Worked on it all day. All of your reblogs and likes on the line art of this piece was such a big motivator. So Thankyou so so much. I felt really appreciated. Anyway here is the finished piece. I hope you all like it. It will be up in my store soon!!!
In case you needed the reminder today:
Trans men ARE men.
Trans women ARE women.
Trans girls ARE girls.
Trans boys ARE boys.
Don’t respect someone differently because of their age, race, or other parts of their identity. Whether you live in the US where all these states are making awful anti-trans laws or anywhere else in the world, people are people— treat them with respect and dignity.
I teased this in a previous post and people asked me to expand’s my controversial take that Rhysand and Nesta are actually parallel characters in many ways and that they both hate each other so much because they ultimately hate themselves.
Alright ladies and gentleman, anti’s and stans, buckle your fucking seatbelts or hope off the roller coaster here because I’m about to learn you a thing or two about the most divisive characters in the ACOTAR world.
Starting out very broadly- both characters are introduced as sort of confusing villains (Rhys is “evil” but he’s also helping Feyre. Nesta is an “awful sister”, but she also is protective of Elain and tells Feyre essentially to go and be happy), both have faced significant trauma and grapple with self-loathing and feelings of not being good enough, and both ultimately find redemption and healing with their mates who love them. They also both currently exist in a strange parallel coming out of ACOSF where Rhys is supposedly “chosen by the Cauldron” and Nesta is “blessed by the Mother”- the two sacred entities of Prythian.
Intrigued? More specifics and text analysis under the cut
I actually love all the characters except Feyre. I’ve come around to liking her a bit, but I still find her annoying in that she seems to empathize so well in a few situations and so poorly in the rest. It’s either a direct hit or a total miss with her and it drives me crazy. This was an awesome analysis and I agree with everything except finding Rhys unlikable. I love a good grey character who does their best!
Rhys is willing to say things to Azriel to keep him from pursuing Elain that we know Rhys flat-out does not believe in, and I think that was the scariest part of the Az POV, the part I can’t get out of my head. He even started in on the “mate is male property” line that we know he is COMPLETELY against. I don’t read that as hypocrisy on his part, I read it as Rhys knowing just how bad things are for Azriel, how broken he is, and their arrangement is one where he can’t help him the way he would others. So he is containing him the best he can to protect not just Elain but also protect Azriel himself from making whatever is wrong worse. Something is desperately wrong with Azriel, the POV made that clear, and Rhys’ bit- that he feels he has to approach his brother that way- just shows how scary things might get on his road to healing.
this is my favourite theory ab that chapter.
What chapter? I’m in Canada and exclusive editions are hard to come by
Light Up the Ice - Chapter 10
Summary: Aelin Galathynius has never really been into sports. Yes, she likes to keep in shape, and she works out, but watching people run up and down a field, trying to keep a leather ball away from each other? It’s always seemed a bit childish to her, and decidedly NOT a way for a grown adult to make a living.
Rowan Whitethorn has recently been drafted by the Terresen Staghorns, one of best teams in the EHL (Erilean Hockey League). And since he moved to Terresen from Wendlyn, it’s been hard for him to get more than 30 seconds alone from someone demanding a picture with him. Getting drafted straight out of college wasn’t exactly what he had in mind, but he’s not complaining. Until he accidentally meets a girl. More specifically, until he accidentally meets his neighbor. She seems to have no idea who he is and for some reason, that’s refreshing. But will she still want to be with him once he shows her the truth?
Co-written with @tacmc.
Warnings: language, smut - this chapter is 18+.
Rowan’s phone rang for the third time since he’d made it home from practice less than an hour ago. He had two papers due in the morning and his professors didn’t give a shit if the Warriors were heading to the finals in less than a week. They cared about the history of Wendlyn and its allies.
His girlfriend, however, clearly didn’t give a shit about either.
The Bridge Kingdom and The Traitor Queen are such FINE books— the story, characters, romance, angst, EVERYTHING has my heart.
Read these books if you want good enemies to lovers, married to murder her husband, marriage of convenience trope set in a good (amazing, actually) fantasy world.
PS - I thought I knew what a badass bitch is but Lara Veliant proved me wrong - she's THE badass bitch of all badass bitches.
AGREED with ALL of the above!!
I'm glad, this series has such a small fandom it hurts 🤧🥺
IKR! It deserves to be soooo much bigger than it is. Like Sarah J Maas level big - I recommend it to everyone
YESS! Everybody, please read The Bridge Kingdom and bless yourselves. ⚡✨
I’ll have to look into this book🤔 the TBR pile can still fit a little more...
Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone of any nationality and ethnicity.
Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone in the LGBTQ+ community.
Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone with a disability or disorder.
Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone who has experienced or is experiencing trauma.
Reblog if your page is a safe space.
Summer Book Recommendations
Enemies/Rivals/Idiots to Lovers
The Folk of the Air Trilogy by Holly Black (complete)
Something Dark and Holy Trilogy by Emily Duncan (ongoing)
The Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden (complete)
A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J Maas (ongoing)
Crescent City by Sarah J Maas (ongoing)
We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal (ongoing)
An Ember in the Ashes series by Sabaa Tahir (ongoing)
Caraval by Stephanie Garber (complete)
Pandemonium by Willow Anderson (ongoing)
The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller (complete)
Grishaverse novels by Leigh Bardugo
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
I'll be updating once I get my hands on more books! :)
search your name + “core aesthetic” on Pinterest and make a moodboard for yourself!
This was fun, thanks @hail-doodles 💕
Tagging @rhysanoodle @sncinder @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @illyrian-bookworm @florrama @tswaney17 and whoever wants to participate 🥰
Thank you @julesherondalex !
This was actually quite hard bc most of it was just Megan Fox gifs whoops
This is so much fun! Kind of hard though hihi. Thank you @florrama :)
Omg this was fun 💖💖💖
Here were the first results! The hufflepuff in me is sad there’s so much green lol! Thanks @hellas-himself
I love this lol 😂 but I’m also a slytherin lmao
Oh well, at least I kinda feel the Folk of the Air vibes too
search your name + “core aesthetic” on Pinterest and make a moodboard for yourself!
This was fun, thanks @hail-doodles 💕
Tagging @rhysanoodle @sncinder @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @illyrian-bookworm @florrama @tswaney17 and whoever wants to participate 🥰
Thank you @julesherondalex !
This was actually quite hard bc most of it was just Megan Fox gifs whoops
This is so much fun! Kind of hard though hihi. Thank you @florrama :)
Omg this was fun 💖💖💖
Here were the first results! The hufflepuff in me is sad there’s so much green lol! Thanks @hellas-himself
Not that I expect anyone to care, but I changed my username to be more recognizable across my other platforms like Wattpad and AO3
Former username: @feyres-painting-studio
Current: @illyrian-tattoos
Super excited to finally reveal this illustration, featured on the latest LitJoy Crate puzzle in their February 2020 Box, Once Upon a Retelling! Inspired by ACOTAR, the ladies at Litjoy Crate pitched an amazing idea to crossover the characters with the stained glass aesthetics of Beauty And The Beast! Featuring Rhysand & Tamlin with their beast forms, Feyre, a rosey cauldron, and backdrops of Velaris and Rose Hall. ✨ 🌹 I had so much fun with this one, and dropped in a lot of easter eggs from the series, 14 items in total! Though, I must admit I’m kicking myself for missing the most obvious item to include, one that was at the very top of my list but in the end never made it into the piece!! 😩 Feyre’s paintbrushes!
I love this so much!!!
So so many friends!!!
Some assholes have been putting nails in cheese and treats in dog parks in Chicago and Massachusetts. Also adding antifreeze to water bowls.
Please watch out for your dogs. And if you find out the address of someone doing this, give me the address and tell no one. I will disembowel them.
Antifreeze is fucking deadly as shit. Whilst my mom worked in the vets office the neighbor of a cat owner had become sick of his neighbors tom spraying by his house so he left antifreeze out for the cat. Animals are weirdly attracted to the smell and will drink it.
The cat was given to the vets and for 2 days it’s insides were slowly dissolved by the acids and it bled from his nose, mouth and even eyes.
On the second day, the vet not being able to help and refusing to let the cat suffer any longer put the cat down. The neighbor who did not deny his crimes didn’t even offer to pay the woman’s vet bill.
Fuck who ever is doing this. They can fucking burn.
my friend had a cat and it drank antifreeze that was puddled in the driveway and one day they were knitting and it just vomited up all of its internal organs and fell over dead on her lap.
The perpetrators of all of this will burn in Hell.
A neighbor of mine threw a ball of hamburger full of rat poison pellets over our fence for my son’s dog. He survived, barely, but has had nerve damage ever since.
Okay, listen up, if your pet drinks antifreeze, do you know what the cure is? Alcohol. That’s right. To save your furry little friend you have to get them drunk out of their faces. Antifreeze is an inhibitor and stops your enzymes from working, but luckily alcohol stops that from happening. I learned this from my A Level Biology lessons, but here’s a source anyway
not blog related, but I’m not an asshole
keep your animal friends safe.
Even a Beholder wouldn’t do this. Signal Boost
I would not hesitate to drop anyone who would do this into the earth, s i g n a l b o o s t
This applies to humans, too.
The first choice is fomepizole, but a lot of vets don’t keep it in stock.
Barring that, clear alcohols like vodka or everclear are a standard treatment for methanol or ethylene glycol poisoning
keep your smol and furry friends safe <3
Keep our sweet innocent babies safe from these types of fuckers!!
Why would anyone do that? Like…how can you be so cruel?? They will burn in hell
Anyone who does this shit to innocent animals should choke on a fucking cactus while getting shat on by a cow
What kind of sick fuck would want to harm innocent animals
signal. boost.
i nearly cried reading this omg
//what in the fuck I hope that asshole dies
reblog if you want more interaction w your lovely followers
when i say flood my inbox, i mean flood it. go wild y’all.
yes please
Make the inbox explode because I’m bored
reblog this w your weirdest fear!!! mine’s balloons
I said weirdest not deepest! stop reblogging this w shit like ‘my life falling apart’ and ‘intimacy’ and have fun!! be scared of figurines or something damn
I love the night and the night sky but I’m afraid of the dark... don’t ask me how it works, it just does