
Kirk To Enterprise

@cpt-jim-kirk / cpt-jim-kirk.tumblr.com

An independent Star Trek, Captain James T. Kirk RP Blog (Mostly AOS/Kelvin Timeline) | Mun is 18+ | I'm not new to roleplaying, but as you can see, this blog is new and under construction

hello! newly revamped rp blog for SEAN FALCO from BAD SAMARITAN. if you enjoy sweet, artistic lads being tormented by serial killers with an uncomfortable affinity for horses, loads of whump, and a hefty helping of hurt / comfort, this just might be the blog for you.

jokes aside, please do read my rules before following. this blog may feature heavily triggering topics including but not limited to: murder, gore, physical and psychological torture, dehumanization, manipulation, gaslighting, etc. 

reblogs are much appreciated! i’d love to find new blogs to follow. ♥



rules: repost don’t reblog! bold and italicize what applies accordingly. 

tagged by @aviophobic !!! 

tagging: whoever wants to :3

ANGER: jaw clenching, hands balling into fists, teeth grinding, yelling, going nonverbal, stuttering speech, rushed speech, slow concise speech, rambling, quiet, arms crossing, shaking head, tearing up, animated, expressionless, projects, internalizes, vents, withdraws, passive aggressive, direct, physical outbursts, verbal outbursts
JOY: easy smiles, fighting back grins, suppressed laughter, loud laughter, giggles, chuckling, smirks, whole body laughs, covers mouth when laughing/giggling, throws head back when laughing, slaps leg, touches people around them when laughing, looks down when laughing, looks for eye contact when laughing, sparkling eyes, bubbly happiness, quiet subtle happiness, obnoxious happiness, wants to spread joy, quietly savors joy
SADNESS: crying, bottling it up, seeks distractions, wallows, meditates and processes, avoidance, seeks out comfort, withdraws, talks it out, internalizes it, sad smiles, depression naps, uses alcohol, uses drugs, seeks out sources of joy, fidgets with sentimental item, sits in silence, broods, gets moody, wants someone to share the misery, tries to hide negative emotions, nurtures others to make themselves feel better
EMBARRASSMENT/SHAME: blushing, looking away, rubbing at back of head, covering face, laughing nervously, laughs it off, overthinks, lets it go, self deprecating humor, deflects, gets irritated, smiles, withdraws, crossing arms over stomach, crossing arms over chest, hands in pockets, shoulders sinking, shrugs, falling into silence until comfortable again, talking a lot to compensate
GUILT: avoiding eye contact, shoulders sinking low, head hanging down, crying, chest aches, lashes out, internalizes, apologizes, deflects, communicates, withdraws, grand gestures for forgiveness, accepts fault easily, punishes themselves, martyrdom, victim complex, over-active guilt complex, healthy conscience, internalizes even after forgiveness, seeking redemption, moves on easily, denial, lack of guilt/conscience, sorry they got caught more than caused harm, can’t handle knowing they hurt others
FEAR/ANXIETY: trembling, crying, sarcasm/sass to cope, rambles, goes silent, gets angry, fidgeting, clenching jaw, picking at nails, chewing at lip, pulling at clothes, adjusting jewelry/clothing, swallowing thickly, eyes widening, over-reacts, under-reacts, calm, logical, panic, irrational, overthinks, carefully analyzes, talks to themselves, breathing exercises, flight, fight, withdraw, fawn

“ i knew it… loyalty never was your cup of tea, was it? “

(For Q)


“Loyalty!? To whom is my loyalty supposed to lie?” Q questioned before he grinned at the sight of the person. This wasn’t uncommon and yet it was not an ordinary arrival. “Oh dear, Kirk…not exactly the captain I was in search of but amusing nonetheless.”

It was interesting the design of the man before him. He knew well enough of the other Kirk but this version seemed more headstrong…and that was saying something. “That’s a very direct question to ask, I’m almost shocked but at the same time…you always were very direct.” Q knew enough about what must have been going through the captain’s mind. So he was on alert enough to have some caution for the human’s nature.
“I am from another universe, sadly, I seem to have gotten here without knowing how…or even why I’m here.” A mortal would be worried but Q was enthralled.
“Tell me, dear captain…tell me all you can about this present time.”

Jim feels incredulous. First of all, Q really is from another universe. That alone throws him and makes things even more complicated than they were when the only thing he knew about Q was that he was some kind of super-being. And then Q asks oh so casually about the present time. Jim can’t blame him, especially if he did end up here on accident. But Kirk’s skepticism makes it hard for him to fully believe that part. With someone as powerful as Q how could he know for sure?

Dear captain. 


Jim doesn’t like that. Not from Q. Not one bit. 

“The year is 2263,” Kirk says folding his arms across his chest, “We’ve had other people from other universes end up here. They destroyed Vulcan and tried to destroy Earth.” That’s not completely true when the Spock from that universe was also technically one of those people, but Q doesn’t need to know that. 

                     HE’S KNELT IN THE GRASS once Captain Kirk arrives, scanning a crop of plants. They’re a unique shade he’s discovered, having caught his attention within moments of stepping foot on the surface. The edges are mingled of bright reds and yellows; a trace of violet near the stem. It is a sharp gradient that reminds Spock of the glow of quasars deep in the canvas of space. He leans in slightly for greater inspection, angling his head to avoid the sudden shadow eclipsing the sun over his shoulder. “Captain.” Spock greets him succinctly, determined focus never leaving the objects at his feet. Under his hands, he watches them shiver, the way the leaves seem to sway with purpose as he nears with his tricorder. Spock’s gaze alights with interest. Fascinating. Another moment passes before Spock unfolds to a stand. His eyes stay fixed on the screen, data bouncing in green lines that inform him of its working assessment. It is organic—that much is obvious. But there’s something else. Something more. And for that, Spock cannot deny his growing eagerness to continue exploring—to parse these readings and make sense of them once they’ve returned to the ship, later. The thought is enough to appease the fact that he’s been distracted. He turns to Kirk. “I think,” he begins, meeting the Captain’s good natured query with the wing of his brow, “More information is required to provide you an efficient response.” It’s a challenge to proceed. There is much of this planet to cover in the short time they have—at least, in comparison to any amount of time Spock would prefer to spend in this endeavor. All of it is new, untouched and quite surely ripe with scientific value. He eyes an outcropping of trees in the distance, “If there is no objection, sir, I would prefer to follow the path of these plants for the time being. They appear to lead toward the area ahead of us.” 

Kirk can't help the grin that rises on his face when Kirk sees Spock raise his eyebrow. Why he finds that so endearing? He doesn’t really know. Maybe it’s just because it’s such a Spock thing to do. 

And maybe, just maybe, Kirk has started to let Spock grow on him. 

Actually, it’s not a maybe. Spock definitely has grown on him. 

“Go right ahead, Spock. Lead on.” Kirk responds, seeing Spock’s gaze train on the trees further on. Spock is the science officer here and this is a scientific mission, so he’ll defer to Spock’s judgement on this unless he feels like he needs to take command. But this is supposed to be calm. Relaxing, even. If things go according to plan, the most he’ll probably have to do is get Spock to wrap things up and pry him away from his alien flora once their time here is up. 

Spock does love interesting plants. Kirk’s been noticing over the time he’s been working with him on missions like these. Or his first officer just likes novel new things that give him plenty to learn about. Either way, Kirk’s found himself really liking to see the side of Spock that comes out when he finds something like that.  

Kirk starts walking across the field of flowers and grasses, heading towards the trees. Something is weird, though. He pauses and tries to figure out what it is. It takes him a second, but it’s the plants. They almost seem to— well— move. Not a lot. It’s not like they’re getting up and walking around. But strangely, they seem to be aware of his presence. And they shift ever so slightly as he goes by. It could just be caused by his rustling as he passes them, though, and not actually have anything to do with the plants at all. 

“Are the—?” He begins to question taking a glance at Spock as he continues to walk. There’s a brief pause before he rephrases his question. “Do you notice the plants, uh— moving? Like slightly?” 

He furrows his eyebrows and looks at the plants. They seem to have stopped now that he’s looking at them again. They’re moving like normal plants do. Was he just seeing things? He glances at Spock again, wondering if he noticed it or if Jim’s just being paranoid or something. 



RULES:  Repost, do not reblog. Bold always applies. Italics applies sometimes.


ARIES:   tries to do everything at once, doesn’t know when to stop and take care of themselves, bends over backwards for everyone even if someone did them dirty, has entirely too much on their plate.

TAURUS:   idealistic, spends a lot of time trying to impress others, doesn’t like to apologize, eating is a coping mechanism or just addictive personalities in general, a tad co-dependent.

GEMINI:  the most flip floppy people ever, what’s today’s mood?, never apologizes, in denial 90% of the time, their way is the highway, desperately needs a break, they have a hard time setting goals because their goals scare them.

CANCER:   the literal meaning of i’ll give you the shirt off my back, isolates themselves in fear of someone hurting them, wants to change but is scared of change, complains a lot but never takes advice people give them.

LEO:    no one takes them seriously because they feel they always have to portray themselves as the fun one, is actually really sad inside, honestly needs a hug, exhausted always.

VIRGO:   can dish it but can’t take it, rushes everything, anxious, plans their future but forgets to live in the moment, sometimes ignores their friends because they have so much on their mind, talks about themselves a lot and sometimes forgets to ask the other person how they are.

LIBRA: solves everyone’s problems but their own, is actually really sad and lonely, gets easily heartbroken but tries not to show it, will do anything to justify bad decisions, honestly just wants everyone to love them but doesn’t really love themselves.

SCORPIO:     easily set off, will give anyone the cold shoulder at any given time even without reason, keeps a lot in, so observant that they oftentimes find out things that hurt them, too many “what ifs” swirling in their heads, has trouble showing their true self.

SAGITTARIUS:     impatient, brash, commitment issues, body issues, doesn’t realize they don’t need to change for anyone, has a lot of different goals to a point where they get overwhelmed, just wants to disappear and do what they want without anyone questioning them.

CAPRICORN:    scared people won’t like them unless they’re at the top of their game 24/7, takes a lot for them to talk about their feelings, secretly struggling, fake happy, needs a plan but doesn’t know what that plan is, confident but insecure at the same time, wants to be stable but sometimes wishes they could drop everyone’s expectations of them and live normally.

AQUARIUS:    gets heartbroken like 30 times a week, trust issues, can be unmotivated and disinterested, feels they have to adapt to every person they meet so they can be liked, doesn’t know how to tap into their emotions despite being very intuitive, confused, expects little.

PISCES:     empathetic often to a point of no return, plays the victim, doesn’t know when to say no, cynical, hermit, is very impatient, trusts everyone too much, can be secretly very critical and judgmental, can only tolerate maybe ten minutes of social interaction, needs a lot of validation.

tagged by: @fasciinating​ <3 >w<

tagging: @ensignnavigator​ , @multiverseformuses​ , @phoenixspirits​ , @positronicminds​ , And you!! 


“ i knew it… loyalty never was your cup of tea, was it? “

(For Q)


“Loyalty!? To whom is my loyalty supposed to lie?” Q questioned before he grinned at the sight of the person. This wasn’t uncommon and yet it was not an ordinary arrival. “Oh dear, Kirk…not exactly the captain I was in search of but amusing nonetheless.”

“Do not seem so down, my boy, I am not here to battle with your likes just yet…I am just testing the waters of this realm.” Q knew he was far from where he would have like to be. Though he knew well that he had to use the opportunity he had wisely. “It’s not what I want, it’s what I might learn,” Q answers calmly as he leans towards the young captain. 
“You are not exactly as I once knew though, I guess not only time changes appearance.“ 

Yet again, Kirk is left wondering what Q even means by all that. Q is a wild card in the most disorienting ways. At least he’s not here to pick a fight. Yet. 

Yet is a keyword here. 

What Q says as he leans forward makes Jim uncomfortable. Q’s talking as if he knows him. But what is he talking about? Not only time changes appearances. He may know him, but not like he is now. That almost reminds him of something. Wait— 

“You’re from another universe aren’t you?”



last song –––  And You? (Outro) by DEAN. A personal classic.
currently reading  ––– More Beautiful Than Death (Typical) and Grant Morrison’s Animal Man.
currently watching ––– Young Justice *cough* rewatching *cough* and Clone Wars for the first time.
last movie  ––– Er, I’ve started watching many, but have finished few. The last one I watched all the way through was Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum.
currently craving  ––– Math. Just lemme do some math.

tagged by :  @fasciinating​ ^-^​

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