
Pokemon Omegaverse

@pkmnomegaverse / pkmnomegaverse.tumblr.com

Set in the game-verse of Pokemon, this AU is meant to explore how an omegaverse version of Pokemon would work. But mainly it's fankids. Blog does get dark/horror-esque and R18/spicy at times (cause you know, omegaverse. The kink trope with consent issues). See "About" for more details and at least glance through the family list before you follow. Should tell you all you need to know

Honestly I don’t know how creators of popular series don’t cave and make the occasional fandom content canon. Cause one person draws my fankids in a certain ship/with a specific outfit I like and I’m like “this is canon now. How can I deny this godtier idea.”

This is about KataSage btw. Both them as a ship and just Katarin’s main outfit in gen. Che drew too much good art of them and my brain latched on to it. I’m truly blessed she ended up shipping them somehow.


HELLO EVERYNYAN, I was gone for a while because of depression But I'm back YEEEE and also I drew some of my fav fankids from Cyrus from pokemon because I saw magmachan doing it and I also wanted to do it

WARNING: Those fankids are not mine!! I only drew them

Idk but I love yall fankids they are so adorable and creative X3

I want to apologize for being so inactive really Depression hit me so hard :( anyways I'm back <3

Rhea the cat queen is from @pkmnomegaverse/ @sydchan

The shining Star is from @pkmn-villians-next-generation/ @magmachan

The beautiful Eris is from @pkmn-nextgenadventures

The mysterious Aeon is from @pokemon-legends-and-legacies

The cute boy Orion is from @pkmn-future

And the adorable Cybil is from @clairefable


Maverick/Lark song time as I recently made a ValAngel playlist and while they ain’t quite to that level of toxic, the vibes are there. So borrowing some of the songs from that playlist for them.

  • Tamagotchi by ieuan - Okay this one is tricky since Lark doesn’t actually mind, to some extent, that Maverick is just using him. Like he knows that is what’s going on. But in his heart….he wants to be more! (I want them to be more). Plus a lot of the lyrics even outside the chorus fit them.
  • Between Breaths (An XX Perspective) by Blaqk Audio - The number of ships I could use this song for…really do adore this song. It’s very much just a sex song that speaks for itself. But it’s the desperation and obsession in it that I love. Works well for Maverick/Lark. Also a song for them that’s for sure from Maverick’s POV for a change!
  • Won’t by Darci - Lark’s antisocial vibe. But it’s really the “my heart’s been colder my devastation’s been waiting for me” line that I love about the song. Like it’s maybe kind of romantic in wanting to be alone with your significant other, but that vibe still lingers.

It’s finally complete! 🙌

Updated the Family List, since I liked how having the character pictures makes it much easier to scan who is with who (and helps with same name or COTD characters to know who they even are). The info I had at the top of the family page I just added to the “About” page. The ChampionVerse family page is still in there, you just have to go to the Orre tab and the link is in there. Credits for the region pics and code itself is also in the Orre tab. Figured Orre will never have a lot of families so easy one to have the links in.


Okay…I still stand by the Pokemon world being lax with criminals so Lysandre is def getting out of prison post XY (in ChampionVerse where he lives) at some point not too far in the future, but I had a vision to the “prison wife” memes I’ve seen floating around and that’s Augustine. He’s the “prison wife” visiting his condemned man and raising Colvis until his man is out. Clovis being conceived at all we probably some convoluted plan involving Xerosic and it giving him a better claim on him totally being Lysandre’s partner, what are you talking about. Like that whole thing is vague at this point but Augustine is pretty desperate to help Lysandre in a verse here he lives so he’s willing to do what needs to be done.

But yes, go google “prison wife memes” cause they truly are a vision.


I’m adding brief little description to the region tabs on the ChampionVerse family list and it got me thinking about how while Green/Ethan and N/Nate are meant to be each rival character getting with the “wrong protag” who reminds them a bit of their proper “true love protag,” both Ethan and Nate very much admire Red and Hilbert, respectively. With Nate especially, I’ve always seen him as having a bit of a celebrity crush on Hilbert. And Ethan is confirmed bi (even tho it takes him a while to realize that about himself) in my verse so like….what I’m saying is those two would probably be very open to a threesome route. Green and N wouldn’t even need to cheat. Their spouses would be down for bringing in those specific third members, their partner would just need to ask.

Although it’s only Green I can see being tempted to cheat. N is not struggling with that impulse. With N/Hilbert in ChampionVerse, I see it that Hilbert is the one who’s tempted to cheat but stays loyal to Cheren and also doesn’t really want to do that to N. Feels like he’d be taking advantage of N (cause home wrecking the happiness he’s found). So he takes the affair on Cheren’s end extra hard (it’s what he wanted to do, so how dare Cheren go through with it while he’s been restraining himself. Like I can see Cheren bringing up Hilbert’s obvious feelings for N while they’re fighting about things. How he’s been basically emotionally cheating and then the whole thing blows up even worse).

But yes, I’m not committed to it but Green/Ethan/Red and N/Nate/Hilbert sit there as perfectly valid and possible OT3s for ChampionVerse cause Ethan and Nate would be down for it.


Cut Fankids Round 7

It's that time again!! I make a new page for the Family List and people get the axe since I felt a feeling of unhappiness as I was added some and took that as a sign.

- Curtis Mirren (Omega) & Rosa Blanc (Omega) (LiveCasterShipping)

I tried to spare this ship. I really did, as Rosa/Curtis are a perfectly fine ship. But I just feel nothing for this fam and got nada for Briar, which won't do since I like all the other Unova Protag fams a lot. Ship wise I'm going to try out Rose/Iris for a bit with a brand new kid named Juno. Briar gets thrown back into my name bank. I briefly considered Rosa/Yancy but it has the same issue as Curtis/Rosa, so I figure if I actually switch up my Rosa (make her focus on the trainer end of things, not acting) that might help. My vibe for Iris/Rosa at the moment it that they're together but live separate a lot. So Iris is off doing Champion stuff while Rosa is traveling around with the kid (basically doing what Nate does in ChampionVerse)

- Newton Graceland (Alpha) & Zero Axis (Alpha) (AntipodeanShipping; it’s complicated)

  • Rusk Graceland - Alpha!Boy (Raised mostly by Newton)

Rusk has barely even been their kid and he's already getting cut. Like idk, I thought Rusk had a cute enough design but am in a downsizing mood. Sometimes less is more if I don't have much of a concept for a fankid or family.

- Cynthia Weaver  (Alpha) & Caitlin Lycaste (Omega; 41) (WhiteOrchidShipping; fwb)

  • Calliope Lycaste - Omega!Girl

This was related to that feeling of unhappiness thing. I would say of all these kids, Calliope has the highest chance of revival, as at least has a rough design and concept. But I think I really do need to figure out Eria (keep or cut) and then things will fall into place from there. Have too many Unova kids in limbo right now so need to axe the ones who have the least amount of substance in my mind.


Blame a certain Twitter artist and their popping art of these two that got me interested enough in this ship to make them endgame in ChampionVerse. Although I do think a bit of Steven’s playboy antics come out with them whereas Steven/Wallace manage to avoid that in MainVerse.

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