
Digi's blög

@digisims2 / digisims2.tumblr.com

This blog has been abandoned, you can find me and all my new content at Simblr.cc instead now.

{ This Blog Is Now Closed }

This time for good, I'm sorry but I'm just completely done with tumblr, the crappy updates here, the endless bot invasion which tumblr can't seem to fix, the constant push to make users pay for merely existing here and so on... But most importantly because now there actually is a better option for us Sims players in Simblr.cc so I'm moving there fully.

Please respect my TOU, while I might not be here I still exist in this community you know?

You can still find me at:

  • Simblr.cc <- The main place now
  • GoS (Profile, Updates thread, Uploads at GoS)
  • Discord, I use name "digisims" there and you can mainly find me at Sims 2 Shenanigans, Chill Sims Chat, GoS server and Simscord servers. (+few others so if you see someone called digi on some Sims related server it's very likely me)
  • Wordpress (mainly a back up of all the content I've posted)
  • Pillowfort (occasionally mirroring posts there too but it's mostly just a backup now.)

So long and thanks for all the fish.


Hi, Tumblr. It’s Tumblr. We’re working on some things that we want to share with you. 

AI companies are acquiring content across the internet for a variety of purposes in all sorts of ways. There are currently very few regulations giving individuals control over how their content is used by AI platforms. Proposed regulations around the world, like the European Union’s AI Act, would give individuals more control over whether and how their content is utilized by this emerging technology. We support this right regardless of geographic location, so we’re releasing a toggle to opt out of sharing content from your public blogs with third parties, including AI platforms that use this content for model training. We’re also working with partners to ensure you have as much control as possible regarding what content is used.

Here are the important details:

  • We already discourage AI crawlers from gathering content from Tumblr and will continue to do so, save for those with which we partner. 
  • We want to represent all of you on Tumblr and ensure that protections are in place for how your content is used. We are committed to making sure our partners respect those decisions.
  • To opt out of sharing your public blogs’ content with third parties, visit each of your public blogs’ blog settings via the web interface and toggle on the “Prevent third-party sharing” option. 
  • For instructions on how to opt out using the latest version of the app, please visit this Help Center doc. 
  • Please note: If you’ve already chosen to discourage search crawling of your blog in your settings, we’ve automatically enabled the “Prevent third-party sharing” option.

If you have concerns, please read through the Help Center doc linked above and contact us via Support if you still have questions.


For the people in the notes requesting this to be an opt-in and not and opt-out... It doesn't matter much. This is straight from the person in charge of this heist:

Andrew Spittle, Automattic's head of AI replied: "We will notify existing partners on a regular basis about anyone who's opted out since the last time we provided a list. [...] I believe partners will honor this based on our conversations with them to this point."

So the setting only function is to kindly request openAI to not use your data, and it's entirely up to them to do it or not.


You just have to love that all our data already has been scraped (probably at the end of 2023) and now we're just hoping that the "partners" actually delete our data.

What a fucking slap in the face, huh?


I actually had to log back in to this stupid hell site just to turn that setting on and apparently they've already sold the data before even giving us a chance to opt out. Awesome. 🤦 I hope every person who was involved in this decision making and supported it steps on a Lego repeatedly every day for the next 20 years - not so often that they'll get used to it but multiple times a day anyway. 😡

I'd just like to remind my followers that there are other options such as Simblr.cc, Pillowfort or Cohost too, you don't have to stay in this shithole. If you'd like to directly join Pillowfort instead of waiting in queue for a moment I have hundreds of invite codes posted here, feel absolutely free to spread them around anywhere you'd like and use as many as you want. (Though the second you register you're immediately able to generate 50 new invites so you'll have plenty of your own ones too)

Pillowfort won't collect your data, won't scrape your posts and sell them to the highest bidder, there are no ads and it's funded completely by its users. It's not perfect and takes little bit of getting used to but at least they won't look at you and wonder how they're going to make the maximum amount of money out of you. Do at least consider it or literally any other blogging site of your choice as an alternative.


Happy New Year!

I'm only quickly dropping in to remind that I now post new content exclusively to Simblr.cc, above is some of the new things I've shared only there (and GoS in some cases), includes newly converted hair, pretty neat necklace with animated texture, male clothes and even a new eyelash removal slider etc. Find that and more at:

I'm not planning to return to tumblr in case you were hoping for that. But I felt that new year = new reminder that I'm not posting here anymore is in order. I don't expect anyone to follow me there, just reminding that if you're looking for new custom content by me that's where it is and will be in the future too and I'm not going to be logging back here to announce every thing separately like I did in the past, I have my updates thread at GoS for that purpose already. And now with all this done, off I go again, bye.


Anyway, as shocking as it is, I didn't log in to rant about the latest updates (even though ugh, I see I've received the Live tab too, yuck!), that stupid thing just popped on my face as soon as I logged in so I had to find how to block it again.

You've probably noticed I'm not posting here anymore, instead I've put all the new posts to GoS and Simblr.cc and that's also where I intent to keep posting from now on. I also moved most posts from this blog over to Simblr already and what isn't there is in my Wordpress. I'll make a new proper pinned post for this once I'm done writing this.


The latest (new!) thing I've posted was my nth edit + defaults of Ephemera's NS II Eyes:

and you can find them at Simblr & GoS. The makeup set I shared as the Sim Challenge Prize will also be shared at Simblr soon-ish so if that's something that interests you keep an eye on it. (I think it has been long enough that I can post it for everyone now)


I'm simply done battling against the windmill that is tumblr and the community that stubbornly sticks here, it's pointless waste of my time and energy. I don't expect anyone to follow me to simblr or even care about anything I'm writing here right now but I felt that it was the right thing to write this out here instead of just disappearing without another word.

This blog will probably eventually disappear once I fully stop logging back in ever and the address will get taken over by a spambot or something. (I think that after certain time of inactivity tumblr changes the address to blogname-blog? and that's when the bots take over the old name and you'll probably be seeing viagra, game or traveling ads or something else fun on my page lol.) but that's just how the system here works so I can't do anything about it.

I'm also closing the asks again and turning off the notifications so I won't be tempted to log in. If there is need you can contact me at GoS or MTS or Discord (I'm digisims there, I've set it to not allow anyone directly but if you need to message me there I'll notice the pending messages eventually). I think most people have account at one of those.


Tumblr dear, I already have ad free browsing, it's called having uBlock. And I in fact had blocked this element already earlier but I guess they realized that too many people have it blocked so they changed its name to have it showing on everyone's face again so for anyone who needs it, it seems to be:


You're welcome.


Does Raw32bit texture format make TS2 CC makeup look better?

Raw 32bit format is basically what it says it is. It doesn't use compression and contains much more colour information than your standard 8bit DXT format - that is 32 bits per pixel. So CC item that contains Raw32bit texture takes up more texture memory. It's like loading FOUR textures instead of ONE.. Is it worth it?

Apparently there's a myth that Raw format is 'best for makeup' (but you can find Raw32 or Raw24 textures in all sorts of custom content). It increases the file size and clogs texture memory. Is it a good idea to use it in CC for the game that is not even able to display 8bit color depth correctly? After all, banding artifacts on dark colour gradients still show up, no matter what format you use.

Below is a little comparison. In extreme close-up, both 512x512 eyelashes are more crunchy - but also, quite crisp.

1024x1024 DXT5 lash mask looks a bit different to 1024x1024 Raw32, which is more smooth, but also a little blurry - none of those two looks as crisp as actual texture viewed in SimPe.

That's because the game shrinks 1024x1024 to 512 x 512 px, which is the default size of TS2 face texture (and also the scalp) and so the quality suffers from it.

I've shown my comparative pics to a few people, some said 1024x1024 DXT5 lashes look better. Let's zoom out just a little bit:

There's still a difference. But personally I prefer crisper-looking details.

If you go through TS2 game files, you'll find very few Raw colour textures that are actually being used. I only know about this one - lamp debris contains Raw24bit texture and I bet it was done by mistake.

I don't know if/how makeup files add up to pink flashing. These files tend to be much smaller than other Bodyshop CC items (when compressed ofc). Hairs are probably a much bigger culprit. But then again, if you often use layered face masks and you get pink flashing a lot, then it's something to think about.

*Lashes come from this really nice set by @goingmintal - textures are 1024x1024 raw32 so I had to suppress the urge to download all of it 😉


forgive me for sounding stupid... but when you say remapped, does that mean your mesh won't work with previous recolours?


Not a stupid question, I don't think I explained it too well in the description. The answer is: yes, unfortunately it doesn't work with the previous/existing retextures. Which is why I made it into a new mesh so it won't overwrite the existing one and break all the recolors of it so it's a new mesh in the old shape with a new mapping. Meaning: you can use both versions together, but also that if there is a retexture of it that you really like it'll have to be remade to match the new mapping. I changed it quite a bit so just pasting it over would likely result in gaps or weird texture placements.

I know that's a bit annoying, but I really tried working things out with the original mapping for weeks and it just wasn't working out, the texture wasn't suitable for what I wanted and there was always a spot on the side where no matter what I tried the hair shine just refused to align with the rest. After getting completely frustrated with it I decided to just try making a new texture for it and remapping the hair completely instead - it was done in mere few days and I could have posted the damn thing weeks earlier if I hadn't insisted on trying to work things out with the original texture for so damn long. 🙃


I posted a complete remap of Raon 103 and a male conversion of it to GoS, Pillowfort and Simblr.cc. Polycount is just under 10k so it's a nice relatively low poly hair. Genuinely surprised that no male conversion of it seems to have existed until I made this. (The shaved version is available for boys but not the regular)

On that news, I now have a Simblr.cc account I like it so far so I'll likely keep posting content there in the future too. You should all check the site out, maybe you'll like it. :)

Oh and I also created 2 small edits of the clothed CPU WSO actions for Fia, if such things interest you, you can find them here.

That's all for now, okthxbye.


The real reason I logged in today was because I installed couple of Sims, each in their own folder so I knew I'd get duplicates and planned to sort them out but before that did this important little step:

Searched the whole folder for *.package to get all the package files listed. After that I set the order to "size" starting from the biggest one and it revealed me this;

Now you're probably wondering, what's so bad about these randomly named files I've highlighted. Well, maybe you've heard of the file that can make your game crash at for example sim aging to elder? Or perhaps your game randomly crashes when random sim enters your lot? Sometimes the file is called "uhkjhihjkj(11)" and it's a file that likes tagging along with packaged Sims and occasionally people pack it together with recolors that are actually using in-game meshes thinking that it's an oddly named mesh.

Well it's not a mesh. This file has few characteristics that make it pretty easy to spot: firstly usually the random name (or the uhkjhihjkj(11) mentioned earlier), secondly the file size, I've seen few slightly different sized ones but usually it is 6807KB or 6.64MB depending on where you check the size. Thirdly, if you open it in SimPE the contents will look like this:

It contains 1534 CRES resources, and as you can see it's CRES:es of all(?) base game accessories, clothes, hairs and who knows what else. The list is so long I never bothered checking it all though. Point however is that for whatever reason this file corrupts very easily and causes game to crash at random moments. And even if it doesn't corrupt it's just plain junk file that's taking space on your hard drive.

Now you're probably (hopefully!) looking through your Downloads folder to see if you have this file/these files and that's a good idea. Also good news is that you don't need to panic, if you find this kind of file in your game just delete it. Nothing will break, nothing needs it so your recolors will remain working. It's literally a junk file and it's perfectly save to delete so please do so.

I felt like making this little PSA since I realized that not everybody probably is aware of this stupid file lurking out there in random downloads. + this way I can just link this post whenever it sounds like somebody might have this particular issue with their game so I won't need to type it all over again every time.


hey-- just wanted to let you know I love your Dummy Thicc bodyshape, and am adding it to my personal collection of Bodyshapes (TM). IDK how much use you'll be able to get out of any of it, but expect some medieval clothes using it Soon (TM).


I'm glad to hear it's a liked shape! I'm looking forward to whatever you'll make for it :D

I honestly didn't think there'd be many people who'd find use for it but it seems pretty well liked as far as bodyshapes go which is neat. I half-wish I had named it something less dumb but it is what it is.


Hello Digi! I have been following your content for many years and I wanted to tell you that I love everything you do for us 💕 I am glad to have the opportunity to tell you on this platform

I'm a fan of the sims 2 and the quality of your hair and eyes is wonderful :D

Pd: Sorry for my english ;u;


I have no idea why tumblr never informed me of this ask but thank you for your nice words TT___TT I'm glad to hear you think so and your English is perfectly good!


Hi there! A while ago you converted Kurikara by Nozomu from 3t2. The original hair is amazing and I'd love it in my ts3 game, but the creator is long gone. Do you know if you still have a copy of it anywhere? Since you converted it ages ago, I understand this is a long shot, but I thought I'd ask!


It was already reuploaded to my blog here. :)


*dusts the blog a little*

So anyway, I posted some Tifa eye edits to the current GoS theme:

First image should be clickable link but if it doesn't work *click here*

I also posted my first hair mesh there. This is Digi_Hair001_Deimos It might very well end up being the first and last mesh I create but I named it that way in hopes that it'll encourage me to try making more 😅

Same deal, first pic should be clickable but if not *click here* since this is special hair it's also available in Pooklet's and Io's colors 👍 I know it's nothing that special or interesting but it's mine, I made it myself so it's special to me because of that.


Download all custom outfits on SFS or Mega Download efbodycrumplebottom defaults on SFS or Mega

The other day I woke up wanting a default replacement giving Mrs Crumplebottom @digisims2′s Dummy Thicc body shape (my still hazy brain must have thought it was hilarious or something). Turns out this shape suits her beautifully!

Anyway, since I’m always on the lookout for elder and mature clothing, the idea expanded into a whole set of Mrs Crumplebottom outfits converted for standard Maxis EF and AF as well as some of my favorite custom body shapes (Melodie9 fat AF, Melodie9 fat EF, Momma Lisa, Trans Momma Lisa, Dummy Thicc). Poly count is low since this is a Maxis outfit: 2108.

The textures come from Lemonlion (bottom of this page) for the de-necklaced Maxis one, and Colorbox-sims for the others, I just edited them to remove the necklaces (thanks to @oldasscustomcontent for reblogging that post!).

So in the end, you get:

Custom outfits in 11 colors for all 9 body shapes, categorized as everyday, formal and outerwear. They have fat morphs, no preg morph. You’ll have to choose if you want them standalone or repo’d to the Maxis EF ones. The custom body shapes are BSOK’d (except Dummy Thicc, which doesn’t have a BSOK number). Previews/swatches included in the download.

Default replacement textures and meshes for efbodycrumplebottom. All are in individual files so you can combine whichever texture you want with whichever body shape you want. Choose at most 1 texture replacement (numbered swatch included) and 1 mesh replacement. Note that these only replace Mrs Crumplebottom’s outfit - the white bag shown on the titlecard is by @katsurinssims​ and can be found here (it also makes her knit white), and the hair default I used is this one by @peppermint-ginger​.

Full swatches/previews under the cut.


Download all on SFS or Mega

Twelve outfits for @digisims2′s Dummy Thicc body shape. All are enabled for AF, most are enabled for EF as well. All have fat and preg morphs. All have a low to reasonable poly count (especially if you stick to block feet).

They span all clothing categories, giving you 1 to 4 options for each. Combined with the outfits from Digi’s original post (and Agnes’s very versatile suit), you should have enough to fully dress a few Dummy Thicc sims without overt redundancy.

Swatches and details under the cut.


reblogging this in case anybody needs more cool clothing options for this shape :D


I posted Moyokean's GP11BrideTux mesh edit/fix to my Ko-fi. Might as well experiment using it for uploads for a while since I have the account there and because Pillowfort doesn't seem to ever be able to publish their stand on AI art. e_e

It's free (obviously) but if you feel like buying me a coffee I wouldn't be against that since I took hours fixing all the issues and I kept noticing more and more things that bugged me every time I thought I was done. Genuinely might have been faster/easier to just reconvert from scratch but I don't have the pack and no plans on getting it so I couldn't do that. I fixed this for a friend so no, 4t2 things won't be common here, this was an exception to the rule, one time thing, won't happen again... at least until it inevitably happens again. ^^;

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