
Love the light!


FFXV scenery/character appreciation- shameless photo spam

[ ID: Tweet by Hurt CoPain, @/SaeedDiCaprio, which reads: "the reason why we ask people with platforms to spread awareness on palestine is not bc a tweet can solve it, but because there is a government spending billions on social media to fabricate consent for their war crimes. if it didn't matter, they wouldn't spend money doing it". /End ID ]


PSA: Don't use Open Office

I keep seeing people recommending Open Office as an alternative to Word, and uh... look, it is, technically, an open source alternative to Word. And it can do a lot of what Word can, genuinely! But it is also an abandoned project that hasn't been updated in nine years, and there's an active fork of it which is still receiving updates, and that fork is called LibreOffice, and it's fantastic.

Seriously, if you think that your choices are either "grit your teeth and pay Microsoft for a subscription" or "support free software but have a kind of subpar office suite experience", I guarantee that it's because you're working with outdated information, or outdated software. Most people I know who have used the latest version of LibreOffice prefer it to Word. I even know a handful of people who prefer it to Scrivener.

Open Office was the original project, and so it has the most name recognition, and as far as I can tell, that's really the only reason people are still recommending it. It's kind of like if people were saying "hey, the iPhone 14 isn't your only smart phone option!" but then were only ever recommending the Samsung Galaxy S5 as an alternative. LibreOffice is literally a version of the same exact program as Open Office that's just newer and better – please don't get locked into using a worse tool just because the updated version of the program has a different name!


I use LibreOffice. It's wonderful.


we are the daughters of the 0.1% of bacteria your all-surface cleaner couldn't kill...


TLDR: this absolutely happens and has created at least 5 superbug microbial entities that are a real danger to humans

this is actually a very real and documented thing that is happening, and scientists have been warning about for decades. Because that 0.1% isn’t just surface cleaner, it’s all germicides, for all the organisms that cause sickness and death. People over-use and misuse so much bleach and cleaning chemicals, so many antibiotics, etc, that we have been creating stronger and stronger “super-bug” microorganisms.

You know where a huge diversity of human compatible, illness-causing bacteria and protozoa live? The sewer. You know where people dump a huge amount of bleach, unused medication, and other chemicals? That’s right! Down the toilet. 

You literally couldn’t design a better experiment for creating mutant super-illnesses that are immune to all our methods of treatment.

Oh, and we also have these buildings where people who are infected by these kinds of organisms all shut themselves in together, and we spray those buildings down with bleach and people do stupid shit like stop taking their prescribed antibiotics before they’ve finished the prescription -- which, seriously, please don’t do that - feeling better just means there’s LESS bacteria, not necessarily none, and stoping before there’s none left means you’ve killed all but the strongest bacteria, so when those bacteria repopulate you now have a bunch of bacteria who are all born of survivors, and they’re much harder to kill.

OR people will take antibiotics for things that are not effected by them, many illnesses are caused by things like viruses that are completely un-effected by antibiotics, so it doesn’t help but it does get peed into the sewer and it does mess with the thousands of bacteria that normally live in your body. That’s an ecosystem, and antibiotics can mess up the balance. I’ve known people that treat antibiotics like aspirin, getting them from people who haven’t finished their prescription, or jaded doctors who have been worn down by the Karens of the world. One of the superbugs we’ve got now is actually from a type of bacteria naturally found in our guts, Enterobacteriaceae, but inappropriate use of antibiotics has caused un-balanced populations, mutations, and strains that cause a wide variety of serious infections and are resistant to some of our best antibacterial treatments. 

Between hospitals and sewers, an ineffective system of oversight and a public that refuses to stay educated and responsible in their use of chemicals, we have been breeding terrible super-powered illness causing bacteria -- more and worse are inevitable if we continue without change.

to give detailed examples, two of these superbugs we’ve created so far are:

a superbug version of Acinetobacter.

Acinetobacter is a common family of bacteria often found in soil and water, important for various environmental processes. It’s everywhere. If you look at any person’s skin at any time, there will be some on there. Sometimes types of Acinetobacter will cause infections in people, these infections include bacteremia, urinary tract infections (UTIs), secondary meningitis, infective endocarditis, and wound and burn infections, and pneumonia. In rare cases, the bacteria can go on to enter the bloodstream, resulting in bacteremia with mortality rates ranging from 32% to 52%. These infections are sometimes caused by hospital interactions that can move it from surface to interior, such as repeated catheter placement or intubation. Since repeated catheter placement or intubation is usually because of something serious, and because Acinetobacter is usually easily treatable, this is a pretty acceptable risk.

Except we now have a super-bug strain of it. 30 years ago it was treatable by a huge range of antibiotics. 15 years ago there was a strain becoming common that was only treatable by 4 known antibiotics. By 2011 it had gained resistance to two of those four. Currently, medical journals are reporting “A. baumannii strains resistant to all known antibiotics have now been reported, signifying a sentinel event that should be acted on promptly by the international health care community. Acting in synergy with this emerging resistance profile is the uncanny ability of A. baumannii to survive for prolonged periods throughout a hospital environment”

a superbug variant of Gonorrhoeae

The STD Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a micro-organism that is able to alter it’s own DNA in order to mimic your body’s immune system ID and grant it immunity to your body’s naturally produced methods of killing micro-organisms. In addition to being able to alter it’s own DNA in this way, Single cells that find a successful DNA morphology can send plasmids out that share packets of the new DNA code with other existing neisseria gonorrhoeae cells nearby, enabling them to copy and implement the new code. This of course, is kind of terrifying, nature is full of miracles, and some of those miracles are nightmares.

Usually, we can kill off populations of neisseria gonorrhoeae by inducing a simultaneous sudden overwhelming flood of 2 separate kinds of antibiotics that the organism has not yet encountered. But in the last few years, “Neisseria gonorrhoeae is evolving into a superbug with resistance to previously and currently recommended antimicrobials for treatment of gonorrhea, which is a major public health concern globally” and “ it is likely that the global problem of gonococcal AMR will worsen in the foreseeable future and that the severe complications of gonorrhea will emerge as a silent epidemic” as noted by clinical researchers

There are at least 3 more of these superbugs, and more on the way, because the statement meant as a joke by OP (no shade, just sayin) is actually a very real thing -- we are creating microbial environments where only the strongest of the strongest of the strongest survive, and this is very bad for us.

You actually don’t need antibiotics as often as many people want to take them, or bully their doctors into prescribing (did you know that many healthcare systems will fire or punish doctors based on what are essentially yelp reviews? There is much about for-profit medicine and insurance-run healthcare that is horrifyingly bad for us).

And you don’t actually need all that bleach and junk. You can absolutely get dishes clean enough to eat off of with hot water and elbow grease alone. Do you know what is the main thing that causes removal of bacteria when you wash your hands? MOST of the bacteria that are shed from your hands during hand washing are removed by the friction and water. A study in 2011 found that no-soap hand washing removes up to 3/4 of the bacteria you want gone, and that antibacterial soap doesn’t clean hands any better than regular soap. 

I’m not saying to stop washing your hands with soap, especially as we’re in the middle of a pandemic, but we do need to find ways to stop dumping such a huge amount of germicidal chemicals in to the giant vat of germ breeding that is our sewer system, because we’re already seeing the daughters of the 0.01% start to rise up

Plus, environments that are too sterile make your immune system weak -- regular exposure to pathogens is like going to the gym for your immune system, and zero exposure to pathogens is like your immune system never getting out of bed. When it inevitably comes time to fight off illness, you’re for sure going to want the immune system that doesn’t skip leg day.

And for the love of all that’s holy, don’t flush anything down the toilet that isn’t explicitly meant to be in the sewers. All the medicines and chemicals you put in your body wind up there already, which is definitely a problem, we can’t just be dumping expired pills and irresponsibly mixed cleaning solutions in there. It’s not a trash can, and it’s not a magic portal, it’s a wild microbiology lab and some of our worst enemies live there, don’t send them stuff that makes them stronger.


Fascism sells a synthetic nostalgia.


As good a time as any to remind folks of the 14 properties of "ur-fascism" (described by Umberto Eco, who grew up in Italy under Mussolini, in his 1995 essay Ur-Fascism). Not all need be present for single regime to be fascist, but a Venn diagram of all fascist regimes will cover them all.

  1. CULT OF TRADITION. The old ways are best. The New is not worthwhile.
  2. REJECT MODERNISM The development of Western philosophy post-Enlightenment is seen as a descent into depravity. See also : Reject post-modernism, which is seen as an even greater descent into irrationality.
  3. ACTION FOR ACTION'S SAKE. Action is to be taken without reflection or introspection - that's for weaklings and degenerates. Often seen in a derision of "intellectual elites".
  4. DISAGREEMENT IS TREASON. Analytical criticism cannot be allowed. A pantomime of discourse may be allowed, but only within the accepted framework and only if reaching the foregone conclusion.
  5. FEAR OF DIFFERENCE. Outsiders are your enemy. Those who are different are evil and want to corrupt you and destroy all you hold dear.
  6. APPEAL TO A FRUSTRATED MIDDLE CLASS Capitalising on genuine frustrations by pointing them toward convenient scapegoats. Real concerns used a recruiting tools.
  7. OBSESSION WITH A PLOT. There is a conspiracy run by THEM. You are besieged by THEM. THEY are behind all your ills. THEY are working in the shadows to enslave and destroy you.
  8. THE ENEMY IS BOTH STRONG AND WEAK. When rhetorically convenient, THEY are all-powerful. When rhetorically convenient, THEY are feeble, stupid, weak. The rhetorical focus shifts regardless of self-contradiction, because all that matters is positioning the enemy where the speaker's goal requires them to be at any given moment.
  9. PACIFISM IS THE ENEMY. LIFE IS ETERNAL WAR. There must always be an enemy to fight. When that enemy is defeated, another must be found. When they cannot be found, they must be created, even from within. There is always the promise of a Final Solution bringing Ultimate Triumph, but it can never be achieved.
  10. CONTEMPT FOR THE WEAK. Elitism disguised as populism. Everyone of US is superior to THEM, cockroaches and drains on society that they are. But people are sheep who require strong leaders, who are by their nature superior to others.
  11. EVERYONE IS TAUGHT TO BE THE HERO. A CULT OF DEATH. Where in myth the hero is exceptional, in fascism everyone must be the hero. They crave heroic death, the reward for heroic life. In seeking it, they send others to die. (See also: Militarism).
  12. MACHISMO. Disdain for women and femininity. Intolerance of non-standard sexuality and gender expression.
  13. SELECTIVE POPULISM. The People are viewed as a monolith with a single will, as interpreted (in reality, determined) by the leaders. Democratic institutions are viewed as illegitimate because they run counter to the narrative of the existence of a single Voice Of The People.
  14. NEWSPEAK. Vocabulary cannot expand. If anything, it must shrink. Variation and nuance in dialogue means variation and nuance in thought. This cannot be allowed. Therefore categories must be binary. Definitions are simple and limited. If it cannot be boiled down into snappy catchphrase it does not exist.

Luther: How did none of you hear what I just said?

Klaus: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.

Diego: I got distracted about halfway through.

Five: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.


One of my old pieces to my story. Since my story is based V2, I took the idea that Lunafreya played a role in Ignis' rescue as well and used that idea as a base for this render. That she's comforting Ignis in this world in between, maybe holding him long enough until he can be saved. Just some thoughts running wild. Posing and rendering in Blender Cycles, edits in Photoshop. All Models and logos © by their respective owner’s! Fanart only! No copyright infringement intended! I am not making any profit with this picture! Don’t edit, repost or claim as your own!


Well, happy birthday, Ignis!

Posing and rendering in Blender Cycles, edits in Photoshop. All Models and logos © by their respective owner’s! Fanart only! No copyright infringement intended! I am not making any profit with this picture! Don’t edit, repost or claim as your own!


When your wayward king insists on fishing until two o’clock in the morning for the fourth day in a row without going back to land and the only thing between you and a complete breakdown is your last can of Ebony

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