
cozy slavic village


welcome to my tavern! rest a bit and have a look around ☕ russian and portuguese language and literature at Belgrade Uni

Oldest preserved Serbian flag today is on display in Forchtenstein castle in Austria. It was worn by palatine Paul Esterhazy on coronation of emperor Leopold I in 1655.


im an opanak enthusiast lol, studied some a long time ago

(Opanci are traditional shoes from Southern Europe)


i love translations i love the act of translation i love it so so much

translation is so fun because people feel so strongly about it and for good reason because ultimately it's all about sacrifice. do you sacrifice form for content? content for mood? mood for form? there are no solutions just compromises. as anthony burgess said, "translation is not a matter of words only; it is a matter of making intelligible a whole culture". nabokov referred to a bad translation as giving "the impression that I am witnessing a murder and can do nothing to prevent it". the husband and wife translators of russian novels, pevear and volokhonsky work in tandem, translating and reading and polishing in a process pevear referred to as "raising questions". douglas hofstadter asked multiple people he knew to translate a short 16th century french poem and came back with wildly varying results. to use eliot weinberger's words, "every reading of every poem, regardless of language, is an act of translation" and the actual literal act of translating from one language to another exposes so much about the languages and the author and the translator and the reader of the translation! it's a deeply intricate analysis that expands continuously outward!


Learn European Portuguese with kid’s songs

The video displays the lyrics in Portuguese as the song pays. The description box has the full list of songs, so you can also Google the name and find the lyrics.

I’ve heard two different versions of the song Papagaio Loiro (version 1; version 2). I have also seen it spelled both Louro and Loiro. Maybe someone with more knowledge on Portuguese culture can explain?


i cant believe that to be a translator i just have to come to terms with the fact that translation does not exist. there will never be complete identity between two different languages there can only ever be equivalence. there is no such thing as translation without loss & in fact loss is inherent to translation you cannot escape it. and as a translator you will always have to make choices that will lead to those losses and it will feel like a betrayal and you will be haunted by what you have killed in translation & grieve and there is nothing you can do about it. the only way to curb that loss is if everyone everywhere spoke every language which is not feasible & there is just a void of meaning, a cemetery of significance in every translation and a world of footnotes and translator’s notes will not be enough to fill in the gaps. but still. yknow yknow


Uruk, Iraq 


The sorta literal translation from the arabic is so much more beautiful

“From here rose the first written letter, (finding its way) to every point on earth”

I like this version more


i cant believe that to be a translator i just have to come to terms with the fact that translation does not exist. there will never be complete identity between two different languages there can only ever be equivalence. there is no such thing as translation without loss & in fact loss is inherent to translation you cannot escape it. and as a translator you will always have to make choices that will lead to those losses and it will feel like a betrayal and you will be haunted by what you have killed in translation & grieve and there is nothing you can do about it. the only way to curb that loss is if everyone everywhere spoke every language which is not feasible & there is just a void of meaning, a cemetery of significance in every translation and a world of footnotes and translator’s notes will not be enough to fill in the gaps. but still. yknow yknow


"war and peace is boring" bro in the first 50 pages pierre gets banished from petersburg because he tied a cop to a bear and threw them both in the river


Prosecutor: Did Dmriti Karamazov kill your father

Alexei: no

Prosecutor: how do you know?

Alexei: vibes?


this tiktok screenshot ruined my life i need to see the serbian pigeon movie so so badly but it doesn't exist it's so foul to make this bad of a point with something so cool and then take it away from me.


Tiktok marvel fans really will be out here like "movie fan SHOCKED because i'd rather watch superhero movie #54 in blue and not a sensual 1987 french horror film about a man discovering his wife may not exist set in what is gradually revealed to be a space station" as if you're supposed to agree that superhero movie #54 is the clear winner in this comparison


Love the idea of a story about a complex issue that's told from the perspective of something that cannot comprehend or care about the issue. The way the story would be sliced up and moments that a human would consider pointless would be focused on because the pigeon happened to be there would be hype as fuck

Ok FINE I made the movie poster of it

Mališa, otherwise known as Little One, is a pet pigeon owned by a conservative butler of the Austro-Hungarian aristocracy. She is loved, and she is pampered— until her owner is murdered in cold blood, and she is left to fend for herself in Sarajevo.

In the wilds of the city, she feeds from the poor, working nationalist radicals, and the vieux riches alike.

To Mališa, there are no ethical concerns. No politics. No burgeoning nationalism.

There are only hands that feed her, and hands that do not.

This is compelling. Consider me fucking compelled.


Velikonoce se blíží a já k nim mám hodně silné (negativní) pocity takže chci slyšet vaše úchopy:


Czechs have an old tradition of whipping girls on Easter with these colorful whips in hopes of getting rid of evil spirits and bad health ^^^^^

😈27.8% "we should all spank each other and not just girls"


The Novo Hopovo Monastery (Serbian: Манастир Ново Хопово, romanized: Manastir Novo Hopovo) is a Serb Orthodox monastery on the Fruška Gora mountain in northern Serbia, in the province of Vojvodina. According to tradition, the monastery was built by the Despots of the House of Branković. The first written mention of the monastery was made in 1451, and the latest mention of the monastery dates back to 1641. The extant church was erected in 1576 and the bell-tower with the small St. Stephen’s Chapel upstairs was built between 1751 and 1758. The monastic residences were constructed in several stages, from 1728 until 1771. The icons were painted in 1776 by Teodor Kračun.

The Novo Hopovo Monastery was declared Monument of Culture of Exceptional Importance in 1990, and it is protected by the Republic of Serbia.

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