
Extra Head Space

@miss-aligned / miss-aligned.tumblr.com

The little corner of the internet where my nerdiness shines brightest! BioWare wrecked my soul. You have been warned. Female. INTJ. Loveable jerkface. Enjoy!

I’m a proud mama! Or rather, the octopus I’ve been taking care of is a proud mama. She has done a beautiful job taking care of her eggs and now it’s on me to make sure these little guys live well. Cutest challenge ever!

They have chromatophores (pigment cells) that begin to fire immediately upon hatching, which is why they suddenly look brown as they emerge instead of the pale white like their sleepy brothers and sisters still in the eggs. It’s been fascinating to watch it all happen!

Anonymous asked:

Hi, can I ask what the fics were where sheps love interest goes up the beam with them?

You know, I’ve been trying to remember what the fics were since the discussion on discord, and I just cant remember.

I know one of them is a shenko for sure, and I think the other one I read is a Shega, but for the life of me i can’t think who the authors are.

I’m going to throw this open to my followers in case they know if any fics where Shepard’s LI goes up into the beam with them, while I scour my favorites list! ;)

Signal boosts are appreciated to help find these fics!


I am pretty sure @miss-aligned had one where Kaidan went up with Shepard… Or I am confused. Both are valid options.


Is it bad that I had to do a bit of research to remember which one was the right one? My brain lately...

Anyway, if I’m thinking of the right one, I wrote a lil’ something called Tragic Turn. Feel free to peruse. I hope it helps! Thank you for the mention, @tlcinbflo! I heart you always and forever!


Questionable Judgment

There was something definitely off about Shepard today, Kaidan realized.

Hardly anyone had seen or heard from her in hours. It was possible that she was conducting her own research, gathering intelligence, and making a plan to finally track down Saren and get this mess sorted for once and for all, but… something seemed off. It wasn’t like her to sequester herself away from the crew for so long. Perhaps she wasn’t feeling well or she just needed some time to deal with the pressure placed upon her. He thought maybe he should go and check on her. Just to be sure.

Lifting his head at his grand idea, the lieutenant swiftly remembered his place as his cranium suddenly collided with the top of the access panel where he’d been working. Physically, he cursed himself for not being more careful about his surroundings. Figuratively, it wasn’t really his place to fuss over the well-being of his commanding officer like a mother hen. She would let him know if she needed his assistance, after all. That’s how this all worked. As he rubbed the top of his head he reminded himself that he needed to put his attention into the work at hand and not Commander Shepard.

He sighed heavily and reached for a datapad at his side to continue troubleshooting the console. He was determined to find the malfunction even if it killed him. If he kept letting his mind drift the way it was at the moment, he was certainly at risk of the latter.

Catching a movement out of the corner of his eye when he reached down for the datapad, he realized someone was there. Ducking carefully this time, the lieutenant retreated from the opening of the access panel and sat back on his heels to see who it was and what they might need. When he got a proper look around, however, there was no one there. Kaidan’s brow furrowed for a moment, wondering if he was seeing things or if he’d hit his head harder than he’d thought.

He rose to stand to get the blood flowing through his joints again, if nothing else. It wasn’t until he rose to full standing height that he noticed something unusual. He cocked his head as he looked it over, unsure what to make of it.


Desperate Measures: Ch 7

“You’d think they’d have better music in the elevators in a place like the Citadel. This is even worse than back home,” Kaidan commented with a chuckle and shake of his head.

He was met with complete silence.

It could have been the rather unexpected fight at Dr. Michel’s office that had his two fellow soldiers distracted, but given that they’d been ambushed at Chora’s Den and the ladies at his side had bounced back quickly at the time, it didn’t seem so likely. He glanced at each of them, questioning what had so suddenly changed.

Shepard stood tall, staring straight ahead at the elevator doors, seemingly just waiting for them to open. She didn’t appear terribly bothered at the moment, but still she remained silent. Williams, on the other hand, was staring down at the floor, obviously lost in her own thoughts.

“Or not,” Kaidan quietly added. He shrugged his shoulders, and settled into the conversational lull once more.

“Sorry, Alenko. I’m going to have to take your word for it. I haven’t spent a lot of time on Earth,” Shepard answered at last. She glanced over her shoulder at him with a faint smile.


The Almost Kiss

Drabble written for the Mass Effect Writer Circle. I’m a bit tipsy and did not edit, so please be kind.

Prompted by @scientistsalarian, “I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.

Shepard was down in the cargo bay. The punching bag she was using was barely swaying that she was hitting it again, a swift right hook followed by a powerful roundhouse kick. She had found a rhythm that helped her not think. She was tired of thinking. She wanted to never think again. Unfortunately for her, her brain never gave her any respite. Perhaps that was one of the reasons she was so good at compartmentalizing. Despite her efforts, even though she was focused on her current victim, her mind was already preparing for the next mission, and yet another part was thinking about the bigger picture. The only topic she was forbidding herself to broach was Kaidan Alenko.

It seemed the universe wanted to test her when the subject of her mental avoidance suddenly stepped off the elevator. Shepard pretended she hadn’t seen him and continued her assaults on the punching bag, but she was all too aware of his presence. Her biotics felt even closer to the surface than they usually did. She suspected it was a reaction to his own.

She could feel the sweat trailing down her back from her exertions, and part of her wondered what he was seeing when he looked at her. She couldn’t pretend she didn’t care, she knew she did. She could feel his gaze on her, a burning sensation not at all disagreeable. She still acted like she didn’t know he was there even though she was getting tired, having been at it for a good while now.

She had her back to him when she suddenly stopped. She was tired of pretending. She stood motionless, letting the punching bag sway gently back and forth until it stopped, letting her breathing slow down, knowing he was still right there. She was still trying to not think, all the while knowing that not thinking, when it came to Kaidan, was a dangerous path to take.

Suddenly, she started when his hand stilled the punching bag. She hadn’t realized he had gotten this close. She looked up into his eyes. “Something you want, Alenko?”

“Figured you could use some help, Shepard,” he said, the corner of his lips barely lifting. He made to hold the punching bag for her.

She hesitated. She was exhausted, but she didn’t want to back down in front of him, so she called on her inner reserves and started hitting again. It was different now that he was holding the punching bag still. She couldn’t pretend his eyes weren’t on her. She kept on her eyes resolutely fixed on the bag, but her breathing was getting erratic and she wasn’t moving as fast as she had been before. She was still hitting just as hard, though. It was a matter of pride.

At one point, Shepard made the mistake of looking into his honey-colored eyes, and she stopped dead in her tracks.

“Tired of the target not hitting back?” he asked when he realized she wasn’t going to attack again.

She chuckled. “Is that a challenge, Alenko?”

He smirked. “I wouldn’t dream of challenging the great Commander Shepard.”

“Bull. It’s written all over your face,” she laughed. Boy, did it feel good to laugh with him.

“Is that all that’s written on my face?” he asked unexpectedly, his smokey voice twisting her insides every which way.

She bit her lower lip hard, unsure how to answer. He let go of the punching bag and stepped even closer to her, invading her private space. She looked up into his eyes.

“I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking,” he whispered, his cool breath tickling her face.

Her pulse raced; her heart beat erratically. The way he was leaning into her, she was sure he was going to kiss her. And she knew she was going to kiss back. She wanted to kiss back.

“Commander, we’re five minutes from Ontarom.”

Joker’s voice reverberated in her dream, and Shepard woke up, sweating as if she had truly been working out.

“I’ll be right there,” she mumbled, sitting up on her bed.

Damned pilot. Interrupting at such a crucial moment.



Apologies, all, for my general lack of presence/reaction lately. Life’s been... a challenge. I haven’t abandoned any writing, though, so that’s a good thing. Going is slow while I try to get it together and reorganize my existence. Heh.

Thank you to @schizoid-freak, @aceryder, @tlcinbflo, @hawkeykirsah and @vorchagirl for being so marvelous in general. I’m sorry I was unable to respond to your kind words and notes earlier, but know that I heart you all despite me being a hot mess at the moment! *hugs*

Any of you fine folks affected by the hurricanes lately, you are in my thoughts and I’m sending good vibes your way (for what it’s worth since I’m a poor kid). From an inhabitant of another hurricane-prone area, you have my support and love.


Desperate Measures: Ch 6

Trained as soldiers are to deal with threats using composure and logic, Commander Shepard appeared to be a master of it. No sooner had a gun been pulled free of a holster than she was ducking down and preparing to counterattack. She paused only to verify that these were, in fact, enemies. She worked with efficiency and sarcasm, and Kaidan hadn’t seen anything quite like it. More specifically, he was torn in how he felt about it… enthralled or afraid.

After dispatching their ambushing opposition and entering Chora’s Den, the lieutenant was in awe. It wasn’t his first time in such an establishment, of course, as the military lifestyle sometimes included going to a strip club to unwind. It might not have been his favorite activity, but it did sort of come with the territory. This place, however, had a different vibe than the typical ones he’d seen back on Earth. The fact that it was mostly asari dancing above the bar and around the room was distinctive, of course, but there wasn’t the fun, raucous mayhem of soldiers off-duty. The patrons here were business types. Quiet. Watching the scantily clad women with rapt attention. Sad. It struck him as very strange and unnerving in comparison to the clubs he’d visited back home.

“Really, LT?” Ashley commented as she caught his staring. “We’re not here for a show.”

“We’re here for a drink,” Shepard responded, already closing the distance to the bar. Normally, he might have suggested that alcohol was a poor choice when they were in the midst of an investigation, but hell, she deserved one after all of the chaos she’d been through since Eden Prime. Besides, he was too distracted trying to explain himself to a rather accusatory gunnery chief to be offering sage life advice.

“I’m not-- I mean, this isn’t--” he sighed heavily. “Do you see Harkin?”


Desperate Measures: Ch5

Shepard had walked with her head held high, still internally flooded with adrenaline and frustration. She’d sounded just as crazy as she had anticipated as she stood before the Council and tried to explain what, exactly, had happened on Eden Prime. Her fingers instinctively flexed when she thought of that projection of Saren, haughtily brushing off her claims. She’d never wanted to punch someone so hard in her life. Innocent people had died out there, including another Spectre. There had been a witness. There was evidence. Still, the Council didn’t seem to care.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. She wasn’t alone in this, by any stretch of the imagination. Ambassador Udina and Captain Anderson were just as frustrated, maybe even more so than she was. Even in the short time they’d been discussing the situation on the Citadel, they’d impressed upon her the importance of a human becoming a Spectre. While she never really believed she was in consideration for such a position, they seemed to be enthralled by the prospect. They had to be doubly disappointed now that her credibility had been called into question. The Council claimed that her accusations against Saren were a completely unrelated topic from her potential as a Spectre, but that’s not really how the galaxy worked. Shepard knew better than to get her hopes up, and she didn’t understand why the ambassador and the captain didn’t recognize it as well.

Anonymous asked:

Hi!! It is I, your favorite anon!! I haven't messaged you in a while, but I just wanted to say: you are fabulous, keep being you ^-^ You're awesome!

I heart you so much, favorite anon! I hope that life is going well for you and that you, also, continue being awesome! I want everyone to have a cheerleader like you!

PS- I’ll be posting another chapter soon! :)


The struggle is real

I’m still working on writing, I swear.

Summer tends to be my busiest season for work, so I apologize for the lack of new, fun things to read lately. I’m working on it, I promise!

I had to take a break because stress was ruining my writing. I’m still working on things little by little, though, so don’t panic. I haven’t ditched my only long fic just yet!

I hope that you’re all doing well and having a wonderful day! I heart you all!


Desperate Measures: Ch 4

“Big place.” Kaidan stared out, awestruck by the massive station. He’d never seen anything like it. The pictures and vids didn’t do it justice, that was certain. The Normandy looked downright tiny compared to some of the vessels roaming Citadel space. It was humbling and exciting at the same time.

 As he fell into stride behind the commander and the gunnery chief, he wondered why he’d never tried to come here before. It was a bustling metropolis with all sorts of people living in harmony, after all. What’s not to love?

 The moment he stepped into the office of the human ambassador, however, Kaidan was swiftly reminded of why he’d never come here before now. Politics and struggle with the Council and the general distaste that other races seemed to harbor for humans all dimmed the splendor of the immense station in his eyes. Their race wasn’t particularly popular and outbursts from Ambassador Udina didn’t seem to be helping. Still, it was hard to believe that he was standing as witness to the leadership of the galaxy, even if their images were mere projections on the far wall. While the lieutenant wanted to step up and help everyone to take a breath and calm down, he knew better than to overstep his bounds. This wasn’t even the official hearing with the Council, after all. Maybe the Council, Udina, Anderson, and Shepard could get it all out of their system before then. For now, he elected to stand in the background, uncomfortable with the yelling and wishing everyone would just let Shepard speak. He was just as curious as they were to hear more details about what she’d seen as a result of that strange beacon. It could be vital information… if they’d just let her describe it.

 “This place sucks,” Ashley muttered under her breath. He couldn’t help but smile at her bluntness sometimes.


Desperate Measures: Ch 3

(Or... start from the beginning!)

An uncontrolled jerk of all of her limbs finally wrested the troubled commander from her sleep. When her eyes snapped open, she was thankful that she wasn’t seeing the nightmarish images that had been flashing through her mind’s eye for what felt like an eternity. She saw only a simple ceiling, not planets being crushed or murderous intent. She took a deep breath and slowly moved to sit up.

Lia heard voices, but they didn’t really register in her current state of bewilderment. She was too busy trying to piece together what had happened to land her in this place, this… medbay. On the Normandy. Had she passed out? 

Within moments, the lieutenant and the doctor were there, checking her vitals and shining lights in her eyes. She knew they were trying to help, that they’d probably been concerned about her well-being, but she felt surprisingly… okay. Confused, but okay.

The commander remembered… an explosion. Before the flood of images, she remembered being knocked off of her feet. She’d been on Eden Prime. There were geth and mutilated humans and a giant ship of unknown origin and a dead Spectre. And now she was here.


Desperate Measures Ch.2

“I don’t get it. Why the hell would we need weapons on Eden Prime?” There was real worry written in the corporal’s expression as he stared at the open locker that still housed his weapons.

 “I’m not sure. I don’t have any more information than you do,” Kaidan’s brow furrowed as he quickly checked his pistol and stowed it in it’s holster.

 “You talked to Shepard, though, didn’t you?” There was a desperate edge to Jenkins’ voice that the lieutenant hadn’t ever heard before.

 “I did, but that was before all hell broke loose, apparently.” Kaidan pulled his gloves on and took a deep breath. He didn’t like delving into the unknown. His brief interlude with Shepard and Joker in the cockpit had nothing to do with what was going on, as far as he knew. “All I know is that there’s an unknown ship and something called a beacon on Eden Prime, and we’re probably supposed to do something about them both.”

 “Who would attack Eden Prime? There’s nothing there.” Jenkins, while fully outfitted in his armor, was still staring into his locker, motionless.

 The lieutenant reached across and in front of him without a word, taking hold of the assault rifle in his locker that he’d been staring at for a little too long now. He held it out for Jenkins to take. “Just take it with you. There’s no guarantee that you’ll have to use it. No harm in being overly prepared, right?”

 Jenkins slowly nodded and reluctantly took the weapon from his friend’s grasp. He slowly slid it into place on his back and mirrored Kaidan’s movements in retrieving their helmets. They made their way to a rather restless-looking Commander Shepard’s side and waited to be deployed.

Anonymous asked:

just wondering, is desperate measures the start of your long fic?! if so then i am extra super excited to see where it goes!!

It is! I'm curious to see where it goes, also! Let's hope I can keep up the pace and inspiration! I will say that finally posting part of it helped immensely. I had no idea that people would show such interest! It was really encouraging to see the nice notes and positive messages. Thank you, everyone!I feel like I should just remind all of you avid fanfic readers (and a reminder for myself, too), that a little love goes a looooong way. Give an author some encouragement and they'll pretty much do anything you want. Ha! Seriously, though, I never thought I'd be confident enough to try and write a long fic, but I'm attempting it now because some of my favorite readers and writers thought I could and took the time to let me know.Thank you, my lovelies. I'm doing this for myself as much as I am for you. It's nice to be excited to write again. Spread the love!


Desperate Measures

Chapter 1

“I’m telling you. Something’s up.”

Kaidan glanced up from his footlocker, having nearly finished packing away his meager belongings for the assignment ahead. He sighed to himself and turned his attention back to his mostly-standard-issue possessions. “I thought you were looking for some excitement, Jenkins. Change your mind?”

“Hell no,” the young corporal responded. He haphazardly tossed the few items he had left to fit into his footlocker and pressed it all down in an effort to get the container to close properly. “I’m ready. But really, if we have a turian Spectre on board and Commander Shepard… it just seems more than your standard shakedown run, doesn’t it?”

As Kaidan finished closing away his neatly pressed uniforms and orderly personal effects, he shrugged his shoulders. He chuckled at Jenkins, who was struggling with his footlocker, knowing that it would all fit if he’d simply organize it. “Or maybe you’re just overreacting. This ship was a human and turian initiative, after all.”

“Hmmph,” Jenkins responded, settling for the footlocker being mostly closed. “I guess we’ll see.”



Well, some of you might like to know that I actually have started working on a long fic. I really don’t know where it’s going to go or if it will be any good, but I am trying. That’s a start! It’s f!shenko-centric, of course, as I’m sure you’d expect of me. Tee hee. And I have no idea what I’m going to call it. I swear the title is half the battle! Sweet ideas welcome!

Just thought I’d give a little update in case anyone was worried that I had disappeared.

Anonymous asked:

i agree with previous anon re: you writing a long fic! i don't think you need to do it as an AU or make it a million chapters. your way with words and those smaller in between gameplay moments would make for a lovely rehash of the original story. i know i would read it! of course, no pressure, but i do hope you'll give it some consideration :) enjoy your day!

Oh, you marvelous anons! You bring a (happy) tear to my eye!

I’ll admit it, you’ve got me thinking. Not that I haven’t thought about it before, mind you, but I’m so very tempted to just... start writing and see how it pans out. I don’t find the idea of telling the story over again all that appealing because we all know how it goes, but maybe I can figure out a way to fit my own flair in there somehow so it seems less predictable or boring. I might even incorporate my very own version of Shepard, who I don’t think I’ve ever talked about here, oddly enough. How funny!

I really appreciate the encouragement. Thank you for the lovely messages and the support! You never know... it might just work!

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