
Lift Your Voice and Howl With Me

@well-dressed-wolf / well-dressed-wolf.tumblr.com

Independent Zootopia roleplay blog/Multiverse/Semi-Selective/other OCs welcome

Sorry I didn’t post this earlier guys, I just put it up today…

Anything you can contribute, be it a donation or a retweet, would help a lot.

Thank you everyone. I love this community.

For those of you who don’t know, that’s me and my wife.

These two ladies mean the world to me and this last week has been a hard one for all of us, especially Elisia. I know she’ll get through this, but every little bit helps! Please consider donating and spreading the word. 


an incomplete list of unsettling short stories I read in textbooks

  • the scarlet ibis
  • marigolds
  • the diamond necklace
  • the monkey’s paw
  • the open boat
  • the lady and the tiger
  • the minister’s black veil
  • an occurrence at owl creek bridge
  • a rose for emily
  • (I found that one by googling “short story corpse in the house,” first result)
  • the cask of amontillado
  • the yellow wallpaper
  • the most dangerous game
  • a good man is hard to find

some are well-known, some obscure, some I enjoy as an adult, all made me uncomfortable between the ages of 11-15

add your own weird shit, I wanna be literary and disturbed

The Tell-Tale Heart, The Gift of the Magi, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calavaras County, Thank You Ma'am

the box social by james reaney. i remember we all had to silently read it in class, and you would hear the moment everyone reached the Part because some people would audibly go “what”

wHat did I just put my eyes on

“The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury

Not quite a short story, but read in class: “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street” from The Twilight Zone

Harrison Bergeron, Cat and the Coffee Drinkers

“Where are you going and where have you been” by Joyce carol oates

“The Pedestrian” by Ray Bradbury


the lottery by shirley jackson


i can’t believe Roald Dahl’s “The Landlady” wasn’t already mentioned and also it’s not so much unsettling as more absurdist but “The Leader” by Eugene Ionesco definitely made me go wtf


Ett halvt ark papper. I cried so much.


Ночь у мазара, А. Шалимов

A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury

I Have no Mouth, and I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury 

Some of Us Had Been Threatening Our Friend Colby, by Donald Barthelme

We read lots of good disturbing shit in hs or in the writing groups I joined in hs but somehow the top of the heap for shit that haunted me’s still indisputably Ethan Canin’s “The Palace Thief”. It’s not horror as such but it freaked me the fuck out. 

There was another O. Henry short story we read that was also really alarming but I had to google a major spoiler (which is also a warning) to recall the name – “The Furnished Room”.  

there will come soft rains by bradbury was very unsettling for middle school me


I had no idea so many were all written by Ray Bradbury, why did he do this to us

“Emergency” by Dennis Johnson – not entirely disturbing but really weird and there’s one Bad Part

“A Small, Good Thing” by Raymond Carver – again not all that bad but sad and kind of creepy 

Ray Bradbury is a master of the unsettling short story, and for a couple years in high school, I wanted nothing more than be able to write like him​.

Most of my ninth grade syllabus is listed here, tbh. 

A Hunger Artist” by Franz Kafka

Life is Sweet at Kumansenu” by Abioseh Nicol  

Flowers” by Alice Walker


Le Guin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas.”

Can’t believe Roald Dahl’s “Lamb to the Slaughter” isn’t on here. There are others in our lit textbooks, to be sure, but LttS is probably tops my list for disturbing. 

A Rose for Emily. Ugh.


No Renewal, Spyder Robinson, as well as most of the above.

The White Circle

“Where Are You Going?  Where Have You Been?” totally gives me the willies because IT TOTALLY HAPPENS ALL THE TIME

But also: We English teachers can’t help it all the good literature is sad and creepy. (”WHY IS EVERYTHING WE READ SO DEPRESSING?!” said one of my honors students.) 

who goes there? - john w. campbell, jr. so good.

Anonymous asked:

*looks delicious* hi

"Wait, I'm delicious or you're delicious? Either way, I'm slightly concerned..."


A large basket of egg shaped cakes has been left on Lucius's front step, each of them iced in different patterns.


Lucius stepped outside, the look of surprise quickly replaced by a broad grin and a disbelieving shake of his head as he retrieved the basket of treats, "I swear, that Felicity does spoil me so.."

Anonymous asked:

For a canine Lucius is a real cool cat and his threads are to die for 🙌

"A 'cool canine' would work just as well, but I appreciate the sentiment. And thank you, I do pride myself on my fashion sense!"


Name: Lucius Clawdius Howlgrave Species: Timber Wolf Age: 49 Home Address: 505 E. Crevasse St., Tundratown Work Address: Downtown Zootopia Occupation: Curator at the Zootopia Museum of Natural History Likes: Good food and strong drinks (preferably an ample supply of both), classical music and hits from the ‘80s Dislikes: The prey majority, public ridicule, his frequent heartburn Fears: being forgotten by his peers, becoming irrelevant (too late), losing his teeth, keen sense of smell, and wolfish good looks Hobbies: Horticulture (he particularly enjoys growing and nurturing roses, though the constant chilly climate of Tundratown makes this a difficult endeavor), practicing magic tricks/sleight of hand, brewing and branding his own beer, “Wolfsbane Ale” A former college professor, Lucius taught a course in Evolutionary Biology at the University of Zootopia. He is staunch believer in predator superiority over prey animals, both in physical capabilities and mental prowess, and would often slip in his own agenda into his lessons. His rather extremist views lead to him being ostracized by his colleagues and he was all but forced to step down from his position once he began to make his opinions more vocal in the classroom. Lucius’ method of dealing with this shame involved turning to the bottle and the dinner table for comfort, causing him to put on a good deal of weight as well as becoming all around more temperamental and curmudgeonly, though he can still turn on his old charm and elegance, should the opportunity arise. Lucius currently works as a curator in the Early Mammals exhibit at the Zootopia Natural History Museum, where he organizes lectures and guided tours, for the most part reining in his skewed viewpoints while in public. Behind the scenes, he is a high ranking “Alpha” member of the Supreme Order of the Bared Fang, a pro-pred/pro-wolf fraternal organization which strives to “bite back against the horns and hooves of our oppressors”, though it’s mainly an excuse to share a few drinks and laughs with like-minded mammals. Will he overcome his prejudices and learn to love both predator and prey alike? Only time will tell… http://well-dressed-wolf.tumblr.com/ http://archiveofourown.org/works/7931737

Here's my current bio for Lucius! I've changed a few things regarding the specifics of the Order as well as his current occupation, but for the most part he's the same old wolf.


Would anyone be interested in picking up leftover threads with me or maybe starting something new? I'm in a pretty rough place right now, but figured trying to get back into writing might help. Worth a shot at least. Um so feel free to like this post if I owe you stuff. I might need my memory refreshed, but I'll try and pick up where I left off!


Just letting people know I’m still alive! I’ve been very busy with work/other irl stuff, but I would like to get back to writing in the near future. I miss you all! 

I’ve also been reworking Lucius’ character a bit, but he’ll still remain mostly the same. Probably gonna ditch having him working as a magician since it doesnt seem to jive with his character (he’s a re-vamp of an older character of mine so it was pretty much carried over from that) though I like to think he knows a bit of sleight of hand to entertain at parties. I’d be happy to pick up old threads though, I apologize for leaving rather abruptly. Hope you’ve all been doing well!

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