
Back from a long adventure...


You stare across the tavern at a peculiar figure, who seems familiar. Her face is pale and gaunt, illuminated by the fire in the corner and giving it a ghostly look. She has murky green eyes and her hair is shaved short, with a long fringe of tousled curly hair lying over her eye. She is dressed in a black travellers cloak and a dark green shirt. Besides her feet lay a case, most likely for a violin judging by its size. You watch as she stares into the fire, looking lost in thought. But who is she? you think as you reached for your drink. Why is she so familiar? By the look of her hair, she was a hobbit, but you have never known a hobbit to have shaved hair, let alone wear black and have such a serious demeanour. A quiet voice pops into your head " I think it is past time you mind your own business" Taken aback, you do as the voice asks and head up to the bar to refill your drink. Across the room, the hobbit pulled out a book and began writing....  Profile Picture:@sherlocks-mind Ao3:InspectorWatson

Degraded - Short Story.

Any feedback would be appreciated. Otherwise, see this as an opportunity to reconnect with me after a long hiatus.


Alex Took shifted nervously. This time, he knew that he had taken things too far. Still, there was at least some comfort in knowing there was nothing he could do but wait. 

The interrogation room he sat in however, was anything but comforting. It was cramped, with only a wooden table and two chairs inside. The only source of light was a small torch hanging on the wall behind him. Even in this dim light, Alex could see the dark outlines of reddish brown stains splattered on the walls. It seemed that the cost of information was torture, and lining the walls in blood. It was also apparent that the Sheriff must have no issues with paying up. 

As he waited, he only continued to grow more restless. The Sheriff was typically kind to him, at least kind enough to turn a blind eye to him and his misdemeanours every once in a while, but everyone had their limits.

He had been given a final chance. Now, he was left to ponder the consequence of breaking the Sheriff’s trust once again. Perhaps the walls will be repainted in a fresh coat of his own blood. The thought of it made Alex begin to feel a tight knot in the bottom of his stomach. Alex looked up and the knot in his stomach tightened as he made eyes with the Sheriff. 

The man was a few years his senior, and walked with the confidence that came with years of unearned respect. He was tall, tall enough at least to tower over the younger man, and had large muscles that strained under his uniform as he moved. His hair was dark, and fell loose down to his shoulders, and a slight stubble was starting to show on his face. Alex’s gaze was drawn to the man’s eye; a striking pale blue that were clouded and judgemental under thick bushy eyebrows. Alex looked further, trying to assess what treatment he might receive, but the man set his face in a practised neutral expression that gave nothing away. Alex watched silently as the man sat across from him, and placed his forearms on the table, leaning slightly forward towards him.

The man sighed loudly “What are you doing Took?”

Alex opened his mouth to speak, the looked up at the Sheriff and thought again. He was impossible to read. There was a short pause. 

Then the Sheriff continued, “It’s not a surprise to me of course, I just can’t help feeling a little... disappointed-” Alex retorted, “Look sir, it was a mistake, I-I just didn’t have a choice-”, but the Sheriff continued.

“Criminals always make excuses Took. I’ve let you off time and time again and look where that’s gotten me,” he paused to glance around the dingy room, “In this shithole, with a crook who never changes”. 

Alex thought to try and defend himself, but he clenched his jaw firmly shut. He’d learned when it comes to law enforcement, it was better to shut your fly and look like an idiot than to open it and prove it. Still, it seemed that a crook never learns their lesson. 

“I am a good person,” he said it with confidence but the words still felt like a lie when they were in his mouth. 

The Sheriff laughed, a mocking cruel laugh that filled the small cell. He quickly regained composure. 

“You? A good person?” he stopped to stifle his laughter “Good people learn their lesson, and try to help others.” All the humour left his face, and he continued, “Good people do not steal the purses of crying widows.”

Alex shifted in his seat again, and tilted his head down in shame. He didn’t even think to ask why she might have been crying. Still, he resisted, like an unruly child trying to argue with a parent. 

“I know I’m not perfect, but I’m not a monster,”.

Alex felt burning at the back of his throat, and his eyes beginning to well up with tears. He couldn’t bring himself to believe in his lies anymore. The Sheriff leaned in closer to Alex until their foreheads were almost touching. He smirked. 

“Who are you trying to convince here Took? Me or you? I’m no fool and I know you’re lying”

Alex couldn’t hold back his tears. He held his head in his hands as he cried quietly, whilst the Sheriff leaned back satisfied. Alexander Took, great criminal mastermind, King of the Underworld, was completely at his mercy. He watched the boy shake, gasping in between sobs. 

“I thought we were friends” he forced out in between breaths. 

The Sheriff looked at the boy with disdain,

“Friends? With you? You aren’t my friend Took” he spat every word out harshly, “We were never friends. You’re just another pain in my ass I deal with in this job”

Alex slowly began to steady his breathing, and couldn’t ignore the growing ache deep in his stomach. Broken, he looked up at the Sheriff.

“Please sir-,” he paused and looked for sympathy in the Sheriff’s face. He found none.

“I wont do it again” he continued quietly.

The Sheriff looked down at the small boy in front of him. This was not the arrogant, vain criminal he was so used to dealing with. This was a weak, pathetic little boy who deserved his scolding. He knew that his work here was done, and he didn’t need to lay a finger on him.The Sheriff leaned forward again. 

“Listen here Took,” he hissed, “I’m done hearing your excuses. Now pay up and get lost.”

Alex obeyed in silence.



My plans for writing and New Year


So New Year was about a week ago, and one of the resolutions I made is to write and draw more often, so I have decided I am going to get into fan fiction writing as I don’t want to commit to a new full project just yet.

As well as cleaning out my Tumblr a bit, I have decided that I am going to be allowing prompts and ideas for fanart and fanfiction for the new year. So if you want to request a specific fanfiction/fanart idea or prompt, click here!

I am going to start putting up my fanfictions on my ao3 account, which is called InspectorWatson (link here). There isn’t anything on there at the moment, but that is going to change soon. I probably wont post full stories on my Tumblr, but if you request something on here, I will let you know when it is posted.

Watson (@thewriterandthestoryteller/InspectorWatson) 


I mentioned in my previous post, (which is here) that I wanted to get back in touch with people I haven’t messaged for a while. So if we haven’t spoken in a while, or if you want to talk to me for the first time, feel free to send me a message :)


Why I haven’t been posting much...

A quick note before I begin, this post is a little bit dark and serious, so if you don’t really fancy reading something like that on boxing day, please feel free to scroll away from this post now. I really won’t be offended by that.


Im not dead. Im just busy

A friendly reminder that I am not quitting/abandoning my tumblr, I am just on hiatus whilst I am more preoccupied with other things. I hope to be more active soon.


People always moan about the second of anything not being as good as the first. I am going to publish my second book first and see if people still act the same way..


To die again and again

I was successfully procrastinating again, doing anything, but what I’m supposed to do. Like learning for my exams, writing my papers, finishing the fourth chapter of me WIP. Instead I created this piece of depressivness and sorrow, but I have to admit that I’m kind of proud of it. It’s so dark! I would be happy if anyone would care to read it.


With wide eyes he stared at her, tears running in streams down his face, as powerful sobs shook his body. He was barely able to speak, his voice a trembling mess, as he tried to call out for her, helplessly, desperately, but no matter how hard he tried, nothing but chocked sounds and whimpers left his swollen lips, while his eyes seemed to say everything. He didn’t want her to go. He didn’t want her to die.

I’m starting a tag list and I hope you don’t mind to be included.

@enasroterfaden You already said it was fine to tag you and I’m happy that you might want to read the nonsense that I produce. Thanks for your support.

@cogwrites You already read one or two of my stories and always left such encouraging replies. And I think you always mention on your blog how you don’t mind being tagged, so I hope this is alright. If it is not, please tell me and I won’t do it again.

@writerinhighheels I hope you don’t mind being tagged either. You were one of the few who once left a reply on something I wrote, so you’re kind of stuck in my head. Sorry for always tagging you in everything that comes to my mind. I don’t know a lot of people on tumblr and like I said, you kind of left an impression. I hope I did a better job on placing commas this time.

@firewritten You write a lot of dark stories too, way better than I do. So I thought maybe you might be interested. If not, just tell me and I won’t tag you again.

@futureauthor-mabye We didn’t talk a lot lately, but I still consider you a friend and I hope you don’t mind being tagged in my crappy stories. I would be happy if we could write again.

@thewriterandthestoryteller And you’re my friend. Read it if you feel like it or leave it be. I don’t mind. Though I think you shouldn’t read this one if you’re already down. I think I should write something happy for you the next time.

It didn’t get better as he died shortly after her.

The moment he woke up again he knew that something horrible had happened and that he wasn’t sure, if he wanted to know it or not. But what he knew, was that he couldn’t get around it, that at some point he would regain his memory and remember the gruesome things that had happened, no matter if he wanted to or not.

Absolutely brilliant as always. 💗 Please keep me in your tag list, I can't wait to see more of your stories.



I have been suffering from a lack of motivation today, so I went to my trusty friend @firewritten for some ‘dark and dramatic prompts’, and let's just say they certainly delivered!


Watson (@thewriterandthestoryteller)

“Cooking show hosts who hate each other and who try to murder each other with cooking utensils.”

“Ha ha ha” Chai Tee laughed evilly as his knife made a satisfying thwack into his opponent's chopping board. “ I’ve got you, now admit it. I have the best cooking show on TV”

His opponent turned to face him. Looking at him straight in the eye, a look of passion and determination in them, the corner of his mouth twitched upwards in a sly grin

“I would rather die”

Chai felt the anger building in the pit of his stomach, the heat going straight to his head and making it look as red as the tomato he was holding in the opposite hand.

He lost control.

The tomato fell to the floor as the man charged at his rival, only to be grabbed by a big greasy hand. He then felt something cold on the side of his head. Turning to see what it was, he turned to see the host of ‘Food for my table’ holding a gigantic chilli paper millimetres away from his eyes. Chai could feel the sheer heat from them a dangerous distance from his now watering eyes.

“I’ve got you now”

“A homicidal clown who uses a sword that lights up.”

Halloween had always been Bingo the clowns favourite night of the year, but for all of the wrong reasons. Not because of the women dressed in inappropriate and revealing outfits, or the excuse to eat your own body weight in candy. The children. All those little children out alone in the dark. Little children without Mummy and Daddy to save them.

That was the reason that Bingo was currently hiding in a bush near the Oglane house waiting for children to be the unlucky victim of whatever torture he saw fit for them. He had been waiting there for the best part of forty minutes with no success, it was after all only half past eight in the evening. Until at last, he saw her. Abigal Oglane. 

He had been waiting for years to do this to her, and this was his chance.

And he took it. 


The little girl, who looked no older than nine years old turned to look at the creepily dressed man behind her. She stood paralysed in fear, and her bucket fell to the ground letting go of the candy she had collected that evening. The clown then revealed a glowing blade from behind him, the rainbow lighting up the pale girls face and showing the fear shining in her eyes. She stepped backwards trying to escape her captor, but she knew in her heart that it was far too late for that now. Bingo walked towards her and swung the blade at her heart.

At last Abigal Oglane met her faith, a mere ghost story. A fairytale. A myth.

I am not a serial killer please don’t come after me lol


If you're a creator and you needed to hear this today:

You have no idea how many people lurk on your work. No idea how many times people go back to revisit your work. How big they smile when they simply think about your work. How fast their heart beats, how excited they get when they see that you posted something.

People are shy with their feedback. Sometimes it’s because they’re simply shy. Other times it’s because they assume you already know how great and talented you are. Could be both.

My point is, even if you barely have any likes or reblogs, don’t get discouraged. You have a lot of silent fans, but they are still your fans. Keep on creating. Because there is always someone out there who will love what you have made.


“What are you doing here... In England I mean?”

there was a pause as the boy lifted the cigarette to his lips 

“I have no idea, but anywhere is better than back home”


Character sheets for Elliot (2/3)

Hey guys! I really can’t be bothered to come up with a long introduction to this post, as all I really have to say is that this is the second of three charectar sheets I will be making for my WIP Elliot. 

Sorry it took so long (revision is a bitch); I hope you like it 

Watson (@thewriterandthestoryteller)


Name: Susan Ember

Age: 32

Occupation: Detective

Talents/Skills: Music, Writing, Maths, Science

Birth order: Firstborn (Only child) 

Relationship skills: Susan is very good with relationships. Her interest in psychology makes her really understand others, and make her a great listener for others

Height: 5′3″

Weight: 12 stone (A bit more than Lizzie)

Race: White

Eye colour: Brown 

Hair Colour: Light brown/silvery type thing 

Glasses or contact lenses? Contacts

Skin colour: White

Shape of Face: Square (egg-shaped)

Distinguishing features: Her height compared to Lizzie

How does he/she dress? Casual but smart; usually a floral blouse with navy blue jeans and pastel blue tennis shoes.

Mannerisms: She doesn’t show any emotion whatsoever

Habits: (smoking, drinking etc.) She drinks and is an anxious smoker

Health: Meh.

Hobbies: Piano, Reading, Traveling.

Favourite Saying:

“ “A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”

- Roald Dahl

Speech patterns:

She has a mild Scottish accent, but it becomes really harsh when she is angry or unimpressed


Depression, Anxiety, Aspergers Syndrome

Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Slightly dated

Greatest flaw: Fear of losing those she loves

Best quality:

She is always willing to listen and be a shoulder to cry on.

Educational Background: Degree in psychology. Self-taught medicine

Intelligence Level:

Above average 

Character’s short-term goals in life: To solve the Elliot case.

Character’s long-term goals in life: To become a classical musician

How does Character see himself/herself? She is far too fat. She wishes she had a body like Lizzie

How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? Not very well. She is always there for others and she is worried she is annoying.

How self-confident is the character? Not one bit.

Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? Logic alone

Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert

How does the character deal with anger? Quietly, by ignoring people and trying to not cause a fuss.

With sadness? She knows it too well.

With conflict? Just ignore it

With change? Okay. She is sort of used to it

With loss? She is used to it.

What does the character want out of life? To be liked and remembered for all the good she has done

What would the character like to change in his/her life? The way she looked

What motivates this character? Lizzie. She loves her so much and would do anything in her power to keep her by her side.

What frightens this character? That she isn’t good enough

What makes this character happy? Being with Lizzie

Is the character judgmental of others?

Nope. Not at all.

Is the character generous or stingy? A bit stingy at times.

Is the character generally polite or rude?

Very polite

Does the character believe in God?

Yes. She is a Christian

Character’s role in the novel (main character? hero? heroine? Romantic interest? etc.): Sidekick

Scene where character first appears: Chapter 1

Relationships with other characters:

Lizzie: Her best friend; they are inseparable

Noah: They don’t really know each other that well

Jessica: She feels sorry for her; these kinds of things always happen to the best of people

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