
The glory, jest, and riddle of the world!

@cinqueform / cinqueform.tumblr.com


Hellppp some transphobe found my posts about getting surgery and is yelling in my asks about how I mutilated my ‘perfect feminine body’ . I got my wisdom teeth removed.

[The divine feminine] is stored in the [wisdom teeth]


Nålhus aka needle houses aka needle keepers made with wool fabric, protected by a ceramic case. Stamped patterns with inspiration from plants and nature in general and the geometrical lines somewhat inspired by runes.


One of these are still in the shop now at nymla.se

This is really pretty! 💜💜💜

And useful! I've made myself several from leg bones of deer and sheep.

People often don't realize that needles used to be really hard to make in the olden days. Imagine having a fragile little piece of bone and having to drill a hole to it! (This is why the oldest bone needles didn't have holes but a little cut on the side to hold the thread and that the 1st holed needles are considered a huge leap in early human technology.)

Needles were vital for survival because that's the thing you need to make and fix your garments! Fine needle work was literally a skill that kept you from dying of exposure to harsh weather, that kept your seams water proof* if done right. It's a precious item you wanted to protect from breaking or getting lost, and having a needle holder like this, which you could hang on your belt, is a genius way to keep your needles safe!

Ancient crafts textile Artisan nerding here, why yes I am. I just really love these and think they're super cool! 💜

*if you're curious and want to read more, I highly highly recommend Betty Kobayashi Issenman's book Sinews of Survival: the Living Legacy of Inuit Clothing.

Reblog becaaause that was a lovely text about needles 😍 So interesting!


it's wild that virtually all modern digital infrastructure is built to constantly spy on us and harvast our data for advertising yet online advertsing is still basically worthless and nobody seems to actually be benefitting from all this

a vast rube goldberg machine of privacy violations all working together to deliver the most precisely targeted ads straight into my adblocker


I see a lot of people joking about the adhd thing of "I have a appointment/phone call at 3pm, guess I won't do anything all day!"

But no one seems to make the connection that it's a time blindness thing. One of the symptoms of ADHD is not having a good and accurate sense of time. And not doing stuff prior to an event with a hard deadline is an obvious coping mechanism for that.

Can I go to the store? It's 10am and the appointment is at 3pm. How long does going to the store take? An hour? Three hours? Five hours? I DON'T KNOW!

I get anxious trying to do things before appointments because I'm aware that I don't know how long those things take, and that if I think I do, I may be very wrong. Too often I've been like "hey I can walk to the corner store and grab a drink, that'll take like 15 minutes!" and then an hour later I get back and whoops my rice has burnt.

Plus there's also the fact that ADHD people know that motivation and focus is a two-edged sword.

Like, let's say you decide to play a video game. You've got time, you can pause/save whenever, so this should be a perfect fit to make good use of your waiting-time. So you start playing and WHOOPS you get really focused for some reason today (because people with ADHD do not get to pick when their brain decides to focus) and the next time you look at the clock it's 2:49 and you haven't showered or dressed and the appointment is 30 minutes away. Fuck. (you could have set an alarm, but now you're asking people with the forgetting-things-and-time-ignoring condition to remember it set alarms)

And with motivation, it can be almost worse. Instead of playing a game, you so something useful or creative. You clean your room or fix your plumbing or write a story or draw a picture. And suddenly it's great. Your brain is firing on all cylinders. You've got all the motivation you can ask for, and you are FLYING. the ideas are brilliant, your hands are nimble, you're getting stuff done you've been putting off for weeks or months. And then the alarm goes off. Time to go to your appointment. Fuck.

You drive there, your brain still full of ideas and plans. But by the time you get back, the motivation is gone. You may still have the ideas but you don't have the drive to write them down. You can't force yourself to do it. Your sink is still in pieces. Your room is half-cleaned, and you have to shove all the sorted clothes into one big bin just so you have somewhere to sleep. You've left things half finished again, in a cycle that has been repeating your whole fucking life. It seems sometimes that nothing ever gets finished.

So next time you don't even start. There's not time. You've been burnt too many times. Why add another half-completed project to your pile of shame?

My point is that people seem to be going "lol I can't do anything all day if I have an appointment at 3pm" like this is a quirky "oh I'm so scatterbrained!" weirdness they alone have, and not a major complication of a disabling mental illness.

(and that's not even getting into the secondary effects. If you know that having an appointment ruins your whole damn day, you're going to avoid them. Even when it's things like "going to that party" or "meeting your friends for a drink/game" or "going to a movie with that cute girl from your math class". Things you should enjoy. Things that'd help you be social. Things that make you feel human.)

My youngest sister is an incredibly productive person. She owns her own small business, and so works from home-- well, it's a farm, and she lives on the grounds, so she's never away from her workplace. She is working constantly, working hard, both for the business and for her personal goals. She makes incredible use of the little gaps she has in her schedule to cram new things in. She makes her own granola, which takes hours in the oven, and never burns it, always manages to swing by the house in time to stir it or turn it off or whatever, remembers to come back once it's cooled and put it away. Makes yeast doughs, rising for hours on the counter, comes back to punch them down, never misses it. Sure she sets a lot of alarms on her phone, but what eludes me is not the remembering about these tasks, it's the knowing how long it takes. I've watched her fearlessly begin a complicated task in an idle time of ten minutes, knowing with utter certainty that the thing she needs to do, the complicated, multi-step, intellectually-focus-requiring thing, will take her seven or eight minutes, and she's right. She's right! She gets it done, crosses it off her list, moves on, makes the hard deadline with time to spare, while I've just spent that same time idling because there was nothing I could dare to start that I'd know would be done in time.

Meanwhile that same task is on my to-do list for six months because I have no idea how long it will take, and in my only long stretches of free time in the evenings, I am so tired and scatterbrained that I can't muster the focus to do it. In the mornings, to put her daughter on the bus, I have to go outside ten minutes early because I'm so afraid I'll miss it, because the bus came early once and I missed it because I wasn't ready because it wasn't supposed to come for another four minutes. Child puts up with me and goes outside early with me, but she occasionally points out that if her mother's getting her on the bus they don't go outside for another few minutes. But I am so afraid of missing the bus that I can't bear it, and I'll go stand outside alone and wait for it while she's still getting her shoes on.

Sister listens to audiobooks while she's working, audiobooks and podcasts and the news, she knows what's going on and consumes dozens of books in a year, learns about new topics, expands her mind. I can't do anything and also listen to something i'm expected to retain; if I listen to an audiobook I either don't understand it or lose track of what i'm supposed to be doing and just stand there listening instead. I can't follow a podcast. I get so stressed out trying to understand the news.

We both have 24 hours in our day, but she gets to use all of them, and I feel like some days I can't use any of them.


HEAR HEAR. I know it would probably be good for me, maybe even reduce the incidence of fucking hating myself, but at the same time the thought of being that rigidly controlled panics and infuriates me.

Ah! I meant the data-gathering kind of “timing” on this one. Keep a stopwatch around and actually time (and record) how long things take. In particular, the ones that are like “it would be unfair for this task to take *that* long” (whether because it’s one of those boring background ones [what do you MEAN it’s easily 7 min on tooth care if I’m flossing too]/[how the fuck does it take time to transition from doing something to being out the door?? does not compute] or engrossing ones [yeah I can totally finish this row in a few minutes, hang on]. The idea is to help your intuition get more accurate by feeding it actual data instead of impressions. And I guess the next step is a fairly manual calculation of “ok so if these things have to happen then how long is it *actually* going to take and how long from now is the deadline?” that I expect there’s a decent chance of (very eventually) ending up as a more automatic skill.

I*am* pretty sure it would help strengthen my time sense. It took several years of intense martial arts practice (and possibly very late development? but I think mostly the practice) to massively improve my hand-eye coordination. Tight feedback loops with a shitton of drill and now I can fairly reliably toss a ball from hand to hand. Until my late 20s I absolutely could not.

But also thanks I hate it. I hate it less than “be an hour early just in case” or “plan your day down to the minute and melt down when you inevitably can’t actually keep to the schedule because the level of detail in the systems you’d need to do that reliably is not achievable” but I hate that this is so hard for me, and also hard for me to learn, and also valued so highly by most of the rest of the world with so little support.

re: tags yes this is a thing @copperbadge has talked about, their main post on it revolves around the example of timing waiting for your bag at the airport


Yep! I started using the stopwatch on my phone clock app to time how long I was waiting for my luggage, and after a couple of years I determined the average wait time and the average wait time until "I better talk to the luggage office".

But I do this for other things too -- for example, when I changed jobs after years of the same commute, I started timing how long it took me to get to my new bus stop, how long the bus took to arrive, and from there how long it took me to get to work on the bus. I kept a spreadsheet of the times in Google Drive, and after a few weeks I was able to better determine when I needed to start getting dressed and what was the latest time I should leave for the bus in order to get to work "on time" rather than "30-90 minutes early".

Although admittedly I've also structured my life so that if I do get somewhere early and have 30-90 minutes to kill I always have something I can be doing, and I'm very good at finding places to camp out in the meantime. Like, I'm not going to show up to a doctor's office an hour before my appointment, but if I get to the vicinity of the office and I'm an hour early, I know how to find places I can stay warm/cool depending on the time of year and be out of the elements.

It's something that can be done for daily routines, which helps a lot, but I'm still a bit at sea for stuff like "going to a show at a theatre I've never been to before" or "traveling on public transit that's new to me/in a different city." And of course one's ability to do stuff like spend weeks clocking your walk/bus time on a new commute may be limited; just because I like logging that kind of thing doesn't mean everyone wants to or is capable of. But if you can, it does help a great deal. (As does reminding oneself that at a certain point the penalty for, say, missing a bus once in a while is just being late, not punishment and suffering. Usually, anyway. Tough to internalize that, mind you.)


Yet more of my favorite duo 💛 different style, far too much perspective lol. Considering getting prints made of this one....


Terrible idea: a text which uses both allographs of the letter "g" and they have different meanings. Like there's two characters named "Greg" but they write their names with different "g"s.


so apparently “asexual reproduction” is no longer the preferred scientific term, so if anyone makes a sponge joke or whatever just scream “IT’S AGAMETIC KNOW YOUR SCIENCE” and throw a textbook at them

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