this is a love story

@romanovanatalia /

lau | argentina gifmaker | tracking #romanovanatalia

The newspapers write about the heroes of the Andes. The ones who returned from death to reunite with their fathers. Their mothers. Their girlfriends. And their children. Only, they don't feel like heroes. They were dead like us. And only they got to return home. And now when they remember us, they ask themselves, "why didn't we all get to come back? What is the meaning of it all?". Only you can give it meaning. You're all the answer. Keep taking care of each other. And tell everyone what we did in the mountains.



No te lo vas a poder creer. Estuvimos caminando hacia el este unas dos, tres horas... hasta que de repente, detrás de una loma, apareció la cola. No la íbamos a encontrar nunca... se catapultó para adelante hacia el otro lado.

Era una maravilla. Estaba todo lleno de valijas desperdigadas, abrigos limpios. Lleno de botellas de ron. Cigarrillos.... y chocolate.

[You won't believe this. We walked east for two or three hours... and suddenly, we saw the tail of the plane behind a hill. We never would have found it... it shot forward to the other side.

It was a marvel. There were suitcases scattered all over and clean coats everywhere. Bottles of rum. Cigarettes... and chocolate.]

La Sociedad de la Nieve | Society of the Snow (2023)

scene requested by @bothsides11


"Numa made his presence felt through quiet heroics: no one fought harder for our survival, no one inspired more hope, and no one showed more compassion for the ones who suffered the most. Even though he was a new friend for most of us, I believe Numa was the best loved man on the mountain." - Nando Parrado



There's like a 99.9% of chances Argentina protesting the government just caused Twitter to crash down in an attempt to block our trends and news I'm not sure whether to laugh or be really worried or both


making a brief return to say we should make a study on the philosophy of Doctor Who and how this TV show that has been on air for 60 years with s £5 budget per episode about an alien who travels through time and space in a wooden box shaped my personality and made me a better person

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