
it seems like only yesterday


‎ multiship fan. Stucky, Everlark, Jacemond, Zukaang. Targaryen lover. 18+ content. Call me Iz‎ *was everythingstucky 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

Once when the gaang visits the Fire Nation, they’re all just on the side of too tipsy when Zuko leans in with the most grave expression imaginable.

“Aang,” Zuko says, “This has been… haunting me…. Why did your friends need to suck on those frogs?”

And Aang just gasps, and does not explain the frogs, because he has suddenly remembered that Miyuki is still wanted by the Fire Nation and that just won’t do. So Aang demands that Zuko pardon Miyuki for her crimes, which then gets the rest of the gaang to dogpile on and also demand justice for Miyuki. 

Zuko is willing to hear him out. 

…Zuko is significantly less willing to hear him out when Aang mentions that Miyuki is a cat.

(Zuko finds it difficult to believe that a cat is legitimately wanted by the Fire Nation)

But because they are all the worst, he relents and they all drunkenly stumble down to go find the records of Miyuki’s crimes and write her up a pardon, much to the chagrin of the night-shift archivist.

Zuko, staring blankly at Miyuki’s rap sheet:

The gaang:


Zuko: I don’t …. I don’t think I can pardon this…

Sokka: It can’t be that bad! Let me see-
Zuko: You see what I mean?

Toph: Is anyone going to tell me what it says or am I just going to have to wait in suspense?  

Would be funny if even Aang rescinded his plea for a pardon after reading the rap sheet.

When they begin the ritual, we get one of my favourite musical moments in all of tv history. We hear this: [the ATLA end credits music]. In this moment, where Aang and Zuko are performing this mirrored dance together, we have the completion of a perfectly balanced musical system. Aang’s internal wants — his want to just be a kid and have friends, represented by the kalimba theme is reflected in how the Fire Nation leitmotif represents Zuko, and how he just wants to be accepted by his father. Aang’s wants are entirely internal: he just wants to be himself. While Zuko’s wants are all external: he wants that validation from his father. Both of these wants are represented by their own leitmotifs, but these wants are entirely contrasted by the needs of these characters on each of their journeys. While Aang just wants to be a kid, he needs to be the Avatar, which we hear represented in the Avatar theme. His internal want to be himself is countered by the external pressure and necessity to save the world and fulfil  his role as the Avatar. Compare that to Zuko, who has this eternal pressure and want to seek his father’s validation, but eventually learns what he needed to do was look within himself and figure out who he really was all along, which we see represented in the Blue Spirit tsungi horn theme. Aang, moving from an internal want represented by the kalimba theme to an external need represented by the Avatar theme is paralleled by Zuko transitioning from an external want represented by the Fire Nation leitmotif to an internal need represented by Iroh’s tsungi horn. Both of these characters have travelled through an equal and opposite journey to find each other, and this single beautiful moment where, as Zuko completes his training, he becomes the thematic equal and opposite to Aang on a meta-narrative musical level. Whenever Aang is doing something heroic, he’s represented by the opening theme, arguably the main theme of the show. But where Aang is represented by the music that opens the show, now Zuko is represented by the music that ends it. But somehow, against all odds, Zuko’s destiny was hinted to us from the very beginning of the show every time he had to fight with his firebending. [Audio music from s1 with Zuko firebending / fighting with Aang paired with the end show theme.] Revealed in a moment where the two now have to rely on each other to both grow and finish their personal journeys about confronting the legacy of their birthright. Again: equal, opposite, and now complete. You might even go so far as to say these two are like yin and yang

My late submission for the Zukaang bingo from earlier this week!

My intention was to cover both the “Festival” and “Ceremony” prompts - I thought a lantern festival would be a good fit! I was inspired by that one Wangxian scene from The Untamed (for the MDZS fans out there) ☺️

This ended up turning into a much bigger project than I initially anticipated because I got super invested in it and wanted to try out different coloring styles lol. I’m quite happy with how it came out! The lantern lighting was a lot of fun to do.


My late submission for the Zukaang bingo from earlier this week!

My intention was to cover both the “Festival” and “Ceremony” prompts - I thought a lantern festival would be a good fit! I was inspired by that one Wangxian scene from The Untamed (for the MDZS fans out there) ☺️

This ended up turning into a much bigger project than I initially anticipated because I got super invested in it and wanted to try out different coloring styles lol. I’m quite happy with how it came out! The lantern lighting was a lot of fun to do.

Sokka a bit drunk and inquisitive: Come on Aang! I know that at some time you had to eat meat, you can't deny it.
Aang also somewhat drunk and more talkative: Does Zuko's meat count?
Sokka: Does Zuko know cooking?
Aang: Nop, but Zuko tastes delicious.

it doesn't matter if roku and sozin were actually gay, all that matters is that every queer person in the fire nation is haunted by the possibility

like honestly i don't really think so. but i do think gay people in the fire nation, knowing

a) sozin was Close Friends with avatar roku

b) he didn't have kids until he was super old and it was absolutely necessary for maintaining the line of succession

c) part of what spurred his most drastic actions was roku's refusal to join him

might go. huh. what if The Guy Who Banned Homosexuality was gay. and gay for the avatar, no less. wouldn't that be fucking. insane

generations of queer people have been kept up at night by this question. and even when zuko (after a sleepless night of his own) begs aang to ask roku there's no resolution bc how would roku know? aang is like "hey do you think sozin had a crush on you and that's why he gave you the artifact and interrupted your wedding and was so pissed you wouldn't help him take over the world?" and roku is just like i never considered that. wow. that's crazy. maybe? i don't know


30 days OTP challenge NSFW!!!version

  1. Cuddles (naked)

Momo has now conquered the crown. I think I will stick to the sketch style for this challenge or I’m never gonna make it through. 

This will probably be the only one on the series I show on full view because there’s not really any sexy bits to be seen (I guess there are, for Momo, but he doesn’t care). The next sketches (with the possible exception of the second one) will only have a preview and a link to the full image somewhere else.


just two world leaders and best friends who are totally definitely not in love at all

Lil doodle from a scene in Inheritance ❤️


so guru pathik was just chilling at the eastern air temple waiting for the avatar (“i had a vision many years ago of helping him. that’s why i came to the eastern air temple”) for years. and zuko checked all the air temples for aang when he was originally banished 2.5ish years before the show starts. so like, did zuko run into guru pathik? was he infuriated by this patient very old man who had no information to provide? did iroh and pathik share a talk over tea?

did pathik find out who this angry, troubled young man was, and told him, “your destiny is intertwined with the avatar’s”? and zuko bristles. “i already know that,” he snaps. “i’m trying to find him.”

it’s only years later, years after the war, when zuko and aang are overlooking the beginnings of republic city in their early 20s, and aang is smiling at him and lit by the sunset, that zuko remembers and accepts what the guru said next: “no,” guru pathik corrected. “he is going to find you.


Funny you should mention that

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