
per aspera ad astra ✨

@denisgodlas / denisgodlas.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

Well as it turns Räikkönen’s wife is pretty misogynistic, somehow that doesn’t surprise me. Ew. What toxic pair of people.

i had no idea what this was about but i love the fact that i got this despite being pretty quiet about my dislike of both of them lmaoo let me tell ya this is just a cherry on the top

but yeah. not only is “crying like a little girl” total bullshit but the ballet stuff. oh man. i could post photos of my ballet shoes and tutus that are covered in blood bc ballet isn’t about fuckin around man. like i was literally a little girl who did ballet and the only time i cried was when i had to quit ballet since my teacher moved away. in ballet you cry when you can’t bleed, break your bones or twist your ankles anymore. i’m certain lewis would thrive as a ballet dancer - she however, she’s too uncultured to even comprehend ballet is supposed to hurt.


lol Minttu, really?! 

“cry like a girl”- “do ballet” 

this isn’t only toxic masculinity so the idea that to be a “real man” you can’t cry or show emotions but its also downgrading towards women, as if we can’t do what men do cause we would always cry/be emotional and we wouldn’t be able to stand the pressure, so we have to stick to “ballet” (which anyway is actually a freaking tough sport).

like, maybe she just choose the wrong words but cmon, think before you speak especially when doing it on a social platforms and if you're “famous” cause the message reaches also young people. 

sorry but i can’t stand when women say something like this, its perpetuating prejudices against women.


Back to where I belong 💁🏻‍♀️

Anonymous asked:

Who are you "dating" this time 🙄🙄

Are you kidding me 😂I think I’m back to the hiatus.

Anonymous asked:

So you definitely gave up on motorsport then?

Who says I did. I just don’t care about what is who from Tumblr doing with their lives because I have much more interesting things going on in my own life 😂

Anonymous asked:

Do you have news of tumblr people in motorsports back in the days?

Do I look like I care? 🤷🏻‍♀️😂😂


I’m so laughing (but also cringing) over the Raikkonen fangirls and their essays how their little favorite driver couldn’t have done that and how the woman is definitely lying because she hasn’t said anything for two years.

People have you ever been assaulted or harassed in any way? It’s FUCKING HARD TO TALK ABOUT IT surprise surprise. You don’t go to police right away, which happens to be the biggest mistake, but you feel ashamed you let it happen. Most of the people do I believe. And especially when it comes to a famous person because first thing that happens is you being portrayed as a liar and someone who just wants money. And then the fangirls happen. Yeah, everyone’s innocent until proven guilty but I’m pretty sure this guy isn’t an angel and wouldn’t have people pull it out into public eye portraying it as blackmail if he didn’t do it. Trying to gain the upper hand, very clever tactic to be honest I gotta give him that.

To quote my lovely Finnish friend @bottaslicious, how far down your blogs do we have to scroll to see a #metoo post?

Anonymous asked:

What did Raikkonen ever do to you?

😂😂😂 Jesus Christ the fact he’s an asshole isn’t enough?


Look at my BABY ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I’m so fucking proud this thing is done and printed.

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