


magical girl. traitor to her terrorist state

Hey you!

If your train of thought leads you to "oh Israel is like Ukraine and Palestine is like Russia". Or "Israel and Ukraine on one side and Palestine and Russia on another". Or anything that resembles these.

Congratulations! You have fallen for the false dichotomy created by the Russian propaganda.

Please surrender your phone to your parents and don't open social media again.



Viktor Mikhaylovich Vasnetsov (Russian, 1848-1926) The joy of the righteous in the Lord, 'The threshold of heaven,' Details, ca.1885-96


The shelling of residential buildings in Gaza is unbearable to watch


Forgot that replying to a hot topic post means a lot of activity coming up next lmao

Those who reply to me there make fair points but like... No way I'm excusing taking hostages from civilians hell nah

None of those who excuse it would wanna be such hostages themselves even in the name of freeing the oppressed people who capture them, none of them would think it's good and right if they were captured - even if their nation waged a war against another and they were against this war. But whatever, I get what they all tryna say. I guess


What can I say except.

That Palestinian guy who I met in Istanbul was the nicest and the most helpful among the people I met there. If it wasn't for him, I might've ended up homeless on the city's streets, and we barely knew each other. He told me how he was forced out of his home; how his father was wounded; how he can never return home now: "it's Tel-Aviv now", he said.

My friend in Israel loves his homecountry. He never settled on someone else's land; he was simply born there, and it's his right to love his homeland and his state and his people. Also, he's a nice person. Living quite close to the zero line, he now fears for his life.

Both are civilians and should be left out of the military conflict together with their families. But you know how it is.


Also any mention of Hamas/militants capturing Israelis that doesn't mention the purpose behind taking hostages - to secure the release of the 5,000+ Palestinians detained by Israel, including over 100 *children* - and portrays it as merely aimless violence carried out by Palestinians who can't suppress their orcish tendency to r*pe and pillage, is deliberately misleading bullshit. Violent resistance by Palestinians will always be decontextualized in order to acquit Israeli violence.

And guess what: it works. Last time they had just one Israeli soldier captive (Gilad Shalit in 2011) they got more than 1000 Palestinians freed from that mf. Israel's set precedent for the ratio of the worth of Israeli life to Palestinian life is literally 1:1000. Such are the conditions produced by apartheid.


Disclaimer: I'm no expert to say the least


"Pursuant to Article 8(2)(a)(viii) and (c)(iii) of the 1998 ICC Statute, the “[t]aking of hostages” constitutes a war crime in both international and non-international armed conflicts"

Whatever the purpose, taking hostages is a war crime. Even if the enemy commits war crimes (some blame Israel for those: here, I won't say it does or it doesn't, cuz I am not educated enough on the topic), war crimes cannot be committed against it (or civilians on the enemy's side). You can't just say "they are war criminals for a good reason" cuz Geneva Convention and ICC Statute exist for a reason. You can say "Palestine good war crimes bad" if you want, that won't contradict anything. But don't excuse war crimes pls😭

>>one Israeli soldier captive

Exactly. Soldiers. Those are prisoners of war, not hostages. So HAMAS can exchange POWs for Palestinians detained in Israel. That wouldn't be a war crime.


being a girl and hitting puberty is so traumatic. you go from being a genderless little free thing to being hit with shaving and makeup and growing breasts and skincare and menstruation and suddenly being sexualised when like a few years ago you could take your shirt off to play in the stream and trade yugioh cards with the boys and come home covered in mud and not even think about it. and then you spend years hating being a girl and hating everything puberty did to you and wishing you could be a boy or be completely genderless again and it takes you Many years to come to terms with yourself Or you simply try to Lean In to everything and do makeup tutorials on YouTube and claim it’s for fun. like how can this be treated as normal

getting genuinely concerned by the number of ppl on this post suggesting they are trans because of misogyny like ??? perhaps some therapy comrades ?????


russians killed 49 people in a village of hroza in kharkiv region. there was a wake in a cafe and they targeted it directly. a wake in a village cafe. i don't have much to say except that the time will come


just ran for 20 mins non stop (for the first time in my lifetime actually lmao). Good but gotta do even better


Today thinking of: my long lost Twitter mutual, a Somali 14 yo girl who liked reading Dostoyevsky and listening to Molchat Doma. Where are you now


Rely on your friends and help your friends out not expecting anything in return. Western style individualism is critically overrated, obnoxious, and draining.

Other people are normally not your enemies wishing to steal all your opportunities to themselves. Competition should be balanced. You can achieve so much more if you work together and support each other.

Being oh so much better and more productive than the rest won't make you happier. Having people to rely on will.


oh I'm literally like THE DOCTOR

I'm a disaster

I'm like SOFIA THE FIRST she's so relatable

God there's no bigger disappointment than I am



I will become physically stronger I will become physically stronger I already have but I will progress more

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