Hello hope you are well :) I am using the egg viewer to find cc on exported sims, but it keeps saying "Error (bad magic 0x7)" or something like that. I am using cc magic and the path is correct but when I tried exporting the sims again, it still won't work. Wondering if you know a fix? Thank you in advance!
I am 99% sure in the settings you can tell it which folder has all your CC in it. So just manually tell it where the folder is with all your individual packages!
Thank you for this amazing blog! I'm going to go through my CC following your tutorials on how to clean them!
Do you know a tutorial or a mod that deletes (not just hides like nraas mastercontroller) the fugly recolors of cas stuff? Kinda like the WallFloorHiderCompilation mod does the extra recolors of wall and floors in build mode.
Deleting would be hard, you would have to edit your game files to delete presets. So i don't actually know anything that deletes stuff. Only hides. And then I only know full object hiders not recolor hiders, sorry!
hiii, do you have a tutorial on making custom tattoos using the dds exporter in photoshop? i mean tattoos in the tattoo category, not accessory ♥
Hey Frankie! I hope your 2024 is off to a great start and things are well for you. I was hoping you could direct me towards an up to date tutorial to follow to mod caw objects, in particular extracting and replacing the mesh. All things I have worked on so far are either found in TSRW already and/or able to be opened and have their meshes extracted HOWEVER I want to make some retaining walls, street signs and so on and I can't find them in TSRW or open their package in tsrw. Please help! Thanks!
Simple! Just clone them with s3oc :) That works for everything but plants btw. And make sure to deep clone and keep IDs if you want to default replace, and give new IDs if you want to make it a new object!
Hi how are you I have a question about converting sims 4 to sims 3 please how do I uv map a long dress please and thank you.
I have a video tutorial on UV mapping dresses, just watch that :)
Hi! I’m not sure if this has been asked before but is there a way to disable the ability for snow to land on objects in tsrw? I have a mesh that looks weird with snow on it and just need to disable that one object. i hope theres an option for that somewhere, hopefully fingers crossed!
There definitely is but I cannot find the information at the moment. Can you help @aroundthesims @greenplumbboblover
Hello! I have photoshop cs6 with the nvidia tool installed but the normal map filter doesn't show in the filters. I can still save as dds but no normal maps. Which photoshop version do you use to get the normal map tool to work?
I have CS6 too! Try to manually install the normal map filter. I no longer play sims so I no longer have it installed but if you find the filter file and the folder its in, sometimes there are multiple folders with the same name in your CS6 installation folder, just copy it into each one.
Hi~ I made a few mirrors but every time I use them in game and select the actual mirror part, it only has the "nraas" option. Unlike when I click its frame it shows all the interactions. I duplicated the part of the mirror in blender and put it behind to see if that works, but it still doesn't show all the options you're supposed to see (hopefully that makes sense). Do you know how to fix that?
Interesting! Never actually had this issue how weird. I actually have no idea where to start, could you help @aroundthesims or @greenplumbboblover?
hi hello! i have a question. ATS3 made a 4t3 conversion of the little campers kit, and her backdrop screen requires into the future. i personally rather would not have ITF in my game, but i know there’s cc out there that makes some of the buy objects base game compatible — including the projector thing that came with into the future. i am super unfamiliar with modding, and i was just curious if you could direct me to any resources that could help me make the backdrop screen also base game compatible ^-^ i don’t have any intentions of distributing it anywhere or anything, just for personal use, but if it violates ATS3 TOS’ and you don’t feel comfortable answering i understand haha. thank you!!!
So the issue is that the backdrop screen uses scripts from ITF. So you would theoretically need to find someone who has ITF, get their game files, and search through the game files for all parts pertaining to that screen, export them, and then make it all BGC. The issue is more finding all the parts that are required for that screen to work... The most basic attempt is to ask someone with ITF to use s3oc to clone the screen and hope it includes all parts but it may not!
Hello! So, this time I'm kinda looking for opinions on one theory I have about "fixing" something. So, if you have any other idea apart from my theory, everything is welcome.
I am basically having this problem where my game keeps crashing and I could always fix it. But this time I'm trying everything I can and there's no way. I mean, there's one way left but it's basically taking out some CC, sorting it out. But that's already not an option for me cause I had already done that before installing. The thing is, I had about the same amount of CC as you (30gb) sims3pack + packages. Recently, I installed some new CC (clothes and objects as simspack and 3-5 new mods from MTS) and now everything has gone up to 35gb. (28gb being on DCcache, sims3pack basically). So my game up until now has runned fine, with it's lags and crashes here and there but everything normal. Y'know, after a while of playing it crashes. Sure, that's okay. But now I'm trying to play in the save file I'm always playing. With it's Nraas register, overwatch, master controller settings, and other mods to make it run better. The only thing is that I'm not able to play for maybe more than 5 minutes on my main household. I also have other households on the same savefile. That's because I like to play rotationally and have my own sims as townies so my savefiles get big and heavy just because of that and not generations. And so here comes the problem. The crashing always ocurs in less than five minutes in any household living in a house the same size or bigger than a medium sized lot. I'm aware that even though this didn't happend before at all and I could perfectly play on them for hours, I have installed new CC on my game.
This is where my theory comes in, and where I could really use some opinions couse I'm really lost. I admit that what's causing this is well... Me, pushing my game to load more content. But bear with me, I had been wanting to buy a better graphics card for my PC. Mainly for sims 3, but I'm scared it's gonna do nothing. I have a laptop which, I have brought up before in this Tumblr, and in this laptop it doesn't matter how many cc and mods the game has,(maybe nothing at all) it's always gonna crash eventually. With vanilla sims, it crashes after 3 hours of playing. BUT, the game runs super smooth and waaay better than in the PC even with 35gb of CC. This is because it's basically a MSI gamer latptop from last year. i7, with 32gb of ram and a very good graphics card which I don't remember right now. But it's basically 75 times better than the PC's Nvidia GeForce 1050 ti In a 0-100% scale. (PC is an i3 and has 16gb RAM, which is a really good but,✨ sims 3✨ xd) I'm not gonna buy one like the laptop cause is really expensive but I was thinking about something in between if my game could run as close as good as in the laptop. The thing is I'm really confused because I'm really scared that even if I buy a new one, the PC could still crash at this problem I have just like the laptop crashes in seconds, that's why I brought it up. I don't want a smooth game if it's still gonna crash :')
I know my PC well, it doesn't crash inadvertently like the laptop, if I play vanilla sims no way it's crashing in 3hours. With CC it's very possible, but not vanilla. I have checked how much memory utilisizes and it's 7-8 gb of memory. out of 16, that's good, it's not bad. But again, it crashes at this houses outta nowhere. I now a solution is to avoid playing in these, but there's no way now I gotta make smaller ones when I have been playing in these for so many years. So there ya go. I could really use some advice as to what should I do about the graphics card thing, if it's better for me to get a CPU or what. Not both, that's a lot of money,I know both are important for gaming, but I can't afford it. Sorting out my CC it's not an option I already do that all the time, I clean my save to 36-40 mb with save cleaner and I convert everything I can to sims3pack because Packages make my game impossible to play. But I'm definitely not getting rid of my downloads folder 😅
Okay so, my advice: 1. Your save file is probably massive by now and its just too much for the game, I would check if its a memory issue (aka watch your memory as you play as sims can only go up to 3.6GB). I would also check other saves as if they work this is likely it 2. Definitely stop installing things as sims3pack, those things are awful. Just for shits and giggles remove your DCCache folder and see if it works then. 3. I am guessing you used save cleaner, s3mo/cc magic and all that jazz 4. No GPU or CPU is going to save you here sadly. I7 is a good CPU already. And laptop is never going to be as good as PC (my opinion) as it can never pull as much power as a PC. 5. Really all you can do is play a smaller world, less sims, kill off townies, and less decorated houses. Wish I could help but sims just is a 32bit program and nothing we do is going to fix that sadly!
Hi frankie! i hope ur doing well 😊 i’ve converted a jacket from 4to3 and all looks fine in TSRW - but when i imported it into my game the body mesh is completely black and i have no idea what’s caused it? do you know how to fix it ?
Interesting, is the alpha channel of your texture black everywhere where there is no UV part for your mesh? And is it square in shape (the texture)?
Hello how your day. I was wondering how do you make custom eyes for the sims 3. I found a tutorial about them but when I did it the eyes and the whole face turn black please help me
Face turns black if your texture is not transparent around the eye texture! Make sure the alpha layer of your dds has black everywhere except the circle where the eye texture is!
Hey, my name is Victoria. I have been waiting to convert a dress I wanted to do on my own instead of finding someone who can do it. I was wondering if you or if there is anyone that can teach me how to do it? I have try some of the video and there was some programs I was missing of cuz I didn't understand what I'm suppose to do. I need to be set if I have things to work on. Number one, I cannot read the guides and learning disability and number two, I have autism. I cannot do it on my own. If you can do we can get started, if not it's okay. I am ready to learn about convert. What I'm having trouble at first was milk shape. I don't know how to use it or set it. But let's do steps by steps first.
I sadly do not have the time to coach anyone and I also no longer play sims. So I do not have the programs anymore. All the programs you may be missing have been linked on the resource page. I would use Blender 2.79 as that is what I use in my videos. I would also follow the videos if you do not like guides! In basic: 1. Export the clothing from sims 4 studio, both the mesh and the texture images
2. Open the mesh in blender, delete the TS4 body under it
3. Import a ts3 body (can be found on the resource page)
4. Make the clothing fit the ts3 body (see video below for help)
5. UV Map the clothing UV to the ts3 body
6. Export your UV map and open it in Photoshop, open the texture from the TS4 dress and move the pieces so that they overlap the TS3 UV map
7. Export the texture as dds
8. Export the mesh and body for ts3 from blender as .obj and import it into Milkshape. To do this you need the plugins. Just put all the contents of this file into the folder where milshape is installed: https://simfileshare.net/download/617270/
9. Export the dress/body from Milkshape as .wso with the group name group_base
10. Assign bones in MeshToolKit. I would use the adult female morph reference on the resource page or export a dress body from tsrw from a sims 3 dress that already exists as .wso
11. Import the body into TSRW. Import the dds images you made as the multiplier and overlay. Import the bland specular and normal map from the resource page.
12. Export This is very basic! But if at any point you have a specific question you are stuck on you can also message me @gruesim
Hi! I was looking to get started on making some clothes for my sims and I was using one of the tutorials on your blog. Unfortunately, the link for the MD female avatar seems to be broken. Is there somewhere else I can download it? Thank you!
Its on the resource page with a working link :)
1/2 I'm the one who asked about multiple textures, thanks for linking the tutorial! I'm sorry to bother again but I'm stucked to the first step, I just don't know how to get to the point of the beginning of the video, because when I open the mesh in blender (it's from TS4, I'm converted it to TS3) I don't have the same thing on my screen, I have the image/UV part on the left, not on the right, and I don't know how to show the texture and move the part out of the frame.
Hi! Could be you are using a newer version of Blender, I am still on 2.79 -.-
Hi, hope you're well. I'm not sure if you can even help me with this but I'm at my wits end. For over a year now my game has been completely unplayable. Constant crashing to the point I couldn't even take pictures. This past week I decided to do a complete uninstall/reinstall after trying everything else to see if that would help. Upon reinstalling I only put in some basic mods like nraas and some overrides. I could get maybe 40 minutes max before crashing, CLA states custom content 1/2
CLA always states CC I swear. I would watch your memory usage and see if that is the issue first. Then I would also make a totally new The Sims 3 folder, and use a basic EA world at first and see if that works. It may be something in there too!