
Become a cool consul like Me

@mariussuggestions / mariussuggestions.tumblr.com

I was consul an unpreceded seven times. The third founder of Rome, Winner against the germanic hordes and Jugurtha. Husband of Julia. I'm here to help, there's enough glory for all of us.

marius when the military he wanted loyal to single generals and motivated by personal interests are. do you know. the jokes write themselves

I mean...that wasn't even my plan. Sometimes you have to win the war first and think about consequences second!

On a completely unrelated note though...it was actually kind of sexy when he...you know...entered Rome like that...wasn't the only thing he entered that day...I will say that...hehe

Anonymous asked:

gaius marius can you impregnate me? I think we need more fellow marians in this city

Of course I can! I appreciate your initiative; please let me know when you are available to perform the act. I will invite you to dinner in my house and you can ask my wife for advice if you wish.

Obviously, I will also take care of you financially and politically as thanks for your support

Anonymous asked:

we miss you mr marius. come back

Fear not, my dear Marian, I will never forsake you. During my long career it was often said that my time was over - yet I always returned and I will continue to do so. This city needs me. Not one among the other senators is capable of topping Lucius Cornelius and I fear he will do something crazy the moment no one performs this feat anymore.


Many people these days wondering what to moan when having sex with a Roman senator. Easy. Praenomen and Nomen, so "Lucius Cornelius" - using the Cognomen is a weird fashion of the youth but honestly I could never address him as "Sulla". Hope this helps. Don't worry about the example I used

A good question! I can understand that it might seem difficult at first to moan Praenomen and Nomen every time but as with most things all you really need is pratice. And in this case, the correct breathing technique. Here is a little example!

Inhale, then on the exhale Moan "Luc-" but instead of pronoucing a "c" either sharply breathe out to produce a breathy version of the sound or be more vocal by pressing the back of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and sharply breath out.

On the inhale Moan "-ius". You can kind of swallow the "iu" but make sure to hiss the "s" which is easy to do while breathing in.

On the exhale Moan "Cor-". You do not want to pronouce the "r" as it will interfere with your flow in my experience but instead go for a "oah" type of sound that comes more or less naturally with moaning anyway.

On the inhale Moan "-neli-". Again, you probably should half-swallow the "n" and more or less omit the "l". A very breathy "e" and "i", think of the way you hissed on the inhale earlier. It is also possible to carry the "i" over to the exhale if you want to be louder.

On the exhale Moan "-us". You can really put your heart into this one. "u" is bit challenging to moan once you really get into it, so feel free to pronounce it closer to "o". On the exhale, the "s" does not shine as much, so if the situation calls for it, you can carry it over to the inhale, hiss it and scream something fitting directly after.


Many people these days wondering what to moan when having sex with a Roman senator. Easy. Praenomen and Nomen, so "Lucius Cornelius" - using the Cognomen is a weird fashion of the youth but honestly I could never address him as "Sulla". Hope this helps. Don't worry about the example I used


how did sulla make the time for his five boyfriends in between all the killing and butchering and blood drinking? well he was just that motivated efficient & driven.

Seven times consul here, never was dictator but I was also pretty busy, you know? Sulla learnt it all from me after all

I did not have five boyfriends though...because I had the money to marry them


in the roman senate. straight up "bungling it" and by "it", haha, well. let's justr say. the mithridatic commandt

What are you young people taking about... "bungling it"...you should be in Greece getting initiated into some gay cults


imagine getting proscribed for saying what lucius cornelius sulla did to gaius marius

when will people finally get proscribed for saying what I did to Lucius Cornelius Sulla

do I have to do everything myself in this Republic

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