
Anti-Birth is Misogyny :)


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I share resources, information on fertility and maternal health, other stuff I find important, and pro-life spice. I do not have asks open, I don't respond to PMs, I am not here to debate or discuss. If you are in need of pregnancy-related help, please search my #i need help tag. Occassionally I will post LGBT specific info but my main focus and word usage is ciswoman centered. Former midwife student before health issues and COVID restrictions kicked my ass.

I’m talking to a pro abort on Instagram and they admitted what they already knew- abortion advocates think abortion in a solution to poverty and abuse.

Ironically this isn’t pro choice(but that’s not what pro choicers are about). Once we say abortion fixes poverty it allows:

- government programs to refuse poor pregnant woman or mothers because they had the option to abort

-fathers to refuse child support because the woman had the option to abort

-in extreme cases, forced abortions. If abortion is not morally wrong and is a way out of poverty, then forcing an abortion would simply count as helping someone out of poverty

We already refuse financial aid to people who don’t meet certain requirements (criminal record, not being sober, not actively searching for a job, etc) and pregnancy could easily be added to that if a corrupt government wanted to.

Obviously this is a worst case scenario, but imagine if everyone bought into this pro choice ideology. We’d see so much pregnancy discrimination and so much killing.


This is already harming people too, even outside of government programs. Mothers who work are more likely to be perceived as less reliable than their childless peers, are more vulnerable to being fired/furloughed (check out Pregnant Than Screwed in the UK to see it in action…) and they also can be discriminated against in academia, preventing them from getting an education that may guarantee a better job. And these are just some Western-focused examples.

Pregnancy has always been seen as a burden. Radtrads claim it’s such a burden, that women should be confined in the home to focus on their “proper” place as a wife and mother. Progressives, with the way they treat pregnant and mothering women in our world, basically agree with that mindset. It’s sickening…

It absolutely makes sense for government programs, who look to cut corners where necessary, would attempt to use abortion as a cheap solution too. This isn’t an extreme case, it’s the logical conclusion of a society that devalues female biology and children.

“Tellingly, the legal right for a woman to kill a child in her womb was won before the legal right for a woman not to be fired for being pregnant. The message is clear: women must become like men to be free.”

— Dr. Abigail Favale


Stop acting like serious high-risk cases in pregnancy are normal or should be suffered through. Demand better medical care for prenatal medicine. Create a society that is accepting of pregnant women who work and study and contribute. Create a society that will welcome back a pregnant woman if she wants or needs time off to focus on the baby. We are not inept and our children are not our enemies. Let us live. Let us thrive.


Assuming that pro-choice parents don’t pay a hack doctor to kill them in the womb first, they have the quandary and mental gymnastics of explaining abortion to their surviving children. And it’s pretty messed up: ranging from evading the tough questions about life before birth, to normalizing abortion as a foundation of deadbeat fatherhood.


TL;DR — Despite doubts and critiques from pro-choice activists, the Dobbs decision has largely proven a decades long pro-life theory: that abortion delays progression for women and children’s welfare, and limiting/eliminating it forces policymakers to actually accommodate childbearing families. Who woulda thunk.

Anonymous asked:

Imagine how much pro-lifers could accomplish if they actually supported pregnant women in crisis instead of getting on the internet and shaming women who’ve had abortions 🤡

Yes that’s why pregnancy centers exist to help provide items, sonograms, vitamins, financial resources and counseling. How they help women get medical care and work skills. How they teach parenting classes and provide child care.

If women feel shame for their abortion that’s good and morally correct. It means they have a conscience. People naturally feel shame for sin


Imagine how much pro-lifers could accomplish if pro-choicers weren’t burning down pregnancy centers


Imagine how much pro-lifers could accomplish if pro-abortion politicians stopped defunding or attacking our organizations and programs.


From Feminists for Life on Facebook:

As we continue our 50th Birthday celebration, we mark today's anniversary with particular joy in our newly post-Roe world. On August 21, 1974, FFL co-founder Pat Goltz testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of the Human Life Amendment, which has yet to be ratified. From Pat's testimony:
"Abortion has been presented as a solution to the problems faced by women with untimely pregnancies. The vast majority of these problems can be put into one category: discrimination. We are unilaterally opposed to discrimination based on either sex or maternal status. We reserve the right to be treated as equals, AND to be mothers at the same time. We will not accept the current either/or choice. Abortion is a non-solution. Each time a woman resorts to abortion, she entrenches discrimination. Each time she resorts to abortion, she removes her voice from the arena in which equality for women is being demanded and won. She allows some part of the male power structure to force her into a destructive act, in order to be treated with the dignity which is inherent in her. She may do serious damage to her own spirit...."
Read the rest here! https://www.feministsforlife.org/ffl-co-founder-pat-goltz-testifies-before-congress/
“I spent a long time replaying the meeting, thinking of all the things I said and did wrong until I realised that the system is wrong, not the new mother who just wants to come back to work.”
She’s not wrong about the system. In the UK alone, an estimated 54,000 women are losing their jobs each year for getting pregnant and another 390,000 are experiencing negative and potentially discriminating treatment at work - numbers that have doubled in the last decade. And whilst the gender pay gap is closing (despite a slight setback due to the Pandemic) in general, for mothers, it continues to rise. In fact, statistics show that by the time her first child reaches 12, a mother is, on average, likely to be earning 33% less per hour than a man.

reddit childfree people are lowkey kinda fascist. ‘we want childfree airplanes’ ok children and mothers/parents caring for children are still humans in society who deserve rights so put on your noise cancelling headphones and stop being an antisocial freak

btw there is a distinct difference between not wanting kids of your own and resenting society and public spaces for sometimes accommodating vulnerable people. i was kinda being dramatic about fascism here but also if you take some of these ideas far enough you do end up with a very cruel & unintegrated society which prioritizes order at the expense of vulnerable people, such as those with disabilities and yes also children.


But ask new moms and 8 out of 10 will say they have experienced the memory loss and brain fog popularly characterized as “mommy brain.” Why then, are the studies not finding what so many women experience?

One reason, the authors explain, may be the peace and quiet of the labs where most studies are performed. Without screaming children and a long list of tasks to manage right in front of them, thinking becomes easier and moms perform just as well as women without children.

Another possible reason: “Mommy brain” is not real and people are just quick to judge. A simple slip of the mind in an often overworked and sleep deprived mom is promptly labeled as “mommy brain” by a society expecting women’s cognitive abilities to decline after having children. Women too may have learned to use the term to cope with the impossibilities of new motherhood. Laughing those off and calling it “mommy brain” may well be a cry for help by moms who don’t feel supported.

I wonder if the belief in “mommy brain” contributes to pregnancy/sex discrimination.


Some D&D party is out there playing the coolest campaign ever.


I would argue that this should be encouraged in such a way that everyone brings their kid because it is a great bonding experience. We play games with our children anyway, so them learning a play a game we like is awesome.

And if you do want a childfree night, arrange it on your own time. Don't ask the store to ban kids. Ever. I mean, at the center of it all, games and toys are for children first.


Society is so used to isolating kids and parents from socializing that ANY event is just assumed to be childfree. It’s pathetic.

Also, this sounds so cool and I hope it continues to give people of all ages joy!


Certain aspects of what makes a woman a woman (or what makes a man a man) can be gleaned from scientific studies that go more than skin-deep. Gender-specific medicine (also called sex/gender-specific medicine or sex-and-gender-sensitive medicine in medical research), is a new field of science that seeks to discover exactly this: how male and female bodies differ in their disease development and response due to differences below the surface, from their hormones, to their brain structures, to their internal physiology, and even down to their DNA. In other words, gender-specific medicine recognizes (and aims to further discover) the inherent differences between men and women and the vast implications those differences have for how medicine can best treat both male and female patients

“It started in 1971 when a young attorney named Sarah Weddington argued before the court that pregnant students, working women, and poor women needed access to abortion, rather than to challenge universities, employers, and society to address the unmet needs of mothers and their children. This anti-feminist sentiment was echoed in 1992 when the court determined in Casey that women were basically incompetent, telling women that they cannot succeed in the workplace and have children, implying that bearing a child is an “undue burden.” At Feminists for Life, founded a year before Roe v. Wade was handed down, we never considered having children an “undue burden.” It would be years later that our co-founder Pat Goltz learned from the great suffragist Alice Paul that we were not the first pro-life feminists; the first-wave feminists opposed abortion, too. Nor did we know at the time that during the latter half of the 19th century, the leaders of the women’s movement advocated for the protection of women and children from abortion, along with doctors (including the first women physicians) and the liberal media. Since then, we have widely shared our original research documenting how the first-wave feminists opposed abortion without known exception.”

— Serrin Foster, Don’t underestimate women


“When we turned up at the clinic, pandemonium broke loose,” student Anna Broomall recalled. Awaiting them in the upper tiers of the amphitheater were nearly 300 male medical students — far more than were typically in attendance. The men began hurling epithets, catcalls, and other offensive language at the women. Some men insulted the women’s appearance while others spit tobacco juice on their dresses…

…During the last hour of the lecture, the male students rained down a barrage of tinfoil wads, paper missiles, spitballs, and tobacco wads upon the women. Throughout it all, the female students never flinched or retaliated, choosing instead to quietly listen and attempt to learn whatever they could amid such chaos. The women’s lack of reaction must have further incensed the men, for they surely hoped to show how fragile and emotional women were.


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