dyoful reblogged
dyoful reblogged
me watching a movie: omg that was a gif
dyoful reblogged
Some children!
dyoful reblogged
me: shook & speechless
cr. DaftTaengk
dyoful reblogged
throwback: red velvet - wish tree @ 151225 music bank
dyoful reblogged
click for a surprise
Source: twitter.com
Orion [thank you all so much for 10,000 followers]
dyoful reblogged
** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their pages too **
dyoful reblogged
dyoful reblogged
seulgi :: ‘uncover’ :: la rouge solo stage (cr. DaftTaengk)
dyoful reblogged
sword in hand and crown adorned of flowers, his highness xie lian