
@theformerissilent / theformerissilent.tumblr.com

Impeccable Vibes Only | they/them | exclusionists and TERFs fuck off | Header description: screenshot of text that reads "Your status: Delinquent" with the word "delinquent" in all caps. | Icon description: photo of a greeting card that shows a kitten looking up from where it has its paws on a piano. Above is text that in all caps reads "Go to Hell!"

the idea that restrooms, locker rooms, etc need to be single-sex spaces in order for women to be safe is patriarchy's way of signalling to men & boys that society doesn't expect them to behave themselves around women. it is directly antifeminist. it would be antifeminist even if trans people did not exist. a feminist society would demand that women should be safe in all spaces even when there are men there.

btw this is maybe the single most key distinguishing feature of the terfy strains of radical feminism, the seed all the rest of it springs out of: they have absolutely no faith in the ability of feminism to actually destroy patriarchy. they do not think feminism can truly build a better world. they cannot really even imagine that possibility. they think patriarchy is an inevitable natural consequence of unchangeable biological facts, and therefore the goal of feminism can only be to mitigate the worst effects of patriarchy, not to get rid of it.

they can imagine a society where women get some designated safe spaces without men around. they cannot imagine a society where the presence of men is not inherently a danger to women.


The remake reboot prequel sequel industrial complex is killing me but the good thing is I don't have to watch any of that. I can just think "that sounds boring or otherwise doesn't interest me in any way" and do something other than watch it

"They're making a willy wonka origin story with timothee chalamet," you might say to me. "They're doing a live action the last airbender again, didn't you love avatar?" I don't find it necessary. This is nothing to me


“why did you follow prev” “how did you become mutuals” ummm bc we were sisters in a past life and would find each other in any universe.. next questian…


My deepest darkest fantasy is that I collapse on the street and I am rushed to the hospital. They perform a bunch of tests and find out I am severely deficient in some kind of vitamin. Then I start taking the vitamin and I become the happiest cleverest person alive because all my problems were caused by this one deficiency


Moreover, everyone gathers around to be tremulously compassionate and discreetly admiring: all this time, you lacked the Vitamin? And yet you persevered?


"being queer is about love" hmm actually being queer is about defying societal norms about gender and sexuality and does not depend on feeling love at all


I’m sorry, I can’t come into work today. I didn’t get a long rest and god gave me a point of exhaustion. All my skill checks are at disadvantage.


Getting really sick of all the "There's No Place Like Chrome" ads on youtube. There's Firefox. Firefox saves your passwords. Firefox autofills things if you want. Firefox also does things that Chrome doesn't like allow adblockers, and it does not mine your data and sell your information for advertising purposes. Google is really trying to push people to use Chrome so they can take as much data from users as possible in order to make as much money as possible and it's borderline sinister.

Anyway, download Firefox.


The irony of this is because of the ad blockers on my Firefox, I've never seen any such ad.


Hello my fellow dykes, we have officially become visible ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

All sillies aside, please consider donating to Emily Gwen or sharing this if you can! Link


[ID: a tweet by Emily Gwen (@/theemilygwen) that says "happy lesbian visibility week! if anyone wants to lend me a hand as the person who designed the lesbian pride flag, i am broke, unemployed, mentally ill, and could really use a hand paying my bills!" followed by a link to their ko-fi with the username emilygwen. attached is an image of the lesbian pride flag with text over it that reads, in all caps, "lesbian visibility week / mon[day] 22 april - sun[day] 28 april 2024" End ID]


It's really like:

Fic-cops: "It's ok to write about these topics, but you shouldn't romanticize them."

Others: "But how do you tell if a piece of fiction is romanticizing something or not?"

Fic-cops: "Oh, that's easy. If I personally like it, then it's not romanticizing. And if I personally don't like it, it is romanticizing."


whenever i add a note to an assignment submission that is apologizing for something for whatever reason, im not actually apologizing. what i am in fact trying to do is project the visual of the saddest, wettest, most pathetic man possible directly into my professors head, effectively going "if you give me a bad grade this is who youre giving a bad grade to" in an attempt to garner pity


Please do donate to Sudan initiatives. The news we hear from Sudan is absolutely terrible. Even if you can't donate, share it anywhere you think might get people to donate. Share it on ig, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, whatever. Just please do share and if you can spare a few dollars once and a while....

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