
Hello Mother Zaf, I hope you are doing well!!

Just doing a small check up because it is 4:03 am for me rn and i need to get ready for school in 2½ hours but i cant sleep. :3



Hi hon! I hope you, in fact, went to sleep

Anonymous asked:

are we getting a part 4 or a virgins pray?

honestly, I don't know. I'm not into marvel that much anymore and I'm not even excited about the Agatha show (I'm more scared than anything tbh), so right now I don't think I'll be writting for it soon. But who knows? Sometimes I do re-read my old works and find the inspiration to continue them, so we'll see. But at the moment, no, I won't be posting another part soon, sorry hon.


Feliz nuevo mes, Zafi💗

Para que con cada día que pase nos volvamos más geis 😘


JAJAJAJAJAJAJA siempre se puede ser más gei, clara que sí 🤗 feliz mes!


Okay so I was gonna keep myself annon because I wasn't sure if I was gonna annoy you with my ideas that were practically a spam XD but I can't tell you how happy it made me that you loved them!!!!! and thank you so much for not revealing which one you are gonna use, I LOVE surprises (^3^) also another sorta surprise that I was really nervous to reveal is that (>~<) I'm Foxy from a long while back, not the first foxy but the second, Im typing all this out including my ideas because my phone broke and I'm on my computer but I'm back (^v^) I'VE MISSED YOU SOOOOO MUUUCCCCHHHH!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD XD

and I wanted to tell you who I was because I had to leave for my religious journey, but I can't tell you how happy I am to be back and to read your stories that bring me SOOOO MUCH JOY!!!!!! (^v^) and I don't know how to prove that I'm the old foxy, but I do remember I told you about my trip to the doctor and I had pretty much a panic attack while the doctor was checking my lungs with a stethascope and you were proud of my gay panic XD XD XD also I love that I was able to help you with the ideas (^v^) I think to prove I wrote them I remember writing like 4 ideas and that the last idea had an alternate ending of either being comedic or being a huge argument/confession, but anyways :) I'm so glad to be back, I absolutely LOVE your latest J X R CLV I think It's literally amazing as your writing always is <3 <3 <3 love ya mama Zaf ;)


omg. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG, FOXY!!!!! :0 I'm so happy to hear about you again!!! Hope you're ok, happy and healthy!!


@ the anon who sent the "get rid of Agustín" ideas:

I LOOOOOOOVE YOU!!! I love you, I love you, I love you!!!! I love all of them! (that's why I'm not answering the post you sent, I'm gatekeeping them so you don't know which one I'm using! >:3) and you actually solved like three fics with this!! AHHHHHH I am so so happy!!! Thank you, thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!

(also, thank you for your kind words about my writtings, I really appreciate it and I'm happy you find joy in them <3)


You know what's the hardest part of writting a long fic for Julieta? Getting Agustín out of the picture. Because I already used the "he's dead" card for Por amor al arte, and it's hinted he's cheating on Juli in El lugar sin límites, and he abandoned his family in Ella se llenó de amor, so now I have Luces de Bohemia and Cuando la veo and I don't know how the fush to get him out (and no, I'm NOT making it a polyship between him, Julieta and R). So yeah, that's the reason I haven't post anything about those fics even if I promised to.

If any of you have ideas for this, please send them.

Anonymous asked:

Hi zaffy zaf zaf!

How is zaf land treating u?

Kitten 💜💜💜

Hi kitten!! I'm fine, thanks! What about you?

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