
Paradise Lost

@mairemisfit / mairemisfit.tumblr.com

Irish. Hair is raven, heart like a tomb

i’m “house phone” years old


i'm "computer room" years old


I'm "get up to change the channel" years old


I’m “ashtray for visitors even though no one in the house smokes” years old

I’m also “leaded petrol” years old


The thing about Cottagecore is that is a fetishized aesthetic of country life, divorced from labor and idealized by a primarily urban audience with a backward looking ethos of tradition. They are not prepared for the stresses of a rural life: farming; harvesting; tapping pumpkins to ensure none of them have been replaced with flesh; losing out on income by having to use one of your pigs in a blood sacrifice to paint protective sigils over your doors and windows; checking cracks and chimneys for the flesh-vines of the Pumpkin Lord; having to decide, before the Growth is complete, whether that's really your tradwife or an amassment of vines, leaves, and blood in the shape of your tradwife; ignoring their desperate pleas that "I'm me! No! No!" as you burn them alive, realizing too late you picked wrong; and the exploitative corporate nature of commercial farming in 2024. All seen through a deeply colonial lens, of course

When I made this post I did not expect it to be an effective test of which Tumblr users actually read a post fully before reblogging, and yet


cats don’t understand what it means when you give them kisses ):

good news tho!!  they understand it 2 a point (i was distraught about this post so i looked it up)

ur cat knows u love them


You can also help them understand by mixing kisses with rubbing your cheek/nose/forehead over the top of their head, their cheek, or down their shoulders, just like cats rub against each other and humans to show affection. Also gently bonking foreheads to imitate the ‘I love you please pet me’ headbutt. Brushing & scratching at itchy spots for them imitates the grooming that cats who live together in colonies do for each other. Basically just try to find hygienic ways of imitating cat social behaviors, short of actual licking, lol. 

My cat will touch her nose to mine & rub her cheek across my face, which allows me to plant a kiss on her cheek. When she’s sitting in my lap, she’ll tip her head back until I lean down and kiss or nuzzle the top of her head. I’ve even found her occasionally trying to imitate the “mwah!” sound of my kisses, where she’ll nuzzle my face and make little chirping “mah! mah!” sounds. Cats are pretty smart little social creatures; they’ll figure out how to speak your language, especially if you put in the effort to speak theirs. 

Cats absolutely can learn what kissing is and one of ours stubbornly solicits it by jamming herself under our chins and tipping her little head to the side with her ears flat to make a landing zone. Only little kisses with little kissy sounds satisfy her.

If given the chance to learn, and not forced into accepting it, they understand what kisses mean perfectly well. I promise they do.


You don’t need to go back to who you were before your trauma. It’s okay to have changed. It’s okay to put the pieces back together differently. You get to decide who you are now. You are still worthy and valuable and enough. You are not “less” if you’ve changed.

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