
I will literally stab pedophiles


Job: Cryptid hunter, and now part time Pedophile hunter

😱💦Alternatives to Jacking Off To That Sexy Child Porn💦😂👌

  • fucking choke on a pebble.
  • die
  • fill your lungs with gravel
  • rethink your life decisions

Thats mean! You shouldnt threaten people


maybe? you shouldn’t defend fucking child porn? just a suggestion

[thecraftymap defending child porn]

Yo guys, the craftymap was 13, and deleted after getting death threats from antis. I hate pedos, but lets not send death threats to 13 y/os who are being groomed (esp csa victims) alrighty?


swerfs dont exist lol

a psa

And yet actual sex workers came up with it.

what authority do you think you have you arent a sex worker let alone a woman!

Did sex work for years when I first ran away from home just so you know.

And misgendering jabs still doesn’t change the term was made by the SW community for good reasons. Authority has zero to do with it you goofy coconut.

even if you were a sex worker in the past you are still male and have literally no right to act like prostitution is a consensual act for women. the term was made by kweer liberals who have no idea what survival sex work actually is and how much being sex work positive hurts poor women.

That’s not one bit of what I said was it? you’re going to really, really stop lying about things that I never said or posted.

It came from the community.

And great right wing pooworthy buzz words there… “Kweer, liberals.”

And once a sex worker you will always have a voice as a sex worker, that kind of experience in your life doesn’t go away or get invalidated over time.

But great actually proving literally that SWERF has a point with your last post reply.

Misgendering digs and transphobic slamming doesn’t make you right nor even justified.

But it does also point to the link between SWERFs and TERFs.

Couple things here. FIRST OFF, sex work isn’t just prostitution... Yes that is one of the main forms, but it isn’t the only kind. Strippers, cam peeps, all of those are also sex workers. I never fell into the first catigory, but I’ve done cam stuff and online strip shows when I was really desperate for money, and let me tell you.

Yes there are problems with the media around it, but that is not the sex workers fault. A person shouldn’t be shamed for what he or she chooses to do. 

Swerfs are real, you are one. 


TW: PEDOPHILIA AND CHILD MOLESTATION MENTION So about one of those disgusting posts regarding the Twenty-fucking-five year old man taking advantage of a 4 year old child I messaged one the people that had liked it and left a disgusting reply and this is the result! Supporting child rape and calls a child a “slut” how fucking sickening is this


I’m gonna be real here. 

The reason, THE ONLY REASON she would do that is if someone taught her to. children do not do that for fun. Especially not four year olds. Which means that she was taught to do that.


A few things:

01. Gypsy is a slur & there is no “positive” or “acceptable” way of using it if you aren’t Romani (or part of a group related to Romani that has been targeted by the slur too). Some Romani might not find it offensive but still it should not be part of your vocabulary – the same goes for the term “gypped”. If you want to talk about the slur censor it or simply call it “the g slur.”

02. Anti Romani racism exists everywhere and there is a slur for the us in every language. Gypsy is the slur used in the English language but there is also Zigan, Tigan, Cigan, Gitano, Zigeuner, etc. - a lot of them stem from the Greek word for “slave” and are considered even worse than the Gypsy slur. However all of them are still slurs.

03. Gypsy is nothing but a derogatory slur against Romani that has been screamed at us while we have been branded, enslaved, hunted down, murdered, put through a genocide and a holocaust, segregated and discriminated against. It doesn’t meant “free-spirited”, it doesn’t mean “wanderer” or anything along those lines either.

04. Romani is the proper name of the people that are being targeted by the G slur. Some people write it as Rromani which is also correct. (But there are a few groups that are part of the Romani Diaspora that don’t identify as Romani.) The term Roma/Rroma can be used too, however not all Romani are Roma.

05. Romani and Romanian do not mean the same thing. Romani are brown people originally from India. Romanians are people from the European country Romania.

06. The official term for racism directed towards Romani is called “Antiziganism”, that term however is offensive since it includes the word “Zigan” which is a horrible slur against Romani. Please do not use that term and instead use “Anti-Romani racism”, “Anti-Romanism”, etc.

07. Anti-Romani racism is very extreme in Europe (segregation in housing, education and health care, forced sterilizations, evictions, demolition of Romani neighbourhoods, police brutality, etc), which is why we even received the title of “Europe’s Most Hated”, but it’s not an exclusively European thing. Anti-Romani racism exists in America and Canada as well. (Canada even has an immigration ban on Romani.)

08. “My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding” does not display actual Romani people as far as I have heard so it does not represent Romani people/culture at all.

09. Your believes that Romani “don’t want to work”, “don’t want to send their children to school”, “steal children”, “are dirty”, “genetically prone to crime”, “are lazy”, etc. are nothing but racist stereotypes and left over Nazi propaganda. All of them are untrue as well. (Also: Romani would love to work and go to school but the extreme discrimination against us in the field of education makes that very hard. And the widely spread traditional anti-Romani attitudes and prejudices don’t make it any easier either.)

10. Stereotypes such as that all Romani women are “sexual temptresses” and promiscuous disregarding of age are obviously incorrect too. Believing in those stereotypes is very harmful and dangerous as well because despite Romani being only a minority in most European countries we make up the highest % when it comes to sex trafficking victims.

11. Romani culture doesn’t have anything to do with witchcraft, wicca, paganism, etc. We didn’t create tarot, palm reading or crystal balls either. You can stop calling yourself a “Gypsy Witch” and faking Romani heritage now. The only reason why assumptions like that came to exist is because of racist believes and lies spread by the church. Our skills with medical herbs and palm reading were seen as “evidence of heresy” and from the 16th century onward we were outlawed, expelled and persecuted, culminating in the organized killing of our people. 

12. Fortune teller costumes are usually racist. Romani women have always been stereotyped as fortune tellers which is why the stereotypical image of a fortune teller is always linked with Romani women - dark skin, messy black hair, a big nose, a “weird” accent, a headscarf, big hoop earrings, gold coins added to clothes and an “untrustworthy/deceiving” nature, etc. Personally, I’ve never seen a fortune teller costume that wasn’t racist. (A lot of people even use the term “fortune teller” like a synonym for the G slur nowadays.) A person’s race/ethnicity is not a costume, so if you ever consider dressing up as a fortune teller chose something different. 

Of course I don’t speak for all Romani. This is more of a “faq” actually since these are the types of questions and incorrect assumptions I have noticed the most. If you are Romani too please correct me if I made any mistakes and please feel free to add anything onto this list if you like!

Gypsy gypsy gypsy gypsy gpsyyyyyy

Also, guess who’s going as a sugar skull fortune teller this Halloween?

This is downright rude. OP, I’m so sorry people are being ugly on this post.

Imma add this in as an American Romani.

We are not african americans. We are not native american. We are romani.

If you wouldnt be a native american for halloween, dont be a fortune teller.


Introducing one of my favorite games: TERF or Porn Blog Half of these are TERFS the other half are porn blogs


that’s because both of them reduce cis women to vaginas and a pair of tits

I’ll try my best at this





are porn blogs the rest are Terfs @mallorydent am I right?


People are reblogging my old post about making a list of antis but that is old and I already made one. HOWEVER, I will make a new one in about…three months or so more (whenever I’m financially stable) so if you wanna be THAT ONE. Reblog this post. For anti maps/pedophiles and anti ddlg.


Hey antis

Pedophiles and other MAPs are everywhere. We’re on the buses you ride, in the restaurants you eat at. We’re your doctors, teachers, construction workers, minimum wage retailers. We’re walking past you in the street, playing with our dogs in the park, chatting with you during lunch breaks. We’re your friends, family, coworkers, and classmates. We encounter children every day, and all of them are completely unharmed by our presence.

You can hate us all you want, but we will always be here. And we will never hurt you.

Nice threatening statement there. I doubt children don’t get a creepy vibe off of you, that’s how they are but whatever. Do you get some kind of sick pleasure making people feel that they can’t trust anyone they’re around? Say this kind of shit then completely go against it saying “we will never hurt you” when you know damn well you can make someone panic. Seriously though, if someone ever outright told me (or anyone else for that matter) they were a pedophile, they’d get a nice knock out punch in the face. I’ll continue to hate you, society will continue to hate you, it doesn’t matter who the fuck you are, come on out and get fucked up.

On the topic of making someone panic, thabks for the panic attack. Just saying people like you are everywhere made me think of how blindly i trusted an adult that was sexualily attracted to me, that reminded me of my abuser and my groomer.

Your statement of “safety and no harm” just caused harm.

- a very shakey mary

“We’re everywhere”

Hmm... where have I heard that shit before...

Oh I know. A threat from a literally fucking nazi at me before. This is some bullshit right here. 

Honestly go fuck off and fall out of a tree or something.


this so much like don’t ever tell a queer/gay person to stop talking about their sexuality. that self-love took a long time to achieve

absolutely….this is so important and true 




This isn’t only for gays. What about those us who just into freaky shit and now we don’t give a fuck. It’s who we are 😂

One person here should take a step back.

(Hint: It’s no one who’s gay or so on)


dyke is a pretty widely reclaimed slur w/in the lesbian community but i’ve literally never seen anyone refer to us as “the dyke community”, why do y'all think this is okay to do with the q slur

@buttrock519 you didn’t answer my question. how is that an inclusive term when plenty of lgbt people refuse to identify with it? what is inclusive about that?


Oh shoot I miss read the original post, sorry. But anyways there are also plenty of people who do reclaim it so the “plenty of people disagree” argument is not very useful, you might not reclaim the term, and that’s fine, but policing the speech of people who have is absurd. On an unrelated note you’re right, I shouldn’t have used the d slur and I appologize.

asking not to be called slurs isn’t “policing language”, oh my god

it isn’t just that people disagree, i’m asking how people who DONT IDENTIFY WITH IT are included by labeling the entire community as it.

The q slur is still widely seen as a slur, due to its use in a negative light (especially in the south) so a lot of people do not like being called that, especially if it’s someone else referring to them. 

Generally my rule of thumb, if you want to call yourself it, sure, but do not call someone else it unless you have express permission, and since you can’t ask EVERY member of the LGBT community, don’t call them the slur.


Reminder that Satan himself is against pedophiles. He hates child abusers. You are the lowest of the low. Even the most evil being in existence is disgusted by you. You can all rot.

From religious standpoint, he would actually enjoy it, and is probably why it exists.

Oh you’re defending pedophiles now, whats the surprise? 

In the Church of Satan, of the 13 laws, one is do not harm children (rape counts as harm) Also, you’re an interesting Jew if you belief in the Christian form of Satan.

I’m jewish by blood, not religion. And yeah I believe everything that I said. The church of Satan worships Satan. They are evil. Satan in all religions is evil.

What religion do you believe in then? Cause the chuch of satan doesnt worship satan, if you know, you took time to learn.


Reminder that Satan himself is against pedophiles. He hates child abusers. You are the lowest of the low. Even the most evil being in existence is disgusted by you. You can all rot.

From religious standpoint, he would actually enjoy it, and is probably why it exists.

Oh you’re defending pedophiles now, whats the surprise? 

In the Church of Satan, of the 13 laws, one is do not harm children (rape counts as harm) Also, you’re an interesting Jew if you belief in the Christian form of Satan.


alright guys listen the FUCK UP

@/dontheartyou is both a pedophile AND a zoophile (attraction to animals) who has admitted to masturbating to children, being pro contact, and has been sexually active with ANIMALS

she isn’t at all ashamed of herself for raping a cat and i fear for what she’ll end up doing to that dog.

i also am afraid for any children close to her since SHE’S FINE WITH A PEDOPHILE BEING A TEACHER and A PEDOPHILE KISSING A MINOR

report this ugly monster to the fbi and get her away from kids AND animals.


Fucking hell this is a two for one combo. 


is shipping antis together becoming like a thing now– cause like– its kind of creepy and we really shouldnt 

Wait- people are doing that??? That is a bit creepy…

so far i’ve just seen it happening w/ reyes and 76, but they’re okay with it… i think…???? unless it’s happening outside of that, in which case, Ew

its actually been happening outside of reyes/76 and the anon shipped soemone who was an adult with a minor 

as long as people are uncomfortable with it im cool but sending anons out of the blue saying “i ship ___ and you” is really weird 


please do not ship real, actual people with each other w/o their consent, that’s honestly so creepy


I think it’s especially bad with people who are accounts based on characters or kin, people ship those characters and then ship the people behind it. 

Please do not ship antis together. (It’s fine if like, the two antis are dating? Then be happy for them) But other than that, we’re not a fandom for people to have otps in.


I’m honestly so proud of this butch lesbian and her trans femme wife for finally tying the knot. such a beautiful post honestly


Actually, it’s a man and a woman. You know, the union that has worked for thousands and thousands of years. Traditional marriage is the building block of society and humanity.

Traditional marriage can work on this dick

Idk what chocobroing is talking about, this is obviously a trans woman and her genderfluid partner getting married. What’s more traditional than that?

(Also this cannot be traditional! Yellow flowers with red roses, that is a horrible bouquet)


look being otherkin is rad n all but if you identify as someone who was a rapist and/or a slave owner whether or not it’s “from a fictional version and not the historical person” you’re literally a piece of shit and don’t deserve your disgusting kin positivity and validation

I’m. Appalled. People do not choose to be kin - if they are choosing it, that is not kin. It is something else. Maybe know what you are talking about before you make judgements and spread mindlessness.

i’m honestly so sorry you have to deal with people commenting this dumb shit on your posts

thanks i’m suffering

There is a lot of drama in the kin community about where Hamiltonkin fall. I personally side with the fact that since it is based on REAL people that existed, being kin with them (Even if just the play versions) is factkin, and is not okay. More over, being a white person and IDing with the black version of a slave owner is wrong on many levels.


cool weapons to kill pedophiles with

These are all very cool weapons indeed. I mean, I don’t know why you would want to kill innocent people, but still, very cool weapons…



i would kill one in style

Do a flip, throw one right into the right Temple and fly away

i would gladly, without hesitation, slit a pedo’s throat with the middle right knives

Ok but hear me out

A kick in the dick with the sneaker one


How about target practice after kicking them in the dick. I need knife throwing practice.

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