@glocknes / glocknes.tumblr.com


look, I know I've talked about this essay (?) before but like,

If you ever needed a good demonstration of the quote "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic", have I got an exercise for you.

Somebody made a small article explaining the basics of atomic theory but it's written in Anglish. Anglish is basically a made-up version of English where they remove any elements (words, prefixes, etc) that were originally borrowed from romance languages like french and latin, as well as greek and other foreign loanwords, keeping only those of germanic origin.

What happens is an english which is for the most part intelligible, but since a lot everyday english, and especially the scientific vocabulary, has has heavy latin and greek influence, they have to make up new words from the existing germanic-english vocabulary. For me it kind of reads super viking-ey.

Anyway when you read this article on atomic theory, in Anglish called Uncleftish Beholding, you get this text which kind of reads like a fantasy novel. Like in my mind it feels like it recontextualizes advanced scientific concepts to explain it to a viking audience from ancient times.

Even though you're familiar with the scientific ideas, because it bypasses the normal language we use for these concepts, you get a chance to examine these ideas as if you were a visitor from another civilization - and guess what, it does feel like it's about magic. It has a mythical quality to it, like it feels like a book about magic written during viking times. For me this has the same vibe as reading deep magic lore from a Robert Jordan book.


hello google chrome refugees

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This is a documented thing! It occurs most often with hearts but can happen with any transplanted organ. It's called 'cellular memory' and I wrote a whole paper on it during my freshman year of uni. It's also why some transplant recipients experience new preferences, thoughts, and sometimes behaviors their donor was known to have. Like favourite foods or drinks, subtle changes in personality (like becoming a bit more daring, etc), and more. It's usually temporary as the organ adjusts to its new person's preferences, experiences, habits, etc. It's fascinating and awesome and I would love to study it in-depth someday.

Which is why I want all of my organs upon death given to the same person. Hostile takeover from within.


artist : xiaohongshu


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For those who have no idea what the fuck is going on with Markiplier today

  • A couple days ago, Coryxkenshin made a video about YouTube's favoritism and how it's very likely having racist influences
  • It had a lot of receipts for proof and things like this have happened more than once
  • I highly recommend checking it out, it's short and to the point and explains the situation
  • But basically his playthrough of a horror game that's popular right now was age-restricted, cause of some self-harm scene
  • despite other youtubers of his fame level still had their videos up and with this segment still tacked on
  • So he sent a clip of Mark's segment (probably cause he's non-white like Cory) to prove his point
  • It lead to both of them getting age-restricted
  • Now at this point today, other youtubers made videos defending Cory like Ludwig and Jacksepticeye (jack even having personal experience with his girlfriend getting the same treatment, so it could be a case of sexism maybe as well)
  • Mark decided to take a different route than the long talk format:
  • Try Not To Get Age-Restricted Challenge, where he played an adult game. He blurred everything out of course, but he still uploaded it and didn't age-restrict it
  • A great move, as many people like myself were curious why this was uploaded and found the situation out
  • Mark uploaded this the same day he was to appear in a YouTube hosted livestream where a bunch of gamers got together to play some minecraft and other shit
  • If I could high-five Mark, I would
  • So at this point, YouTube could age-restrict this video Mark uploaded, but all eyes would be on them since everyone would Know why they did this
  • So instead, they went a different route:
  • Cut out a huge chunk of Mark's segment
  • That he recorded and edited together
  • with his editors' help
  • On a deadline to get this out FOR YOUTUBE
  • So that only about 30 SECONDS was left in the stream
  • Keep in mind Mark's face was the biggest on the thumbnail of the livestream
  • AAAND he apparently wasn't shown in the entire rest of the livestream either
  • Mark confirmed this on Twitter that his thing was cut
  • And said he would upload the whole segment tomorrow

So here is how Mark used his YouTube golden boy status to look them in the eyes and give them the middle finger.

And why i love him.


Can someone draw art of them dating w mr universe welcoming his wife home after a long day at her lawyer job with a handmade dinner

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