
the reason we are so obsessed with romance and why we consume it at every opportunity is because we’re looking for proof!!!!! we’re desperate for it!!! we just want to know it’s real but we never believe it not fully!!! we see two people madly in love and we swoon but that little voice in our head is always there saying it won’t last!!! by we i mean me this is an autobiographical post

me: why did i not cry about my own trauma until i saw it replicated on a tv show
the tiny simone de beauvoir who lives in my left ear: the fictional woman is a vehicle for the ineffable traumas of your feminine self.
me: thank you madame de beauvoir

The Phantom of the Opera is so funny if you divorce it from the gothic opera house atmosphere like imagine if there was just some guy living underneath your local DMV and everyone KNOWS he lives down there and he’s demanding $20k a month to stop him from going up there and harassing the clerks


there are good things left. there are good things coming. there are good things waiting for you. whoever you are, wherever you are, however you are, it can and it will get better.

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