
Just Emo Things

@just-emo-things / just-emo-things.tumblr.com

16,000 JET warriors and counting Hi, my name's Kitty and this blog is basically a community for the misfits. For anyone who has ever been labelled "emo" and most importantly for anyone who has had to put up with shit from the people around them telling them emo is a bad thing. In four words? Give 'em hell kid.

Sorry about the absence of late, I'm a lazy git. But if you guys liked my friends last ukulele awesomeness then check out his new song! It's amazing and lovely :3

Anonymous asked:

Heey, I wanted to say that your blog is absolutely great. And you're an amazing person because you create it. * runs away *

Haha, awww, thank you so much! :3 I'm glad you like it xxxx

Anonymous asked:

Id be your bestie Lol I see that people send awful.... and very dumb...hate mail to you and stuff but I like how you handle it I know it still sucks but yeah don't sweat it.Your blog is amazeballs and I admire how you help people.

Thank you very much for a lovely message. Nah, none of that shit gets to me, honestly. It often makes me laugh xD hope you have an amazeballs day/night/life! ;D x


Hey, can you make a Pierce The Veil King For a Day edit ? It would make my day. Thank you! :-)


Of course! I've attempted a gif edit for the first time o.o so it's a little rough but I hope you like it :3 if you don't then I'll stop experimenting and make you a normal photo edit xD


I got called stupid at school for being half/half on the whole god and devil thing , what should I do?


As in believing in them? Pfft, that's not stupid, in my eyes it's the only sensible way to view religion. I'm an agnostic atheist because although in my own personal beliefs I don't think there's a God or a Devil I'm certainly in no position to definitively claim that there's not either. To put it simply; I don't know. No one does so it really isn't worth arguing about. Congrats on having your head screwed on right :P just ignore em x


Hey Can you Do A SWS We are the strays chorus edit? I'd really love another, one is up on my wall right now ❤ thank you


Aw, yeah, course I can :) sorry for disappearing haha. Have a rad day xxx


Could you make a edit of Little Light by Kensington? they're Dutch and I love them!! I follow you a long time and love your work but I never dared to ask you to make an edit... (sorry for my poor English it's not my first language)


Aw, hello! And thank you :) your English is genuinely really good. I've never heard of them before but I'll do my best. Thanks for the request, sorry it's late and I hope you have a beautiful day xx


Hey!!!! I was wondering is it bad if your friends shun you because you listen to "emo" music? I do and I classify myself as emo but i feel like they dont like that in me... What do I do? Please help...


Your friends don't have to like every aspect of you but they do need to accept and respect every aspect of you. Can you really call them friends otherwise? Sadly, the 'emo' culture will always be looked down upon by general society because of bad stereotypes so maybe it's just that your friends worry that you'll adopt the harmful aspects that people sometimes associate with being emo. Show them you're still you, it's just that you like that kinda music, that kinda stuff. Be true to yourself and if they don't like it then you don't need them. Have a rad day! x

Anonymous asked:

Emo sausages That's all

For some reason I genuinely read that as emu sausages o-o

Anonymous asked:

you didnt make that 'green day edit' lol.....

All I ever claim to do is add text. The image I used I didn't create, nor did I create any image I use on this blog. I've explained this many times before. If anyone ever knows who deserves or wants credit for an image then I am more than happy to give it. What I DID do was add the song lyrics and speech bubble - no different to any of my other pictures and no different to anything I've ever claimed to do. If, for whatever reason you still have an issue with me or my blog then please, feel free to come off anon and tell me :) hope you have a lovely day lol.....

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