


- - - - - - - - ♡ - - - - - - - -
ig/twitter: daertistic.
don‘t use my art without my permisson

Good afternoon all ✨ Mark your calendars; preorders for Midas Touch will open Monday, November 16th! We’re very excited to show you what our talented artists and writers have created for this project, so don’t miss out! We’ll be posting more updates as the week goes on!


me talking in the tags on tumblr dot com

Me reading your tags



If anyone tries to use, “If black people can have black pride, white people can have white pride.” argument show this to them because my man is laying down some truth.


look i don’t know how reliable a source of information this website is but the idea that you can easily get rid of vampires in your home just by telling them they’re not welcome anymore is extremely funny to me

if a vampire came into my house and tried to drain my blood. well i would simply say no thank you.

unless the vampire is hot of course, in which case feel free to make yourself at home


I remember asking about this question once and someone told me that in True Blood if you rescind an invitation the vampire is “forcibly removed” from your house (or words to that effect)

and I have to admit I expected something much more violent than this, but somehow that would’ve been less dramatic? like if he was flung backward through the door it would’ve looked pretty cool but the DRAMA here is 10 times as fucking ridiculous

Human: *rescinds their invitation* Vampire: I am forcibly removed from the house


egyptian prince muhammad avdul wearing versace

@frog-rocklee @pissbong @8bitanus it was never specified that he’s a black man. the only thing we know about him is his name and heritage. i studied him a lot before drawing him so i can interpret him the best way possible in my style. his hair confused me a lot since he has bantu knots but straight hair (the strand of hair in the back) it could be braided, straightened or extensions. but with everything i know about him i just gave him the feautures of middle eastern men. as a middle eastern/asian woman myself i can‘t see how i whitewashed him? i draw his face how i mostly draw men but made his brow bone more prominent and nose more hooked and handsome and eyes more deep set to resemble brown middle eastern people while still staying loyal to my style. since middle easterners come in all shapes and forms and colours i cannot understand how exactly i „whitewashed“ him? i interpreted an egyptian character as a middle eastern man. but my version avdol could also be interpreted by others as a lightskin black man if it weren’t for the hair that i copied from araki himself. honestly i find it quite insulting to my people how you guys have one set example on how we POC should look like. and i also find it disrespectful for black people that you apparently also only have one set example for black people even though for example people from nigeria look totally different than ethiopians. we human beings aren‘t just one caricature of a race with the same feautures. as for the skin tone. i colour dropped the reference you provided me so kindly with and my own art just to realize that the only major difference between these two was the fact that the hue of my art was more on the red side since the pink lighting fits into my pink aesthetic and i always try to stay in red with most colours that i use in my personal work, no matter if it‘s a dark or light tone. and to be frank, i‘m not seeing a reason to apologize for making a character more red to fit my aesthetic.

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