
I just finished watching season 5 (I'm late I know) and overall I liked the finale! very slight spoilers ahead. the pink diamond twist was pretty neat and I understood it more than I thought I was gonna. there were some problems and weird plot holes (namely how Steven just like,, spiritually contacted the diamonds while he was passed out?) but they're easily overshadowed by how good everything else was.

if I could change one thing about the ending it would be that the diamonds didn't so easily forgive the cgs and that the cgs didn't so easily forgive the diamonds. but I kinda knew that was coming so it wasn't that big of a let down anyway.

aside from the finale, I really really enjoyed those sadie centric episodes. and I absolutely loved What's Your Problem. the amethyst and steven interactions were so, so good. my thirst for amethyst development has been quenched

yeah sorry if this reads terribly and isn't interesting at all lol. I kinda just wanted to give those sadie and amethyst episodes a little bit of attention but I figured it would be weird if I didn't recognize the season finale at all. I've heard some good praises and complaints about it all and I definitely don't have any original commentary after everything that's been said by other people.

Anonymous asked:

imo, with the old artstyle there were moments when the characters looked kind of ugly but it was sort of charming in a way? (if that makes any sense) now there are many ugly SU moments that just make me want to put my face in my hands scream "what the fuck"

That’s because with season 1, the “ugly” moments were used to emphasise the context. Like if something was super stupid then they’d really make the character pull a ridiculous face, like



And yes, in Season One they still had moments of animation that were unintentionally ugly, though I can honestly forgive that because that was a result of the animators getting used to Cartoon Network’s software, which is apparently very finnicky to use. But when they intentionally went off model it was funny and used to emphasise emotion, or purely just for laughs.

Now though, they don’t even go “off model” because they don’t use models in the first place, so we have a serious moment that’s not meant to look stupid and yet they’re pulling faces like this

or we end up with shit like this 


They used to use “Uglyness” to make things funny or over-the-top but now “uglyness” is their entire style because NOBODY USES A GODDAMN MODEL SHEET


so dumb post but. even if we exaggerate the opposing aspects of su critical/anti su critical (dumb terminology but what whatever) and see them in a caricature-ish light - extremely nitpicky and bitter/overly accepting and ignorant of flaws - I still think it's better to be on the critical side.

because (thesis statement): even if the criticism is too harsh, that's how improvements are made.

and if the problems aren't real and we're just complaining for the sake of complaining, then guess what! that's fine! that would be dumb and I hope it's not the case, but it's fine. complaining about fake problems most likely won't end in a real, over-correcrive solution. if a baby cries and nothing's wrong, you just have to wait out it's crying (this is probably a bad metaphor because I don't really know if babies ever cry for no reason but I hope it gets the point across. also sorry for over explaining).

but ok, let's say it's the worst case scenario, and somebody gives the baby too much of something it doesn't need (or a better metaphor for an unnesecary solution akin to that) to make it stop crying. it's still worth the gamble!! because ignoring all babies' crying will definitely end up in poorly cared for babies. (I think the babies are representing the show here? idk, the metaphor's sorta ran away from me at this point.)

but yeah, the point I'm trying to make is it's better to be safe than sorry and point out what you think are flaws in a show anyway. because really it's okay if it's a dumb thing to point out. better than holding your tongue only to regret it later when needed improvements are never made.

anyway, thanks for coming to my TED ramble


*walks up to microphone*

*taps microphone*

*clears throat*

people do not hate pearl because she is coded as a lesbian or mentally ill in fact most of the people that hate her are emotional abuse victims who have experienced toxic behavior similar to what pearl does on a regular basis so calling abuse victims homophobic/ableist and guilting them for being uncomfortable with her actions is shitty and stop trying to demonize them over this thanks and goodbye


So I know su's animation getting crappy is old news and I'm sorry to bring it up again, but I feel like this point needs to be made to everyone who thinks criticals just hate the show. The reason why we're so upset to see the visuals go to shit is that su was (and still is in general, though I'll be using past tense here) such a beautiful show! The backgrounds were so pretty and detailed and the character designs were unique and interesting, not to mention the beautiful color palettes! We just miss what used to be, at least as far as visuals go.


My shot at that cursed Connie shot. Now that I look at, there are some things I would fix on mine, but whatevs

  • How I feel about this character: Now here’s a character I can really dislike :D. Gosh even with the big reveal of her being manipulated I still can’t get into how high and mighty she is all the time, and how often we have to see it. We get it, she has problems. Everyone in this show does. How about instead of acting like her issues are the only one’s that matter maybe we should acknowledge an undeveloped character for a change? *cough cough* Everyone except Pearl *cough* 
  • All the people I ship romantically with this character: Nobody. She’s got too many problems within herself that any relationship she ends up with seems like it’ll end in a “Wahh feel bad for me!” fest. She should fix her crap first
  • My non-romantic OTP for this character: Nobody really. She’s pretty mush taken advantage of every friend she’s ever had at this point, and is part of the reason they’re all so messed up soo…nah
  • My unpopular opinion about this character: I never like Pearl from the beginning so I can’t really say I believe she deserves better. I just can’t stand the “uptight, thinks they know everything” character trope.
  • One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: I wish she had been more motherly, instead of dumping all her problems on Steven, constantly reminding him she didn’t even want him to be born. I wish she hadn’t aided in the murder of countless gems because she loved her slave owner. I wish she had been called out for all the times she had done wrong and just cried about it, actually suffering long term consequences because sometimes a “Sorry ;-;” isn’t enough. I wish there was less focus on her.

it pisses me off so much that people want blue diamond to be redeemed so much WHEN ITS LITERALLY BEEN CONFIRMED SHE WAS A METAPHOR FOR HOMOPHOBIA


Along with the fact that Blue Diamond is a literal canon abuser. So wanting her redeemed is admitting you’re cool with excusing homophobia AND abuse.


Submitted by @justaveiwer: “If you ever have the time, you should fix up this cursed photo. I don’t think I need to say much, it’s all pretty self-explanatory lol. I always wondered how good this episode would’ve looked if it had happened in season 1 or early season 2.”

Not my favorite redraw…but I tried my best! God, recreating the floor was so hard… Also, they needa bring back Chubby Steven!

Anonymous asked:

sus writers are all on different pages about ships tbh. u get some who will be throwing in amedot blushings and some who are really into lapidot and some who dont care for either and some who suddenly throw in their sadie/jenny rarepair and ultimately it feels weak cause each episode that hints at a couple never gets followed up

Exactly, I’d rather it be one or two well developed relationships then just like EVERYONE COULD LOVE EVERYONE??? WHO KNOWS????

Like, Amedot was set up so nicely and then they just threw that out again


so the quality is bad and i was too lazy to erase all of the background bits but this is my attempt at a garnet redesign sort of lol

i tried to do something other than a bodysuit like she always has and threw in a little extra blue. i also tried to tone down the thighs a bit because WOAH the base i used had some crazy shit going on there. (im tagging this as su critical even though its just a redesign because i did make this in response to garnet’s outfits we see in the show)


i remember one of the reasons i love amethyst so much is because she’s… like me! she’s fat, she loves to eat junk food, and she has a flawed image of herself in her own brain. she has my body type, she’s coded as a person of color, and that was so important to me in the beginning of the series.

but now she’s just… skinny but still “thicc” and her mental illness has suddenly disappeared in the span of one (1) episode. amethyst is so, so important to me and no doubt to others as well but it’s so jarring to see how drastically she’s changed.

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