



I mean, I love disaster Steve, don’t get me wrong…

But show me a Steve that’s smooth without even trying. Says, “Hey, I was just thinking about you,” and cuts Billy’s legs right from under him. The sarcastic reply gets lost between his brain and his mouth and turns into a blush that spreads across his nose and cheeks, and he ducks his head down, pretends to look for a cigarette.

Steve looks at Billy with such undivided attention, hanging onto every word that comes out of that smart mouth, watching him with eyes so fond, and Billy preens under his gaze, shuffles closer, pitches his voice lower.

Steve gives affection so honestly that it sends Billy reeling, and he doesn’t know how to react at first. To the hand on his back, the arm around his shoulders, the knee bumping into his. And later, to the fingers stroking his jaw, the kiss on his forehead, the hand on his stomach.

And Steve’s not dumb, as much as people like to call him that. He knows he can make Billy feel vulnerable, and he doesn’t abuse it, he’s careful with it. Saves it for when they’re alone, for when Billy can feel safe, so he can see that one look on Billy’s face, when his eyes get a little wide and his mouth goes slack, like he doesn’t understand what he’s looking at.

When Steve says “do you want to come over?” and “my parents are gone for the weekend”, there’s no leer, no posturing, no implication. There’s a hand trailing down Billy’s arm, and brown eyes caught on blue, and a promise of what has become their favorite thing, which is just — waking up together, sunlight dancing on their skin, a nose huffing warm air behind Billy’s ear.

Steve says, “Hey, sweetheart,” and Billy’s brain goes fuck fuck fuck fuck, and it takes him a second to reboot and answer, because he is so gone on this guy that Steve could start listing street names and Billy would memorize all of them.

Billy can’t understand how it happened, sometimes. How he went from the life he had to being able to count on Steve as a sure thing. As unconditional. How Steve took all that he is, all his fire and all that he had to give, and he gave it to Billy. To the ring on his finger.

After so much time together, they know each other so well that there shouldn’t be anything new. But damn if Steve can’t still say things that make Billy want to hide his face, because no matter what Steve says, blushing 45 years old is not dignified.

And sure, Billy can say all sorts of dirty shit that can turn Steve as red as a tomato, but Steve— Steve gets him struck dumb. Gets him mumbling shut up, flustered and dazed, hiding a smile, butterflies in his stomach.

Same as when he was seventeen.


B:Hey,relax,it’s not a big deal.

S:Are you kidding me? You’re bleeding! who did this to you?

B:Don’t ask.




“You know I’m not going anywhere, right? And if you’re leaving, I’m coming with you.” “… fuck, I can’t believe you’re being serious.” “As a heart attack.” “Goddamn, Harrington.”


Billie and Steve would be that couple in High School who are always glued to each other no matter what


"Is something going on?" Steve asks carefully.

Billy doesn't look at him. His jaw is clenched and he's chopping the zucchini like it had insulted him somehow, like he wants to slaughter it.

"Nope," he says, popping the P. "Nothing going on."

He puts the zucchini into a bowl and grabs a few tomatoes. He cuts them into squares, so fast and with so much force the juice runs over the board.

Steve isn't sure Billy even follows a recipe or just needs to let go of the anger inside him.

Billy grabs an onion next. He's always sensitive when it comes to that, but he doesn't stop massacring it, even when tears run down his cheeks.

"Motherfucking-" He's wiping his eyes. "I fucking hate him."

Yeah. This isn't about the onion which is more powdered than anything.

Steve puts his hand on Billy's. He drops the knife and stares at Steve with red rimmed eyes.

"It's stupid," he mumbles. "He calls me that all the time, why does it still get to me?"

Steve kisses a tear away. He feels cut into pieces too, like usual when he imagines Billy's every day life with Neil Hargrove.

"It's not like he's wrong, you know?" Billy sniffs. "I'm- … I mean… we are.."

Sometimes it's like the word gay is a knife too, threatening to cut Billy's throat.

"We're in love," Steve says. There's a sob escape Billy's mouth, before he presses his lips together - but he can't hold back the tears.

Billy never says anything about love. Another word he is afraid of.

"There's nothing wrong with that," Steve continues, peppering featherlight kisses on Billy's face. "He can't take that away."

Billy hugs him. He's shaking in Steve's arms.

"I won't let him," he says. It feels like an I love you, too.


Billy and Steve spending a lazy day at home. Summer, shirts off, Billy's hair in a bun.

Steve's head on Billy's chest, nails scratching lightly at his belly, eyes on the tv but thoughts far away.

In the kitchen, fingertips touching shoulders, hands on waists, baby can you hand me a glass, does this taste okay, spoon held in the air, a stolen kiss tasting of a homecooked meal.

Feet on Steve's lap, careful hands stroking tired arches, thumbs finding valleys to rest on, fingertips teasing soles.

A shower that lasts too long because it's for two, lips meeting under water, chest to chest, sighs that only they can hear.

A king-sized bed, smiles being traded so close they're almost pressed together, laughs shared like secrets, the light from the night stand washing the night with a warm glow. The sides of the bed are empty, the center is packed tight, pressed close, well loved.

An entire day together, never far from each other, always touching. Warm and safe, soft and kind and happy.

How did I find you?

I didn't think I'd get to have this.

But they did.


STRANGER THINGS (2016-) 2.04 "Will the Wise" 2.06 "The Spy" (insp.)


cw: angst/major character death

but you had to go

like a wave that crashed and melted on the shore


birthday boy, billy hargrove

in another world, another life, you never left the ocean and on your birthday, your mom watched you surf in the sunshine ☀️

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