

@straw-flower / straw-flower.tumblr.com

A stumbling block to the pessimist is a stepping stone to the optimist. - Eleanor Roosevelt.
Just trying to be a happier and healthier person.
Attempting to learn French.
Everlark enthusiast.

7 things to remind yourself of every day …

1. I am unique

2. I am worthwhile

3. I am worthy

4. I can change

5. I can make it

6. I can succeed

7. I can be happy and have a great life.


Little Things you can do to Improve your Mental Health

1. Make sure you go outside, or change your environment at least once a day.

2. Text, snapchat and message your friends. Make sure you don’t isolate yourself.

3. Budget for small treats and indulgences.

4. Decide to say “no” to people-pleasing tendencies. Be secure in who you are and in what you want for yourself.

5. Invest in hobbies which your genuinely enjoy, and which tend to leave you feeling good about yourself.

6. Have a favourite playlist which you know will lift your mood.

7. Decorate your space or room in a way that reflects you, and your unique personality.

8. Limit how much time you spend with those who drain your energy.

9. Treat yourself the way you’d treat a special person, or good friend.

10. Don’t compare yourself to others. Just appreciate being you.


Hey yo

Fuck Scott Morrison!

While NSW burns and Sydney’s air is unbreathable instead of addressing it he held a press conference to announce his revised religious discrimination bill that’ll make it easier for people to discriminate against LGBTQIA+ people! What an insensitive piece of shit! Fuck Scott Morrison!

Merry Christmas everyone! Just a reminder that before Morrison was PM he was social services minister where he announced - just before Christmas - that he was cutting millions from homelessness support services. Fuck Scott Morrison!

After resisting calls to compensate hard working firefighters who have lost massive amounts of income from tackling the unprecedentedly massive bushfires, Scott Morrison finally said that we should - only to make the criteria for that compensation really strict so as to make it hard for any of them to even get! Fuck Scott Morrison!

Scott Morrison said we should focus on “resilience and adaptation” as an excuse for him to continue not having a policy for tackling climate change. That’s pretty shitty by itself! But what’s worse is when he was treasurer in 2017 he stopped funding the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) and the director of NCCARF says “the capacity to take action on climate change is smaller than it was decades ago.” FUCK SCOTT MORRISON!!

In response to the pandemic Morrison doubled Newstart - which finally meant welfare recipients could stop skipping meals just to make ends meet. It took a global pandemic for him to consider letting people on benefits live above the poverty line! But it’ll all be reverted back down in 6 months - or maybe even less! So he doesn’t really care about caring about the poor at all, he just didn’t want people who needed temporary assistance to hate him and lose votes! He’s also decided that the votes of the disabled community don’t matter because unlike other forms of support that were doubled - the Disability Support Pension remained low and instead got a one-off payment of $750 instead of a boost. In fact some people had their NDIS support cancelled and are unable to get essentials so Morrison has pointedly ignored vulnerable people and let them suffer!


Speaking of not giving a shit about people - Morrison excluded international students from any form of support and so now they’re relying on free meals from foodbanks to survive and some students have gone a week without food. International students inject $32 billion a year into Australia’s economy and create jobs. But of course the party of climate deniers doesn’t give a shit about higher education because they made sure that universities were basically incapable of claiming Jobkeeper for their staff. The more you look, the more people are excluded from support, and the more people suffer because Morrison doesn’t actually give a shit about people, he just wants enough people to be tricked into voting for him.


The Prime Minister’s Office hand picked a bunch of people from oil and gas companies to form a commission to find a way to grow the economic post-pandemic. They came back and said “give us lots of subsidies for gas and let us frack.” How blatantly obvious can you get trying to rig the results of a commission to support fossil fuels over renewables?


Scott Morrison literally said Australia never had slavery. He just outright erased Australia’s colonial history - Indigenous people were stolen from their lands and community, forced to work, and were exploited and had their wages stolen - even up to the 60s and 70s. What an abhorrent denial and ignorance of Australia’s racist history.


Scott Morrison said that welfare was too “generous” now that it’s no longer under the poverty line so it’s an “impediment” for the unemployed to go get jobs (during a recession and a global pandemic??? WHAT JOBS???) He’s perpetuating the harmful stereotype that poor people are entitled and lazy which is just classist bullshit from his mega-rich ass.


When a female Minister was directly asked about her experiences with a culture of disrespect and sexism towards women Scott Morrison IMMEDIATELY INTERRUPTED HER and gave a completely pointless and rude addition to the conversation over the usage of the words “bonk ban.” Way to prove how much of a sexist dickhead you are Morrison!


Morrison chose to end JobKeeper and drive people on Centrelink payments under the poverty line BEFORE THE VACCINATION ROLLOUT EVEN BEGAN!

AND we’re also dead last on climate action OUT OF THE ENTIRE UN!! So it’s hard to find a country in the entire world with a worst climate action record than us - if that exists!



every day i am percieved™️

There is a reason for this though!

The original tweet summarizes it pretty well. Fanfic tends to be popular among certain types of neurodivergent people (aka people most likely to read excessively as a child, and have burnout as an adult) for the same reasons that we tend to hyperfixate–neurochemical signaling (I hope I’m using that phrase correctly). What I mean is, for people who are really dependent on changes in dopamine/serotonin/neurotransmitter levels, who have low levels or wonky neural reward systems (perhaps the most common types of neurodivergence)…people like us rely on dependable external sources of those neurochemicals. In order to function, we spend a lot of our free time trying to level out our brain chemistry using things that can reliably bring us a steady stream of joyful moments (rewards) without costing too much of the mental effort that is already in short supply

significantly: the investment of reading has to be balanced with a steady “return on investment”–and this return has to start fairly quickly. because again, we don’t have a lot of attention/energy to invest on tiring things. we have perpetual “low batteries” in that regard.

that doesn’t mean these stories are “simple,” or that they lack complexity or value–only that the reward has to come in short regular intervals, and it has to have a low “upfront cost.” which is why fanfic stories are so perfectly formulated for neurodivergent readers–they are often beautifully written, but skip a lot of the upfront costs (of introducing new characters, of world-building, of getting the audience emotionally connected to the story elements).

the nature of fanfiction is that the reader has a pre-existing relationship with this world and these characters. that–combined with the shorter average length of fics–means that fan fics very quickly start “rewarding” the reader in a way that traditional fiction struggles to. that’s not a bad thing! and maybe it’s something more traditionally published writers should be paying attention to.

Fanfic, as a genre, has been uniquely helpful and accessible to many neurodivergent readers who would otherwise struggle to immerse themselves in stories. I’m glad so many of you have found a way to love and enjoy reading again! The important thing is that you are spending time inside stories you love–the way those stories are published or presented to the world is just one detail.

*holds your hand* no, we’re ALL bitches


Lori, 44

“I’m wearing a 40s Poodle Chubby jacket, 40s pants, 40s bug brooch (bigger the better), and cigarette wrapper folk art prison purse probably from the 70s. My style is inspired by the role of women in the 30s/40s – be it Hollywood glamour, workwear, propaganda in fashion, or DIY vibes. I love and appreciate all eras (contemporary as well) but somehow always incorporate that inspo into a sort of 40s bent. I also get inspiration from anything I see around me – whether a color combination in graffiti or a child’s sticker.”

Apr 9, 2021 ∙ Chelsea

Anonymous asked:

if you get a chance, how about a drabble on katniss + peeta, joint wingman-ing for gale...?

“Dammit Gale, can you just make an attempt to not look so irritated?” Peeta asks him, shaking his head. “You’re trying to pick up a girl, not scare her off.”

“Yeah, because right now you look like a budding serial killer,” Katniss says helpfully, exchanging an amused smile with Peeta over the rim of her beer.

“You two are a pair of assholes,” Gale grumbles, running a hand through his dark hair. He straightens his collar for the hundredth time and looks around the crowded bar.

“I’ve never seen you this worked up over…anything, really.” Peeta looks at him in surprise, his blue eyes wide. “It’ll be okay, man.”

“Suck it up, buttercup,” Katniss deadpans. She tilts back on her wobbly bar stool and leans into her boyfriend, who moves to stand behind her protectively. “Don’t baby him, Peeta. Madge thinks she’s about to meet a man, not a little girl.” Gale shoots her a wounded glare. “I can’t believe I ever wanted to date you.”

“Me neither,” she shrugs, throwing an almond from the bar snack tray in the air before deftly catching it in her mouth. “My girl,” Peeta smiles down at her and tugs her braid playfully. Gale watches as Katniss wrinkles her nose before accepting the kiss that Peeta tenderly places on her lips. “I want that,” he says suddenly.“Want what?” Peeta asks, distracted by Katniss’ hair. “You know. The disgusting eye sex, the non-verbal communication bullshit,” he waves a hand in their direction. “I want shared custody of a dog and a white picket fence. I want those things.” “Sounds good to me,” Madge says, appearing at Gale’s elbow. “But can you buy me a drink first? It’s only polite.”


You should write a ficlet about Peeta and his valentine stash 🤓❤️😍


“Here comes your adoring slave,” Johanna said. She tapped her smirking lips with the eraser-end of her pencil, and Katniss had to bite her tongue when she saw that Miss Sarcasm had one that was patterned with hearts and flowers.  

Instead, she diverted her attention toward the blonde man limping his way toward her cubicle with a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a sheepish look on his handsome face. 

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