
Hyperfixation Dump

@void-listens / void-listens.tumblr.com

Void archiving the passage and recurrence of hyperfixations used as a replacement for emotional fulfillment.

apparently people are now purchasing thick water to make slimes with because of a trend on tiktok

thick water is for disabled people who can’t swallow properly. stores usually have extremely limited supplies of it.

please don’t buy thick water for fun or to make slime with. it’s literally the only way some disabled people can drink anything. It’s not a fucking toy


I’m torn about this. Don’t we normally encourage folks to buy accessibility products to teach stores to carry more of it? Like, if it’s the last one on the shelf maybe leave it for the intended buyer but if there’s a shelf-full and you’re buying one? Idk


there are EXTREMELY FEW DISABLED PEOPLE WHO NEED THIS PRODUCT. A statistically TINY group of people who have to go store to store to buy it in bulk because they don’t keep more than 4 on the shelf

It’s not like a weighted blanket or compression socks. You won’t increase production by buying them all from the store because this product is literally so little-used that most people in the notes don’t know what it is and have never heard of it






I've noticed as someone with physical disabilities and celiac, that while making mobility aids more accessible is generally a benefit to those who do need it, the opposite appears to happen when it's applied to food. Because of fad gluten free dieters, gluten free food has actually become MORE UNSAFE for people who have actual celiac. The manufacturers are catering to the fad dieters, not the people who actually have to rely on gluten free food for health.

More and more often I'm buying gluten free food that look legit but then I get home and see that I've missed "made on equipment that processes wheat" warnings on it. Or if I'm ordering groceries online, it'll be labeled as gluten free only for the box/jar/whatever to have warnings on it in person. In one obscene case that I talk often about, I nearly bought "celiac certified" ramen that was made from BARLEY! Meanwhile the manufacturers of these dangerous foods marketed as gluten free are still jacking up the price for a criminally low fraction of the amount you'd find in regular food. This was happening before covid and has just gotten worse.

Speaking of, at the beginning of covid I went hungry even when my SNAP was plentiful because people panic bought all the gluten free food. I couldn't find anything in multiple stores. I don't know how high the rate is in my city for celiac, but I'm still suspicious that this was due to the celiac population.

I've been told by epileptics that the same thing is happening because of fad keto dieters. Food that is mislabeled as ketogenic for the fad dieters is dangerous for epileptics to eat because the nutritional ratio is off and it's screwing up their careful and strict diet that's supposed to be so they can control their goddamn SEIZURES.

Tl;dr: don't touch specialized diets if you don't need them. You're not making them more accessible to people who need them, you're making the food manufacters cater to people like YOU instead of the people the diets claim to help and making it even more dangerous for us to eat.

(And if all you care about is money, know that you're wasting it on shitty food in the first place which makes no fucking sense to me)


Guys, it's time to drop Google.

Google isn't the only search engine in the whole internet, there are others! And we need to diversify our search engine usage or we're gonna end up where we were a decade and change ago with the Internet Explorer issue. We can't let a single brand monopolize everything! This is why Google Search can afford to suck so hard: because people use it regardless! And there are alternatives.

A little bit about search engines, there are 3 types: crawlers, which work by scraping the web and developing their own indexes; metas, which get their results from the crawler-type search engines and therefore depend entirely upon them; and mixed, those which have their own (small) index but also pull results from the crawlers.

Right now, there are a couple of independant crawlers apart from Google, Bing (from Mycrosoft) and Yandex (the Russian one): this are Mojeek and Wiby.

Supporting independant crawlers is the easiest way to fight the shittyfication of the internet.

Mojeek.com is an independant british search engine with its own growing index commited to fighting internet censorship. It's small, and therefore it's usability isn't as good as that of the Big Three, but it doesn't censor, it's fairly respectful of people's privacy, and it doesn't drown you in adds. For those old enough to remember, it's a lot like early 2000s Google: you can find what you need, but if you write "dig shelter" instead of "dog shelter", that's what it's gonna search for. That said, please try to use it and support it as much as you can before we end up entirely dependant on Google, Bing and big corps adds. [click here to go to Mojeek]

Wiby.me is a new indie project that is literally dedicated to bringing back the old-school web. It's goal is to index as many personalized websites as possible, and NOT commercial sites. So, for those of you who can't find any answers to technical questions beyond highschool level because Google buries them under a gazillion commercial sites and other meaningless shit, keep an eye on this project! It has a lot of potential. And, if you know of any personal websites that have great stuff but have been murdered by Google, you can go over to Wiby and submit it to their index. [click here to go to Wiby]

Aside from those, there are also meta search engines you can use to ween yourself off Google and search for random, day to day stuff.

Qwant.com is my go-to here—it has its own index and pulls from Bing, has relatively little censorship, and is fairly private. This is the one I use on my phone for everyday stuff. [click here to go to Qwant].

Historically, DuckDuckGo has always been a go-to for those who want a search engine that respects your privacy and doesn't censor. Personally, I've never been a fan, and there have been a LOT of scandals in recent years. It supposedly has its own index and pulls from Bing, much like Qwant, but I don't know. I just don't like it. Still, I've added it here for completeness' sake.

If you have Firefox Mobile browser, you can set any of these search engines as your default search engine and you can also add the others as secondary search engines and switch quicky from the navigation bar. If you don't have firefox mobile though, what are you doing with your life??? Go get it!! It is So. Much. Better. You can have add blockers and watch YouTube add free, for free! You can have reader mode and dark mode add-ons! You can have the world oh my goshhhh, drop Chrome!!

4get.ca is my last recommendation: it works a lot like SearX, but honestly better. It doesn't have its own index, but pulls from many others. I think it's the best for reaserch, since it allows you to search for answers from different indexes, is easy to configure, add free, and avoids censorship as much as it can. It's also very privacy conscious, so that's an other plus, and it has that late 90s / early 2000s vibe that I totally dig. [click here to go to 4get]

If you wanna learn more about the topic, you can over to the Search Engine Map [click here] which shows you a bunch of Search Engines and how they relate to each other. Or you can also go over to this one dude's personal website whose done A Lot of reaserch into the topic (way more than me) and seems to be pretty legit, if a little extra. [click here to go to digdeeper.neocities.org] Hope this infodump is useful to someone =D

PS: here's to hoping all the links work!

EDIT: eliminated the "read more". Figured there are enough mega long posts in tumblr, one more won't make no difference lol (tho the version w the read more has been reblogged already, in case you'd rather)


This is privilege. My partner had an "essential job" all through the pandemic. He was not allowed to work from home either. If he'd pulled this he would've been fired.


Well, yeah. But if people who have enough privilege to take a stand against workplace exploitation do take a stand, that helps slow down the ongoing creep of how much they're allowed to dick you around at work.

Make no mistake, by "not allowed to work from home," this employer meant "you will not be paid for work you do at home," while clearly expecting the employee to do work (such as answering work emails and taking work calls) while at home. (If the employer didn't expect that, then they wouldn't have noticed when the worker stopped doing it.)

If you're expected to respond when the boss summons you outside of work hours, you are on-call. If you're on-call, you should be paid.

Expecting white-collar workers to be on-call for no extra pay is wage theft, no different from if a retail or food service employee is told to, "Clock out before you clean up/close out your station, so you don't go over your hours."

(And yes, this example happens a lot. If it happens to you, in the US, you should report it to the Department of Labor. It's confidential; your employer will never find out it was you who turned them in.)


America moment

People in america need to wake up to the fact they're trying to kill us on a daily bases feeding is things that are illegal in most countries


It probably wasn’t pesticides. It was more likely a difference in the amount of gluten in the bread.

North American bread has a much higher gluten content, because there is a higher gluten content in North American wheat and other grains. This is because the grains need it to survive the generally colder climates of North America, so they’ve been bred to have a higher gluten content, which helps insulate the grains from the cold.

So it’s not that the higher amount of gluten is illegal in other places, it’s simply just not necessary, and so it’s not there.

And so North American people who have gluten intolerances often see relief when they eat European bread, due to it not containing the extra gluten.

This is an incredibly common phenomenon.

If you are a North American with a gluten intolerance, now doubting the legitimacy of that because of this video or screenshot, I promise they aren’t poisoning you, they’re just trying to make sure that people in North America can have their own wheat, flour, and bread without the logistics and high price of shipping it across the Atlantic Ocean.

saw this rbed without this addition (i already knew this but u can look it up if ur unsure) n you guys should rb this version instead! our (meaning American ) government sucks but not EVERYTHING is a conspiracy some things are the way they are for many different reasons and it sucks but it is what it is i promise u American bread isn't being poisoned by the govt .


*The reliable rating pertains to @jo-dracona's addition, not the tik-tok screenshot

American wheat tends to have higher levels of gluten, as well as other differences in composition.

Source: 'Around 60 percent of U.S. wheat production is of the hard red wheat variety; just 23 percent consists of soft wheat [source: Brester]. In Europe, the principal strains of wheat are generally of the soft variety. So what's the difference between the two? Part of the difference lies in gluten, a protein blend found in wheat and other grains. Hard wheat has more gluten than soft wheat, and the gluten it contains is stronger than gluten found in soft wheat.

[...] Due to soil and growing conditions, the differences between American and European wheat extend further than gluten content. American wheat contains about 10 times more selenium, a trace mineral, than European varieties [source: Shewry]. Levels of all proteins are lower overall in European wheat compared to American varieties [source: Gisslen'


This is also why homemade biscuits in the south of the US are lighter and softer than biscuits in the north.

It’s easier to find soft wheat flour in the Southern US than the Northern US because that’s where it grows, so if you don’t know that the bagged flour you’re buying is hard wheat, your biscuits won’t be as light and fluffy.


“ExcUSE me?!”


the thing i love about social animals is they necessarily have a concept of manners which means that you can be rude to them. not threatening, but rude. and they’ll be annoyed at you for it.


Ever hear an Andean cock of the rock before? Probably not, or maybe you have and didn't realise it, because they sound quite a bit like a kookaburra!

Kookaburra laugh: just absolutely losing it at some silly nonsense

Cock of the rock laugh: you are about to die to an Evil Scientist Device

Motion-sensor-activated Halloween decoration on its last legs.


I need people to stop blaming the death of movies on “quips”. A quip is just a funny line of dialogue. That’s all. Like I just saw a post talking about quips and the death of movies and brought up Pirates of the Caribbean as an example of a better movie and yes it is but also that movie is FULL OF QUIPS. I just rewatched The Princess Bride. It’s all quips. Every single line. And it’s a masterpiece.

Movies suck when people don’t care about the art they’re making. That includes them not caring about their quips. Which is why a lot of comic relief dialogue ALSO sucks now. But the problem isn’t that funny dialogue exists.

The Princess Bride is almost all quips, but it’s all sincerity. Every aspect of the plot is ridiculous and yet no movie dialogue has ever gone as hard as “I want my father back, you son of a bitch”


people recognize the problem contained within Whedon-style quippyness without knowing the term for the actual issue so they say “quips” when they mean “bathos”


another problem with quips that’s a little harder to analyze and explain is the quips are all in the author’s voice, NOT the characters’.

steve rogers, natalia romanoff, james barnes, tony stark, pepper potts, and bruce banner are people from radically different walks of life, and should therefore have extremely different styles of communication, despite all off them nominally speaking the same language (english). they should have different senses of humor, different senses of where the boundary lies between irreverence and insult, different boundaries, different sore spots, different goals as well as different methods of communication.

the fact that all these characters banter the exact same way, i.e how joss whedon thinks is funny, is incredibly shallow and grating.

steve grew up as a challenging little shit, who was also very small and poor, and he did it in 1920′s-30′s brooklyn new york. he regularly got his ass kicked. tony stark is also challenging and provocative, he’s a shit stirrer, but he grew up rich as all fuck. no one was beating the piss out of him in a dirty alley. tony has grown up surrounded by sycophants, rich enough to get away with whatever amount of bad behavior he wants to pull; steve grew up poor and disabled in a society that openly advocated for the death and degradation of the weak and unfit. why the fuck would they enter a conversation the same way? why would they deliver a snappy retort the same way? natasha romanoff is a spy, she’s manipulative, she’s always watching to see how a joke lands, she’s always conscientiously tuning herself this way and that to get results. she doesn’t have the luxury of casual defiance, or unthinking obnoxiousness, or even standing by her principles and pissing off someone she hates. again, why would she be tossing off little asides the same as tony, or even the same as steve?

the princess bride is sincere, and the characters still banter in their own voices. fezzik is cautious and methodical, inigo is weary and incredulous, vizzini is desperate to impress everyone with his own intelligence and in so doing often sounds like a complete twerp, buttercup is so incredibly pissed off she doesn’t have any brain cells to spare for joking around, and westley is here to ruin everyone’s day. and it works! the characters have great banter because they’re striking sparks off each other, not meshing like identical cogs in a machine.

humor is about subverting expectations, about breaking up patterns, about confrontation and absurdity. you can’t get that from a blandly uniform pulp.

I have never heard anyone summarize Westley’s character so perfectly in a single line


A real thing that happened is me as a teenager.

I had what turned out to be a dangerous walking pneumonia, for a week, but the manager at Burger King wouldn’t let me off.  My breathing was very loud and ragged.  I was coughing on and breathing on the food.

I wasn’t allowed to leave.  I was told if i called out, I was fired.

So Im shuffling around wheezing loudly swaying with my high fever as I work drive thru by myself, and a paramedic walked in to order dinner.

He goes ballistic, My friends.  He demands to see the Manager.  he chews him out at the top of his lungs so the whole restaurant can here.  Guys working the back came up to watch.  Customers staring and thinking hard about the infectious food they were eating.  Dude losing his shit about how infectious I was and all the people management had been endangering for days judging from my breathing and I needed to be home on antibiotics RIGHT NOW and the health Department was going to hear about this.

I went home.  i got the week off.  Didn’t even need a doctor’s note.

Getting friends management doesn’t know to do this WOULD WORK.

Same manager not letting me take my influenza home a year later  despite repeated vomiting?  Threw up in front of customers.  Customers demanded money back and started threatening the manager with lawsuits.

I got to go home and got time off until I stopped vomitting.

GO AHEAD and THROW UP in front of Customers.  THEY will Complain.

Don’t be shy.  

They are supposed to let you stay home when you are sick.  Stop protecting management. (Hiding how sick you are protects management).  They are abusing you.  Let them reap what they sow.


Arboreal Salamander (Aneides lugubris) bite a finger!!!, family Plethodontidae, found in California and Baja California

  • Arboreal, these salamanders have prehensile tails, and will use their limbs to glide or "parachute" from trees, if they need to.
  • They can deliver a nasty bite.

photographs by Val Johnson


Very oblivious

Not oblivious at all! (positive, about to excited infodump) Biff knew something was up the minute he entered the room, but also that his humans were happy and excited. After a thorough sniff of the toy near the door, he made a beeline for where she was hiding without making it look like he was pursuing or hunting her. When he gets around the couch, he looks right at her, but shows no surprise or tension, just that friendly, gentle curiosity. He then IMMEDIATELY breaks eye contact, turns partly away (but not fully so she can still see his face) and starts sniffing the toys, and then again doesn't show any signs of surprise or tension that might get misread as aggression.

That's not an oblivious dog. That's a dog who knows that his humans are happy and excited and that the room smells like puppy, recognizes that the puppy is clearly supposed to be there, and is on his best "reassure the puppy that he is friendly and nonthreatening" behavior. That is a dog who is actively being careful not to scare her and is inviting Ducky to come out and say hi and maybe interact at her own pace.






The last picture is, in fact, a duckling! The parents lost their baby and adopted an orphaned duckling and raised it.


Okay so like, I can’t get over this adopted baby duckling. In relation to loons, ducklings are an r-selected species. Like, there’s the understanding that some baby ducklings get eaten by turtles and so they lay big batches of eggs to make up for it.

But loons are k-selected and invest a ton of time into their babies. They only have one or two babies, both parents take care of them, and they ride around on their parents so they don’t become turtle food.

This is like, the best taken care of duckling in the world. They are gonna be such good parents, even though their kid is a weird vegan who can’t swim underwater.

I love these birds 😍


They De-Tumblrized Ms. Frizzle



why would you leave this in the tags lmao

Allow me to explain:

Everyone dropping this pic

And talking about how the new frizz her is her niece, allow me to do a direct side by side instead

These are STILL not the same woman. Where is the icon fashion, the earrings (the chameleon, which might be in the new show idk I haven't watched it), the prominent hooked nose, the broader shoulders, the volume to her hair, the LIFE IN HER EYES

This frizzle looks like she's been called into the school board for inappropriate behavior and dress one too many times and has been broken.

Also others have said it before me but I couldn't find it in the scroll backs but they whitewashed all the kids too. They same face syndromed everyone to either be easier to draw or be more ambiguous so as not to offend or both or something, and it just makes me sad

Fuck it I did the digging cause I'm still mad


And that’s not even to mention what they did to the bus itself.

The old bus had a personality and life and fun and now it’s just… a bus.


It's gives "anti abortion Jehova's Witness cartoon" now


This, I find, is an excellent example of how “aesthetic cleanliness” usually just means making something less interesting. Taking the bus and Frizz’s dresses as a relatively unproblematic, but very stupid, example first. What the showrunners have done here is seen the visuals of the original show and tried to declutter them for the tastes of modern audiences. The issue is that the taste they’re catering to is that of parents because they are generally choosing what children watch, and those parents don’t like clutter, and they see all of those fun shapes and colors as visual noise. YouTuber Tantacrul has a great video on how this effects children in music education. In short it’s why no children’s music toys have the capabilities for experimentation that normal instruments do, parents can’t stand “inharmonious sounds”

The much bigger problem here comes when this design philosophy bleeds into the character designs. What they’ve tried to do is make the show easier to look at by smoothing everything out making it all look a little more “cohesive.” Problem is that when you homogenize everything you, well… homogenize everything. Skin tones are lightened, curls are straightened, Noses are smoothed, fat kids are made skinny, it all becomes less diverse and less interesting. It paints a picture of an executive who thinks that people of color and other marginalized people won’t sell, their version of the magic school bus will be much neater, much more fitting to show our kids.


Problem a) they tried to declutter the visuals to cater to modern parents who like “clean aesthetics,” without considering what will be fun for kids to watch

Problem b) in doing so they whitewashed the character designs and send the deeply insidious message that certain people don’t fit the desired aesthetic and are thus, not fit to be represented in kids tv


Brutally I suspect it's also because the 'cleaner' visuals are less detailed and therefore take less time to animate and are therefore cheaper to produce

Why pay an already overworked animator for ten hours of actually good content when you can pay them for five hours of 'modernised' (read: shittier) content?


I don't think i'll ever be able to get over how coquetish Shen Qingqiu is, like, bro is supposed to be a repressed nerd inside a villain's body so why is he acting like the type of man wars are fought over? That head tilt with his voice drawing out the word "Shidi" would make ME fight a deranged half-demon over his corpse for 5 yrs straight, Liu Qingge was victim


Oh my god I totally forgot about that LMAO. I went back to check and it gets even worse when you realize that he immediately follows it up with “Why don’t we be more affectionate with each other? Hand in hand? Don’t be shy shidi :)”

Like how can anyone say this and not realize what they’re doing

It’s like that thing with the petunias, where they wanted to make Extra Purple so they put an extra Be Purple gene in. And it canceled out to No Purple.

SVSSS is about a repressed nerd who transmigrates into another repressed nerd’s body. The repressed nerdiness reached an inflection point and now his wife beam can affect the orbits of distant planets.

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