


The universe is unfolding her purpose for me. This is a journey into the stories and truths that weave their way into being. These words give voice to my spirit and the energy within my soul. There is adult content that may be sensitive from time to time. 18+ only Copyright © 2017-2023 C.G.as MochaOut


Thank you for the lessons you have brought

Thank you for teaching me how to identify and know what I need (by modeling unhealthy attachments)

Thank you for teaching me rebirth (by pushing me to the core of me)

Thank you for teaching me patience and wasting time is not the same (by being an investment with little to no return)

Thank you for teaching me how people show value where they find value (by highlighting my value to you is only derived from how you benefit from me, it’s not inherent)

Thank you for teaching me boundaries (by walking all over me when it benefited you)

Thank you for teaching me confidence (by taking every opportunity you can find to work to tear me down mentally and emotionally)

Thank you for teaching how to be vulnerable (by belittling my emotions or communications)

Thank you for being my toughest teacher yet

I loved you (I love me more now)

No longer your student



i’m collecting your hugs

from the very first one captured in a breath

i string together feelings, stillness, the moment

where some turn into more

every new embrace a square of a quilt being fashioned on the inside

i’m collecting your touch

wrapping me in a warmth that is not easily explained

peaceful, gentle, firm, playful

as fingers crawl like curious spiders up my spine

newness and wonder being interwoven, strengthened

i’m collecting your gaze

staring at me, through me, to the depths of me

taking in the silence of communication

watching as we become harmony caught in a lens

not mere memory but presence as our eyes dance in knowing

—your embrace, the dopest lullaby never spoken



Today is the only day I’ll offer you an apology for not knowing this beforehand…not knowing how to use the words to communicate my silent desires…for the reassurance I sought when choosing to offer myself to you…I’d be lying if I said I did so without my own expectation…you see this is the place of my error and why i am sharing this with you now…you were unaware of what I was truly seeking behind hungry kisses and bewitched eyes…searching for an intimacy I had yet to give to myself, and it was this pull and draw to feel connected…the depths of how intensely I could embrace another’s aura…I was lost…lost in your pants and moans, while you thrust into my folds…like dismantling a paper airplane, I became unhinged in falseness…in the blind search for what I failed to find in me… you collapse spent and there is no repentance for what I chose, and every year I chose to hurt myself…under the guise of loving myself…accepting the lie in “belief”…behaving like the intimacy I need exists outside of me


Ode to Us

As much as I would love to be there for you, to help you carry this, to walk right beside you, to be a help;

the reality is that has not been my place for a very long time. I have operated outside of my true essence in trying to maintain an idea of what we are, or what we were, or what we could be, ignoring the truth of what is;

and by that acknowledgment all we have is these ideas of nostalgia, of moments that we captured when we were children;

learning to navigate, learning how to move through life, figuring out ways in which to love, pulling from places which we were not shown; but yet we combined our efforts

and we committed without even understanding the weight of the bonds that we agreed to, without understanding what was really being exchanged, we were taught and we followed

and this is the result of someone else’s influence navigating your path without you being present and it is the greatest travesty but the most beautiful awakening

because in this space we can no longer lie, we can no longer say that we don’t know what happened, we can longer be in denial of the truth that has sat at the gate; at the door from the very beginning

we refused to see it because we held on so tightly, both of us suffocating the other; afraid; one of abandonment, one of absence

and we had this dynamic, where there was this chemistry and this connection but we never evaluated our compatibility. we were able to get along because I navigated most of it, we were able to reach common ground because I facilitated most of it

it was as if I was the scribe of our relationship and you were just waiting to be written, waiting for me to pick up the pen so that you could move, and that you can animate, and all the while I got so distant, so far away from myself, I did not know me and thereby I could not really be there for you

but I was pouring into this depth of need that wasn’t my own and I suffered for it, but it was the suffering that I chose because despite what I may have felt like I have given, I knew, and I went against my own knowing to try to make up for what?

because no matter how much I tried, we always come to this outcome, this was always our story, this was always how we got here and the only thing is to be able to let go, we have to, there is no more us

there is no more sunny days and starry skies and hand holding and playlists playing all night while we talk for hours; these are echoes of what was and it has not been for so long, and things that are not alive should be buried, to be recycled back, to grow anew; and we never buried what we knew no longer served us

and we propelled forward and we continued to push and to hold, and to push and to hold neither one of us allowing enough space for true growth. and we look at the damage caused by a lack of awareness, that we both at one time or another possessed, and that we both have to work through in one way or the other

it is with my sincerest gratitude that I thank you for all that we have endured, I thank you for all that has fallen apart that has allowed me to grow, in ways I did not even comprehend I could, and I’m better for it, I truly know what I need and want

and I know how to create it, and I know how to be present, and I know how to be aware, and I know how to breathe in a moment, and to be still, and to reflect, and all this growth has cost everything and nothing, because it was necessary

and so this is our final song, this is our final dance, there are no more guests to applaud the fallacy we continued to put forth. this is the absence thereof, this is the silence when love has started to walk away, this is what happens when we don’t find our truth, when we don’t live in our truth, we create disaster and our own suffering with smiles and eyes that say, i love you

but they are lies because what we really did was held on to an idea of love because someone somewhere taught us about ideas and they didn’t teach us what is, and we got lost on a path and we never found the road back because we were never meant to ride in the car together for a long period of time

we created in the moments of the most beautiful essence we possessed and we created life, and the beings are beautiful…

now it’s time to put things to rest that have run their course, it’s time for the funeral baby. and in the background is the final sound of a song that has fallen silent and that has forgotten how to sing

—Mocha Out


It has been a long time since I have been consistently active and posting. Time had to be taken to get still, love on myself, heal, and move back into the flow of me. I am now present and ready to try new things. I have been getting more comfortable with the sound of my voice and sharing it. I will be posting some of the exercises of expression. Some of the recordings were done once, haven’t been edited, and were not written until after it was recorded. Thank you for all who continue to check this blog from time to time. You are much appreciated!



when the applause and praise die down

there are no more front row seats

to a production of us

shrouded in untruths; masquerading as love

we don’t acknowledge the elephants in the room

as we stand amongst burnt offerings of bloody tea leaves with the faintest hint of warm vanilla


we are almost memory and false fairytale

finally comprehending the cost of growth and evolution

the cost of wisdom, of letting go

demanding we face the revelation

a beginning has now met its end

and there are no more familiar aromas

or sounds of home


distant stares





Tonight I add you to my list of losses as I am well aware that I have to let you go. Thank you for what you have been able to share with me. It will take many moments and days for me to rid you from my thoughts and body. To extrapolate you from my heart. To pull away from the tether you have. I love you and I will never say it again because I want to release you to be free to love who you choose.


from the Breakdown of a Relationship series

I release you.

“I spent so much time waiting for you to be ready. Ready to open your heart and accept us but you were too afraid. And now we return to the strangers we used to be.”

—i kept waiting for you to notice me. waiting for you to show me you needed me. waiting for when the timing was good for you. i told you I NEEDED YOU. on the nights when everything was chaos. i needed you. when i couldn’t access any space that felt safe. I NEEDED YOU. i needed to hear your voice, to see you, to be held in your arms. but i kept waiting for when you were ready. wondering when your words would line up with your actions. but i knew my waiting was in vain. when you are ready i won’t be able to give to you. there were so many days of unreciprocated affection. because you were too distracted. too guarded and afraid to open. you were unable to return to me what I gave you. a chance for you to show me what I meant to you. goodbye started well before the word left my lips…my heart couldn’t take your indecision.

— MochaOut

from the Breakdown of a Relationship series via mochaout

#14. Don’t want to wait to be noticed @september-stardust


A Vacant Temple

How can something so hollow and dark

Pour out light…

In the space where only the sound of silence paces back and forth



**writing prompt from @september-stardust , 5. “Looking alive but running on empty.”

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