
Paul Saulter


Avoue, t'es perdu, pas vrai ? Te fais pas d'bile, c'est probablement le destin ou un truc du genre qui t'as ramené ici. Pose-toi, met toi bien, et kiffe ta vie, mon poto. /RP account/

Ouep ! C'est l'heure du post épinglé de présentation xD Faut bien changer l'autre, là, hein, dites.

BREF BREF BREF, ma merveilleuse pomme !

Je suis Paul, Paul Saulter, mais vous pouvez m'appeler comme vous voulez- de "petit imbécile" à "oh non pas lui", c'est vous qui choisissez, vous êtes tellement des gens libres c'est un truc de malade.

Ce blog, donc, c'est le blog de "vous allez absolument rien piger, c'est un blog qui interagit avec ses potes h24 et qui fait des privates jokes que personne peut décoder sauf lo seul.e intitié.e", et puis, en plus, c'est en français. Mais je reblog des trucs aussi, parfois ! Vous allez voir. Je reblog tout ce que je trouve qui :

1- Me fait marrer. Donc, hein, mon bon vieux pote @cant-spell-merwyn-without-memes, on va bien s'entendre là-dessus.

2- Est trop mignon. Genre, des chatons. Ou des animaux stupides. C'est un peu mon totem intérieur, ça : l'animal stupide. Simon -papy bro, mon frère aîné, vous allez le voir souvent- dit que j'ai un peu du pigeon parisien, en moi. C'est grave vrai.

3- Est en rapport avec la Programmation. Bah ouais, faut pas s'oublier soi-même non plus.

That was a private joke, hope you liked it, because I did

4- Genre, beau à regarder, donc basiquement tout ce que fait @mimmixerenard. La base.

Et puis, je suppose que je répond à des questions si ça vous fait plez, et si vous voulez taper la discute, c'est quand vous voulez, ma gueule.

C'est le seul dessin que j'avais sous la main, là tout de suite xDD Moi et mon incroyable pote, Heinrich et son légendaire sourire-


You have to share a bed w the last character in your saved images (tysm for tagging me @valeskafics @aemondsbabe @autumnhymns)

I fear I have won this round, y’all 🤭

No pressure tags ~

Thank you for tagging me my love, i love you so much Chris 😘

Gonna share the bed with my husband and his milk

Tagging ❤️

No pressure babes

Thank you for the tags @aemonds-holy-milk and @lynnbeth5172

My main man (I'm in danger! 🤣🤣)

No pressure tags: @sepherinaspoppies @madame-fear

Oh well. I mean I'm no complaining, bah!

Thank you for tagging me, sis, it's been a while ;D


thinking about the time they sent me a seven year old autistic patient to investigate if he was suffering abuse because in every psychological test he kept drawing awful monsters

and I start the consultation already miserable as fuck and I give the kid some pen and paper so I can maybe communicate and see what's on his mind


turns out the kid just had a special interest in Five Nights at Freddy's

I pointed at the monster and went "That's Freddy!" and I've never seen a kid that ecstatic in my life

the mom looked at me as if her son and I belonged at the same satanic cult and that's why I knew the names of the demons in his head

I wrote back to psychologist like "I'm not sure how to explain this but looking up five nights at freddys might bring you progress with this patient"

at some point the nurses realized the autistic children and I were like, Really Vibing

so they decided to highkey just appoint all of them to my day and it took me almost a month to realize that the fact that I kept arriving and finding that all of today’s appointments were autistic children was Not A Coincidence 

anyway this one time there was a kid who was really into christianity but it was like, specifically angels 

so I’m trying to start up a conversation with him and I ask what he’s reading and he goes “do you know what a nephilim is”

and like for one hellish second my soul is suckerpunched out of my body and thrown straight into supernatural-fanfic-on-wattpad hell, and then I reassume control of my flesh prison, ignoring the mental edits of Dean and Castiel making out, and go “Aren’t those the guys who are half human and half angel?”

and the kid was so fucking happy but the mom was staring at me like ‘why are you privy to this bit of occult jesus lore’

and my heathen lesbian of a self just looks at her and goes 

“i love bible”


what’s something you are genuinely bad at? like something that no matter how much you’ve tried to improve on it you’ve never been able to get past a certain point? for me it’s learning new languages


istfg bill potts is the best companion ever... like, she literally is the highlight of every episode. they did her so dirty in the end//

quotes from the pilot:

  • "It's like a-" "Spaceship!" "KITCHEN! Like a really posh kitchen-all metal-what happened with the doors though? Did you run out of money?"
  • "Nothing gets through these doors." "But they're made of wood...? It's got windows!"
  • ¨This isn't just a room, is it?!" "No it's not just a room." "It's a lift!!"

Just, this whole scene:

BILL: Can I ask you a personal question? DOCTOR: No. BILL: Can I anyway? DOCTOR: Yes. BILL: Are you from space? DOCTOR: No, of course not. Nobody's from space. I'm from a planet like everybody else. BILL: This planet? DOCTOR: No, not specifically this one. BILL: Doesn't make sense then. DOCTOR: What doesn't? BILL: TARDIS. If you're from another planet, why would you name your box in English? Those initials wouldn't work in any other language. DOCTOR: People don't generally bring that up. BILL: It looks like a phone box. DOCTOR: Yes. Uh, well, that's the cloaking device. It sort of hides itself. BILL: It's hidden itself as a box with "pull to enter" on the front? DOCTOR: Uh-huh. It's stuck. It's supposed to blend in, but it's, it's broken.


wait- waitwaitwait-

can i just, make a post about bill's funniest quotes ever?

i can't believe i left that out either//


istfg bill potts is the best companion ever... like, she literally is the highlight of every episode. they did her so dirty in the end//

quotes from the pilot:

  • "It's like a-" "Spaceship!" "KITCHEN! Like a really posh kitchen-all metal-what happened with the doors though? Did you run out of money?"
  • "Nothing gets through these doors." "But they're made of wood...? It's got windows!"
  • ¨This isn't just a room, is it?!" "No it's not just a room." "It's a lift!!"

Just, this whole scene:

BILL: Can I ask you a personal question? DOCTOR: No. BILL: Can I anyway? DOCTOR: Yes. BILL: Are you from space? DOCTOR: No, of course not. Nobody's from space. I'm from a planet like everybody else. BILL: This planet? DOCTOR: No, not specifically this one. BILL: Doesn't make sense then. DOCTOR: What doesn't? BILL: TARDIS. If you're from another planet, why would you name your box in English? Those initials wouldn't work in any other language. DOCTOR: People don't generally bring that up. BILL: It looks like a phone box. DOCTOR: Yes. Uh, well, that's the cloaking device. It sort of hides itself. BILL: It's hidden itself as a box with "pull to enter" on the front? DOCTOR: Uh-huh. It's stuck. It's supposed to blend in, but it's, it's broken.


I genuinely think @staff should give us an official Bot Kill Count where it ticks up every time a bot you reported is officially taken off by the tumblr team and when you hit a certain number you get gruesome little trophies. Gamification can be of the devil but in this particular case I need a little treat for doing my daily chore of taking out the trash

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