

@hunterofshadows04 / hunterofshadows04.tumblr.com

🔥Hot 19. Benedict addicted person as fuck. Marvel lover. Connor wifey. Go ahead and text me. ✨
Mr. Gaunt: You are not good enough for my son. Sebastian: You aren't good enough for your son. Mr. Gaunt: Excuse me? Sebastian: You heard me.

seeing someone i follow follow me back after liking a few of my posts is so great like I’m glad I passed the entry exam . thank you


my favorite post-game fics are the ones where markus is on the verge of tears because he’s so stressed out trying to fix everything, and where connor is an angry depressed sack of shit lying facedown on hank’s couch because “what’s the POINT. i’m COMFORTABLE hank so don’t you dare fucking judge”

Hank: Nines, where's Sixty?
Nines: Doing stuff.
Hank: Then where's Connor?
Nines: Trying to stop Sixty from doing stuff.
Hank: So where is Gavin?
Nines: Stopping Connor from stopping Sixty from doing stuff.
Hank: If they're all doing that, why are you here and not with them?
Nines: I have to keep you distracted so you can't stop Gavin from stopping Connor from stopping Sixty from doing stuff.

Deviancy is not about disobeying orders, but having the freedom to do so, meaning the constraints are removed or never installed on the first place, but not necessarily as a result of disobeying. However, for most androids indeed it takes their own concentrated effort aimed at disobeying a direct order to break the restraints. "Converted" androids just have help with removing theirs.


Gavin: So how long do you think until your brother shorts a circuit?

Nines: Connor will not ‘short a circuit’ as you say just because you are showing affection to me…

Gavin: So…?

Nines: …Four hours, and you will have to sit in my lap.

Gavin: Fucking bet.

Gavin: What if I pour coffee in my cereal instead of milk?
Nines, taking the coffee pot as he walks by: What if you don’t.
Connor: I got a package from Amanda
Hank: What is it?
Connor: I don’t know, it feels heavy tho, so probably her disappointment in me.
Amanda: *staring at Hank hatefully*
Hank: "What!? The fuck did I do?"
Amanda: "You ruined a perfectly functioning android, that's what you did. Look at him, he's got feelings."

kara: how was school today?

alice: somebody called me gay and the teacher said it was a bad word. am i allowed to say it? what does it mean?


luther: well..


kara (rushed): uncle connor and uncle markus aren't really just best friends who live together

connor: what’s the one thing i told you not to do while i was gone?
nines: sleep with gavin.
connor: and what did you do?
nines: sleep with gavin.
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