
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet

@sandy-passage / sandy-passage.tumblr.com

Hello I’m Juulia and I would do anything for Bill Hader. This blog is for anything I like at the moment. (Follow my ~aesthetic blog~ @letsgoawayforawhile!)

the mitochondria is the power bottom of the cell

Okay but like literally mitochondria probably originated as smaller single cell organisms that were too useful to fully digest that now our “complex” cells are utterly dependent on them. What kind of role reversal. What kind of taking charge from below. What kind of power bottoming.

endosymbiotic theory: queering primitive cell biology


hobbits were the peak of civilization in tolkien verse. jobs were Gardening, Stall At The Farmer's Market, or Mailman. Shoes OFF, capris ON, 6 meals a day, high and fat as all shit. Names like Daddy Twofoot....why the fuck are we horny for elves

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