

@artisticsasquatch / artisticsasquatch.tumblr.com

Creator of A Spell for a Smith on WEBTOON Canvas!
Instagram: artisticsasquatch

Dear everyone who is currently working on a Thing, whatever that Thing may be,

Good luck with the Thing. You can do the Thing. You will do the Thing. You just have to do the Thing.

Best wishes,

Someone who is also doing a Thing


In one of my ADHD groups, a question about motivation and inability to start came up. This is one of the comments:

"Mel Robbins (who is also ADHD) talks about 54321-go. She wrote a whole book on it, but its mainly as soon as you think of something or have / want to do something, you count down from 5 to 1 then MOVE YOUR BODY TOWARDS WHAT EVER IT IS YOU NEED TO DO before your brain can talk you out of it. There loads of neuroscience why this works and before I was diagnosed I used this technique all the time. From getting out of bed, to getting a shower, to reading, stopping scrolling, stopping watching tv to literally everything if I needed to. I still do. It really helps me. And like you say, once you get started its okay, and then the dopamine kicks in. She did a talk on it, I think if you google it will come up. Also, tyrosine and theanine is good for me too. Hope this helps."


I looked it up and I'm going to try it.


Tried this before I even finished reading it and now I am out of bed

Good news, it worked on me too.

Now I have something to measure against executive dysfunction, chronic fatigue, dyspraxia, hypertonia, etc. If I do the countdown, twice, and I still can't move, I can focus on the physiological disabilities to see what else is impairing me.

I'll give it a try. 😅💖


“content” “platform” “creators” “monetization” “revenue” “microinfluencers” “algorithm” “trends” “lifestyle” “authenticity” “parasocial”


Please tell me that I'm not the only one who will refuse to call facebook "meta".

I literally live in fandom spaces, if I search "meta" somewhere and facebook appears first I'm going to personally go kick zuckerberg's ass.

Okay okay but here's the thing.

MetaCompany put out a PUBLIC CEASE AND DESIST.

We aren't doomed. Not yet.

So whenever y'all are done crying and are ready to get back up and keep going:

  • Nobody is going to save us except for us.
  • Companies won't stop making plastic as long as someone is buying
  • Ag farming will continue to be destructive as long as it's supported, start growing local and buying from local farmers instead if you can (some will even deliver to your door)
  • Corporations won't stop laying oil pipelines unless we start Immediately demanding ALL infrastructure to switch to resuable/sustainable energy. (cars, businesses, government buildings, private homes, etc)
  • Profits will always come before people as long we keep accepting "it's too expensive" & "it's too complicated to fix" as excuses for pausing progress
  • The best way to make a difference is by starting in your own community. Ex: Clean up your local parks & rivers, garden with plants native to your area to help (& bring back) your local pollinators & ecosystems
  • Look at your local native community and back their movements. For example the local tribe here is the Umatilla and they're trying to get the dam removed as it's affected the salmon runs which has negatively impacted the salmon, the Umatilla people, and the local fauna that have relied on a free running river for millenia.
  • Settling for less is unacceptable. Our futures are not to bargained with.

Caring about your survival is not an extremist belief, do not be gaslit into believing it is. Do not be gaslit into believing better isn't possible.

Caring about your future is not radical. Caring about the planet is not radical. Caring about natural disasters is not radical.

This is us trying to meet our most basic needs for survival: a healthy planet that isn't trying to kill us.

All of these needs have to be normalized even in social circles, not just in political circles. Talk about it in friend groups. Bring it up on posts about climate change, bring it up with influencers/celebs/orgs/politicians who pride themselves on #GoingGreen & #ZeroWaste. Argue for these points when someone starts to settle for less. We can not continue settling.

Things will get better and can be better if we just put in the work for it, I promise

There is still time and there is still hope

Every time I think about the entry level job paradox my head feels like it’s gonna explode.

Whenever I think about all the people that didn’t hire me to be a busser because I didn’t have any restaurant experience even though it’s the lowest ranking job in the restaurant I feel a dangerous urge to strangle a hiring manager.

Some internships ask for experience. Internships. You know. The places you’re supposed to get experience? Those things? I wanna eat a door.

Quite frankly I don’t know how anyone gets into any industry. Any of them. Office workers must just spawn like minecraft mobs or something.

That’s capitalism baby!

Let me explain:

I’m a professional animator who actually works in the field. And my uni professors would tell us that there has been a disturbing and terrible shift in the industry in many ways but allow me to explain this one in particular.

So the “experience” thing comes from the death of company training. Back in the day if I wanted to become an animator I’d approach a studio, show them my drawings and say “I want to be an animator will you teach me so I can work for you until I die?” And if my drawings were good enough, and my desire sincear the company would put me into the lowest paying shittiest job they had. Cleaning cells, polishing the cogs of the multi plane camera, organising files, sweeping the damn floor.

And then for maybe an hour or two a day I would get to sit with one of the animators and they would show me a little of what they know. I’d get training much like how I would at University except you know… I’d get paid instead of going into crippling debt.

After about three years of doing the dirty work (you know, the length of an average college course for animation) I’d get that entry level animation position. Usually an in-betweener or a cell painter. And then bing bang boom I’m on my way to working slowly through my career. And this company will want to keep me around because they’ve invested so much into me. I have bargaining power, they don’t want me going to another studio that may pay more because they trained me. So they are more likely to treat me better to incentivise that I stay.

Companies realised this and decided to switch the responsibility of training onto the employee instead of the employer. Because I have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to educate MYSELF instead of the industry educating me. I have to beg, and work for pennies, to get the experience I need to have actual value in the intustry. And because the companies have no incentive to treat me well because they have no investment in me; I can be hired and fired as they please. Oh your contract was for eight months? Too bad we blew the budget and my nephew needs another raise, you’re fired. Oh and I can’t complain, complainers get blacklisted and then nobody will hire you.

But I’m an INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR which means I have so much FrEeDoM to do ‘w h a t e v e r’ I like… 🤮

It’s all bullshit. They industry has no entry level positions because they want to choke you, they want to strangle the workforce and make them submit. It’s now your responsibility to suck cock, tearfully beg and lie on your resume just to get an unpaid internship where you’re worked like a donkey and don’t you dare complain about it.

And the most insulting lie is “oh we have more college educated kids than ever using that wonderful?” NO! NO ITS NOT!!

There were less colleague grads back in the day because not every field NEEDS a college education to be performed!! Doctors and lawyers duh, but software programmers, artists, film students, animators, fashion designers, photographers ect. All used to get their training from the companies that hired them. Even more technical fields like stock brokers, bankers, miners, mechanics, ect. Didn’t have Colleges educations they just learnt on the job.

This system was not perfect or 100% ethical but fuck it was better than the anarcho-capitalist hell scape we currently occupy.


How to see whether a Chinese handmade teapot is well done or not - quality of the spout is an important standard. 

cr: 承启 建水紫陶


that last teapot is like witnessing an eternal and important truth


I just watched this with the sound on and i really recommend it because the utter silence of the last teapot is both perfectly predictable and totally remarkable.


I agree with the message but?! this is tone deaf coming from one of the elitist, most prestigious fashion events in the world. you are rich to even be invited, an event where the ticket is literally $30,000.... I’m gonna eat YOU

None of you people understand the actual reality of how much the ultra-rich hoard. Aoc is not even a blip on the radar of rich. Aoc grew up poor in the bronx and continued to work as a bartender while she was on the campaing trail.

Is she wealthier than the average person? Yeah. No shit sherlock. But does she qualify...as RICH?? My fam...my guy....my bud.....the answer is simply No.

Aoc wants to tax the 1%. The people who can afford to buy space programs, influence elections and send countries to war.

She is not referring to...like....lil nas x here. Shes referring to jeff fucking bezos.

Please learn the difference between BEING WEALTHY (aoc) and being RICH (bezos, gates, etc)

For the love of god. SHE DIDN’T PAY FOR HER TICKET!!!!! OR her dress!!! She was invited by a designer who fucking paid for all of that shit!!! This is SO embarrassing!!!! Do you guys not fact check ANYTHING you read?? This is your level of critical thinking skills??????????? Yeah working class hero AOC paid $35k to go to a rich person costume party in a dress that said Tax The Rich and at no point did she or any of her staff think “hey maybe paying $35k to do this will make u seem like a hypocrite.” Of COURSE THAT’S NOT WHAT HAPPENED!!!!! This is literally LITERALLY what they are playing on Fox News right now you are all literally regurgitating right wing propaganda without a thought in the world. Please for the love of god when you see something that seems ridiculously out of character or doesn’t make sense, FACT CHECK IT!!!!


She literally said on her Instagram post, dress creds and all.


yall look at this shit ad*be is tryna pull now on ppl who have outdated software:

(note for context: i’m all for piracy, but in this case my copy of CS6 was downloaded years ago when they were giving it away to students. i got it totally legally.)

so here is what NOT to do if you’re a loyal fan of adobe who has the cash to shell out for a newer and shittier version of the product you already paid for.

1) DON’T use your search bar to find and open the Run app

2) DON’T type in services.msc

3) DON’T find Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Services and right-click to get a dropdown menu, and don’t select ‘properties’

4) if you happen to click properties, DON’T use the startup type dropdown to locate the option to disable the program. be sure you DON’T click apply to finalize that change. 

5) DO NOT do the same thing in order to also disable Adobe Genuine Software Monitor 

if you do all of these things, this WILL disable adobe’s ability to monitor the software, and you will be forced to continue using the same older software that you already paid for instead of having to sign up for a newer, shittier version and pay more for it. so if you have lots of cash to spare and are cool with putting it the pockets of racketeering capitalists, definitely don’t do any of these things. 

however, you SHOULD reblog this to spread the word, as we certainly want to make sure lots of people know what NOT to do :)



Pretend to be upset.

OP how could you

I hope none of my friends who use Adobe programs find this, follow your detailed instructions, and spread the word. That would be devastating!

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