
[Twisted Wonderland Theory] Leona and the Light Trio

(Images from the Twisted Wonderland wiki fandom)

I mentioned the light trio before and here's a theory about them and Leona.
So Leona's talent is playing chess. In his room, you can see three white chess pieces on his desk from left-right: a knight, a pawn, and a rook.
The light trio consists of Silver (the knight), Kalim (the pawn), and Rook (the... rook). White often resembles light/good and the light trio has the power of light as their neutral power thing while the others have darkness. Silver and Kalim seem like protagonists while Rook is like an anti-hero, you know, since he's based on the hunter who spared Snow White.
Now in Leona's birthday card groovy, you see the chess pieces resembling the light trio again:
Now the theory is that Leona knows about the light trio, knows about Lilia being the messiah, knows about Idia's and Trey's letter, and if it's true, knows about the loop in time (the loop theory). You can kind of tell in some of the things he says in personal stories, chats, and lines.

Lilia Vanrouge theory

UPDATED as of 27 / 03 / 2021


By now I feel like we all know that Lilia, much like Malleus, is immortal and much older than he seems:

His profile doesn’t specify his age, it is only refered to as question marks
He regularly talks about how lovely raising his wards was/is (Silver, who even affectionately calls him old man/father)
He’s talked about how he’s been taking care of Malleus since he had eggshell on his head (implying he was there when Malleus hatched from a dragon egg?)
He was a war general back during the fae vs human war and was refered to as a war harbinger amongst other scary nicknames. Which solidifies the fact that he is a powerful and ancient being.

A few fanarts prompted me to think about this, but what if the form we see of Lilia now isn’t his ‘true form’, what if this was one he adapted to seem less intimidating and more child-like to travel easier and fit into NRC.

In his profile we know he travels a lot and enjoys it, so to mingle amongst human folk better he disguised himself to look smaller, frailer, more innocent. A form where he could slip undetected, one easier to move in.

But in reality his stature would be more similar to Malleus’ ? Like an intimidating height with obvious strength.

In the same way that Malleus is considered scary and intimidating that’s also how people treat Lilia in his ‘real form’ so for convenience he prefers his smaller one

His uniform coats and outfits are so big because they were originally meant to fit his real form, however he’s grown to like the smaller form and the oversized clothing. That’s partially why his dorm coat is so large and also why he’s the only one who doesn’t wear full length pants, instead he wears something similar to shorts. If he were to revert back to his 'real form’, his legs would be so much longer, so the clothes he wears would still fit him.

At random times he’ll revert back to his original form and everything that would normally be too large for him suddenly fits him perfectly?

The reason why his school uniform fits him perfectly is because it would be inappropriate to wear something a few sizes too big at school every day, but also inconvenient considering he’s adapted so well to the smaller form.

I’ll admit the fanart’s made me a little biased because I’m already a Lilia simp so they made my heart race:

Doesn’t it just make you want to scream??? Look at him??? Unfairly attractive.


But that’s pretty much it! Just a fun little theory because I love chaotic bat dad so much


Also thank you @fabulouscheshirecat for linking me one of the artists, it helped a lot! 


the fact that holmes has these elegant hands, but that they’re all scarred from chemical experiments and covered in bandages is one of my favourite visual details from sherlock holmes and i feel like i don’t get to see it often enough so i created what i wanted to see in the world


Leona: You need to clean my room

Ruggie: What? Now? Why?

Leona: So this morning I woke up 

Ruggie: Congrats 

Leona: Not the point. So this morning I woke up, rubbed my eyes and something that looked like a spider ran across my floor

Ruggie: But it was one of those floater thingys? 

Leona: It was Rook.

(y/n): Could you ever see us as being more than friends?
Malleus: Ah indeed, I'm glad you asked.
(y/n): *blushing* T-that's wonderful I-
Malleus: I can totally see us as gargoyles.
Malleus: Hang on, let me find the picture I drew-
howemuginative​ : Somehow, even without the necessary context, I can still find your comics hilarious.

a couple of people have said this and OH GEEZE I am flattered but also so so sorry, it must make absolutely zero sense if you don’t know the fandom. whoops. thank you for putting up with me as I spew my garbage about whatever stupid thing is invading my brain at the moment. :}

also I realized this means I may have given some of you the impression that Tsunotarou is his actual name, which is just delightful.

(sidenote: does Lilia know about Tsunotarou? like he seems aware that Yuu is happily oblivious to who this nice behorned architecture enthusiast really is, but does he know that Yuu calls him that)

(whoops my hand slipped)

(also it’s during Halloween because I said)


Because of the previous drama over copyright I’ll be clearing up some stuff. If you check on TWST’s official website you will see this:

About derivative works.
Regarding the creation of derivative works. In principle, we do not give permission to individuals for secondary use (copying or reprinting) of materials such as various official illustrations and videos of this work. Please observe the etiquette of general non-profit derivative works and enjoy it within the scope of copyright and your morals.

(the screenshot above is about fan merch)

Please refrain from using or diverting the data in the work or the design of the characters / items that appear in the work to obtain compensation or profit, as it may violate the copyright law.

To sum it up, TWST allows non-profit fan creations. They also allow the selling of fan merchandise that doesn’t use assets from the game (like sprites, CGs, audio, etc). If the work is 100% yours then you can do whatever you want with it (selling illustrations, comics, etc).

So yeah hope this helps.


he had the body of a greek statue: completely naked, shoulders skewed in an alluring contrapposto, and an extremely small penis. we’re talking minuscule here. completely microscopic. the tiniest hog you ever did see 


Thranduil’s seasonal headwear (design notes)

On his head was a crown of berries and red leaves, for the autumn was come again. In the spring he wore a crown of woodland flowers. In his hand he held a carven staff of oak.

Honestly I wouldn't be so annoyed about this whole "american song contest" thing if it were an isolated incident. In fact, if done right this could be a great way to uplift immigrants and indigenous peoples and celebrate cultural diversity in the US!

It's because this is yet another example of a general trend: things that are distinctly not us-american being adapted specifically for the US. Americans are constantly being catered to, and this is one of the few things that is a) wildly popular and b) not american and not for americans.


American song contest leaves a bad taste in my mouth because it reminds me of the eurovision movie, that barely included any europeans safe for a few cameos here and there. Watching a movie about a festival that is meant to celebrate european unity and diversity that was written, produced, and directed by americans, with american actors who don't understand the cultural significance of this event, felt like mockery, and not the fun kind.

It reminds me of Honig im Kopf and Intouchables and the office and the good doctor being remade for American audiences rather than synchronized, the way every other country does it.

It reminds me of how The Voice is actually a Dutch concept but the only ones who don't call it "The Voice of (Country's Name)" are the Americans because OBVIOUSLY it's about the US, and how they probably think they invented the format. And hey, did you know that American Idol is an adaptation of the British show pop idol?

It reminds me of Americans getting pissed that a white choir sang Vuelie in Frozen, because "this song was inspired by native americans!!" No it wasn't. Those are Saami people singing a Saami song, it's called a Joik. And how the Northuldra, while being inspired by the Saami, didn't look like the Saami at all but more like a phantasy version of the Inuit?

It reminds of how someone reposted a political cartoon about the issues the Aboriginal people face (with the Aboriginal flag on it!!) and tagged it "usa" and "native american".

It reminds of how anytime politcs are trending on here, it's always american politics, and the way I know more about us politics and american queer history and american black history than I know about my own country, because the information is so much harder to find.

It reminds me of how people tried to tell Chinese people that it's pronounced ShAng-Chi, not ShUng-Chi, because obviously the American Way to pronounce a non-english name is the right one.

It reminds me of American movies and shows trying to sell me a location as something it very clearly isn't (for example slapping a logo on the Elbphilharmonie and calling it an office building, or filming in one city and pretending it's another one when it's OBVIOUS that it's not), and how at times they will cast actors to who can't even properly speak the language of whatever foreign country they're supposed to be from.

It reminds me of when the Americans wanted to put a statue of Ronald Reagan in Berlin for his "tear down this wall!!" speech, even though it received little media attention at the time and the wall DIDN'T fall because he made some speech. And when Berlin said no, they put it on their embassy's ground because they just had to have their statue.

It reminds me of the countless times I've seen Americans on this website assume everyone else is also American, because "anyone with an ø in their name must be a white supremacist" and "why do you call yourself Indian and not indigenous".


This is why people say they wouldn't be making such a fuss about it if it were actually an American contest, meaning the US competing with Canada, Mexico, Brazil etc. Because then it WOULDN'T be yet another thing specifically for US americans.

And yes, I know that the American people aren't to blame for this. That the esc decided to export the format, and Americans didn't necessarily ask for an esc. But somehow that makes it worse? Because that makes it feel like it's pretty much just a cash grab.

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