing.  I’ve been searching for “something” for a long, long, long while, and all I did was circle back to that.  Which is weird, because I haven’t exactly had much success writing (fiction), or much motivation.  But it’s my thing, somehow. 

With that said, Camp Nanowrimo starts in less than a week.  My project is to finish my November novel, and I have just five days to figure out how exactly it ends.


I like wearing big shirts bc it’s like, do I have a 6 pack? Idk. Am I overweight? Could be. Did I just wake up? Probably. You’ll never know.


Fort Point, Greenwich Island: We anchored next to the majestic, 184 foot (56 meter) Bark Europa.

Europa was built in 1911, has three masts with 26 sails and is crewed by 16 plus 48 trainees (passengers). Seeing the 100+ year old wooden ship brought the early polar explorers to mind and the challenges they faced.

Almost 200 years ago, Edward Bransfield and William Smith surveyed the South Shetland Islands (1819-1820) while aboard a 3-masted frigate named the Williams.

It was an amazing sight.

#Antarctica #BarkEuropa #latergram #masterandcommander #EdwardBransfield via Instagram http://ift.tt/2ndCNxL


Rules: Complete the survey & say who tagged you in the beginning. When you’re finished, tag people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!

I was tagged by @anelementofsurprise - thanks!  :)  (It was a couple of weeks ago; I somehow missed it at the time!)

1. Are you named after someone?  Yes, I was named after a famous historical figure. 

2. When was the last time you cried?  This evening (oops).  My frustrations trickled down my brain and were gasping for air, so my eyes had to oblige.

3. Do you like your handwriting?  No.  It’s so irregular, it’s hard to like it.

4. What is your favourite lunch meat?  I don’t eat lunch meat.

5. Do you have kids?  No, unless you count my books, which I take very good care of. 

6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?  Sure.  I tend to befriend people (mostly online) who remind me of me.  As horrible as that sounds.  

7. Do you use sarcasm?  Sometimes IRL, but I can’t pull it off very well.  Online, hardly ever.

8. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.

9. Would you bungee jump?  No.

10. What is your favourite kind of cereal?  Honey Nut Cheerios, mmm.

11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?  99% of the time.

12. Do you think you’re a strong person?  Yes, but only because I used to be weak and had to learn the hard way.

13. What is your favourite ice cream?  That’s tough.  Might be pumpkin.

14. What is the first thing you notice about people?  Apart from general appearance, definitely their voice.

15. What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself?  My skin issues.  

16. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now?  Flannel PJs, which are grey plaid with pink accents.  No shoes in the house.  :)

17. What are you listening to right now?  “Sunflower” by Masashi Yamanaka.  One of my pick-me-up songs.

18. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?  Violet-Red.

19. Favourite smell?  Hazelnut coffee is always great.

20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?  My mechanic, I think.

21. Favourite sport to watch?  MLS Soccer!  I also enjoy Winter Olympics.

22. Hair colour?  Black-brown.

23. Eye colour?  Brown.

24. Do you wear contacts?  Yep.

25. Favourite food to eat?  Potato salad is high on the list.

26. Scary movies or comedy?  Comedy.  I don’t do scary movies.

27. Last movie you watched?  Beauty and the Beast  :)

28. What colour of shirt are you wearing?  Gray/pink plaid.

29. Summer or winter?  I (dis)like both about equally.  This past winter was rough on my skin, though, so maybe summer takes the edge.

30. Hugs or kisses?  Don’t touch me...ick...ok, side hug.....

31. What book are you currently reading?  A bunch.  Mostly, tryin to finish off Kafka’s Complete Short Stories.

32. Who do you miss right now?   A lot of folks.

33. What is on your mouse pad?  What.

34. What is the last TV program you watched?  Jeeves and Wooster, a new favorite.

35. What is the best sound?  The voices of family and friends; rain on the roof; Tchaikovsky; packaging; so many nice sounds... 

36. Rolling stones or The Beatles?  Neither.

37. What is the furthest you have ever traveled?  England.

38. Do you have a special talent?  Smiling when I feel sad   Oh, writing!

39. Where were you born?  The Pacific Northwest


“Darling, you’d never succeed in measuring the torment of my soul. Not you or anyone in this world.”

Alfred De Musset, Complete Writing (via mirroir)

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