

❛ What are you doing? ❜ ❛ Where are you going? ❜ ❛ Where are you taking me? ❜ ❛ How is that working out for you? ❜ ❛ Is everything okay? ❜ ❛ Why are you acting like this? ❜ ❛ You think I would lie to you? ❜ ❛ Are you telling the truth? ❜ ❛ Are you sure you want to do this? ❜ ❛ This is your bright idea of a plan? ❜ ❛ What else do you want me to do? ❜ ❛ What else can I do? ❜ ❛ What do you think I should do? ❜ ❛ What makes you think that? ❜ ❛ Who told you that? ❜ ❛ Who are you? ❜ ❛ Why are you here? ❜ ❛ Who invited you? ❜ ❛ How come you ever asked me? ❜ ❛ Did you really mean all those things you said? ❜ ❛ Why did you have to go? Why did you have to leave? ❜ ❛ Why is it so hard for you to see that? ❜ ❛ Why don’t you understand? ❜ ❛ What don’t you understand? ❜ ❛ Are you joking? ❜ ❛ Did I miss anything? ❜ ❛ You don’t remember? ❜ ❛ Did you really say all that stuff about me? ❜ ❛ Did you think I would forget? ❜ ❛ How can you sit there and say that? ❜ ❛ How do you even sleep at night? ❜ ❛ Are you coming or not? ❜ ❛ Am I the only one freaked out right now? ❜ ❛ Are you laughing or crying? ❜ ❛ Who did this to you? ❜ ❛ Did someone hurt you? ❜ ❛ Is it just me or are you, like, ignoring me? ❜ ❛ You want me to apologize for something you did? ❜ ❛ Are you going to kiss me or not? ❜ ❛ Aren’t you the one who said it though? ❜ ❛ So, you don’t like me like that? ❜ ❛ Where do we go from here? ❜ ❛ Are you being serious right now? ❜ ❛ How was I supposed to know that? ❜ ❛ Oh, is that a challenge? ❜ ❛ Are you flirting with me? ❜ ❛ Are you going to let me go now? ❜ ❛ Are we done now? ❜ ❛ Why didn’t just ask me? ❜ ❛ You’re going to believe them over me? ❜ ❛ How can possibly think that? ❜ ❛ Did you even miss me? ❜ ❛ Did anyone even notice that I was gone? ❜ ❛ Why do you go around and kiss everyone? ❜ ❛ Did you kill them? ❜ ❛ Who’s blood is that? Is that your blood? ❜ ❛ Do you think this is a game? ❜ ❛ Are you having doubts? ❜ ❛ Why haven’t you been at school/work? ❜ ❛ Is there something going on that you need to tell me? ❜ ❛ You said you wanted to talk? ❜ ❛ What am I supposed to do? ❜ ❛ What did you expect to happen? ❜ ❛ How long you think you can keep this act up? ❜ ❛ You don’t like me? Do you? Like in a more than a friend way? ❜ ❛ Is that what everyone is saying now? ❜ ❛ Who do I remind you of? ❜ ❛ Are you hungry? Want to go get something to et? ❜ ❛ Are you drunk? ❜ ❛ Are you lost? ❜ ❛ What’s so great about any of that anyway? ❜ ❛ Are you even listening to yourself? ❜ ❛ What are you going to do about it, huh? ❜ ❛ What are you staring at? ❜ ❛ What are you doing out here? ❜ ❛ Why did you call the police? ❜ ❛ Wait, do you hear that? ❜ ❛ Why don’t you tell me anything? ❜ ❛ Hey, did you get me anything? ❜ ❛ Why didn’t you come over last night? ❜ ❛ What did you find out? ❜ ❛ Can I stay here for the night? ❜ ❛ Are you throwing rocks at my window? ❜ ❛ Are you crying? ❜ ❛ What are you laughing at me? ❜ ❛ Are you laughing at me? ❜ ❛ Do you not understand the word no? ❜ ❛ Is that it? Is that all? ❜ ❛ Are you in some kind of trouble? ❜ ❛ Yeah, but, you have me. So why bother? ❜ ❛ What’s love got to do with it? ❜ ❛ This is where we kiss, right? ❜ ❛ Do you ever not just only think about yourself? ❜ ❛ Are going to leave me again? ❜ ❛ What’s wrong with that? ❜ ❛ Do you have anything you need to say to me? ❜ ❛ I think I’m going to puke. Is there a trash can in here? ❜ ❛ You really don’t know why I’m mad at you? ❜ ❛ Why do you treat me like I’m not important to you? ❜ ❛ Why are you telling me this? ❛ Are you ready? ❜ ❛ What’s with all the questions? ❜ ❛ I thought this is what you wanted? ❜ ❛ Where do you think you’re going with this? ❜ ❛ You’re just going to leave? ❜ ❛ Do you trust me? ❜ ❛ You love me? Or you think you love me? ❜ ❛ When will it ever stop? ❜ ❛ Do you think it’ll ever go away? ❜ ❛ What are you doing this weekend? ❜ ❛ You called for back up? ❜ ❛ What did I just witness? ❜ ❛ How do you cope when the one you love is with somebody else? ❜ ❛ Have you ever thought it? ❜ ❛ Are you wearing a wire? ❜ ❛ Is there something wrong? ❜ ❛ Is it something I said or something I did? ❜ ❛ What’s wrong? I thought that it was okay? ❜ ❛ Are you going to hold that against me forever? ❜ ❛ So, tell me, what else is new? ❜ ❛ You never actually cared, did you? ❜ ❛ You went to a party without me? ❜ ❛ Why wasn’t I invited? ❜ ❛ Do you think that’s a little fucked up? ❜ ❛ Oh, so you do speak? ❜ ❛ Do you think it’s really worth it in the end? ❜ ❛ How many more times do I have to tell you? ❜ ❛ You didn’t think that it would bother me? ❜


The Tomorrow People Inspired Sentence Starters [1x01 Pilot]

"Great, you just tripped an alarm!"
"So, which way to the psych center?"
"We're on his/her tail."
"What were you thinking? We don't use our powers out in the open!"
"Are you sure you lost them?"
"I just hope your mystery patient was worth it."
"Okay! Okay! Okay! I can explain!"
"Guess where I found your creep son this time?"
"How does the kid get through two deadbolts and lock the door behind him while sleep walking?!"
"You slept with [Mrs. D'Amico]?"
"It was an accident!"
"Dude, she is totally hot."
"I don't even remember getting out of bed!"
"Is that why you're taking the extra shifts? To pay for [my shrink]?"
"Crazy? Yeah, runs in the family."
"Quit jerking it, we're going to be late!"
"Hey keep ya head down. Don't make eyes at anybody unless you wanna get shiv'd."
"I woke up at my neighbor's place again."
"The mysterious hottie in your head."
"Are you taking your meds?"
"Maybe I need something a little stronger, like an icepick lobotomy!"
"Let me see your pills-- I just want to check if 'being a raging dick' is a side effect."
"I know you can hear me."
"You're a hallucination, you're not real, you're only in my head."
"Just because I'm only in your head doesn't mean I'm not real."
"Stop shutting me out, you have to believe me."
"You're not crazy. I've been trying to tell you that for a month!"
"That particular medication is an anti-psychotic, no wonder you're fond of it."
"Good luck with the crazy!"
"Good luck with the diarrhea."
"Don't believe everything you see."
"Told you you're not crazy."
"You're in an abandoned subway station 100 feet below the streets of Manhattan."
"We didn't choose the name, I swear."
"This isn't happening. This is just another one of my crazy dreams."
"He doesn't believe us."
"It's funny, the teleporting usually sells it."
"No offense, but any second now, I am going to wake up someplace awful-- Maybe another three-way at my neighbor's place!"
"You're breaking out."
"You're waking up in weird places? You're not sleepwalking. You're teleporting."
"You hear [Cara's] voice in your head, that's telepathy."
"Your latent powers are starting to appear."
"I'm having a psychotic break, my meds are off."
"No, no more pills. They're obviously addling your brain."
"The drugs are just going to get in your way."
"You have no idea what my year has been like!"
"I know /exactly/ what it has been like."
"You think you're a freak, you're not."
"You're on the brink of becoming somebody truly extraordinary."
"Don't let it go to your head."
"People like you just think they are regular saps-- homo sapiens."
"If I'm not human, then what the Hell am I?"
"You my friend are a homo /superior/-- we didn't pick that name, either."
"I'm [Russell], and you're the one that [Cara] can't stop talking about?"
"Heard of the 'five finger' discount? We get the 'no finger' discount."
"Wanna learn how to be a telekinetic-klepto? Or do you wanna learn how to survive?"
"It's kind of like a paranormal wet dream."
"There's a war going on [up/out there/here], one you won't read about or see on the news... A shadow war between our species."
"The government has known about us for years. And they want our species neutralized."
"You had [John], you lost [John], end of story."
"This one guy just disappeared! Poof!"
"As you know our program requires complete discretion."
"You don't have to be telepathic to know what I am going to do."
"Pull the trigger."
"It's simple Darwinism! Survival of the fittest! You're the superior species now prove it."
"Do it before I kill you, and you know I will."
"He was the strongest of us all."
"My lunatic, dead beat dad was like you?"
"If it weren't for him, you'd be in a cage right now getting your brain picked apart like a lab rat."
"Maybe you'll believe this."
"I am nothing like my father."
"Hey lurker."
"You're some kind of superhero with powers? Not crazy at all."
"You're off your meds, aren't you?"
"I don't need drugs-- they are the reason I am so screwed up. They're keeping me from who I really am!"
"I can make the basketball fly, with my mind."
"There's a reason for everything that I've been through! Every unexplained symptom, every misdiagnosis, and you're taking their side? You want me to be crazy! Is that it?"
"Listen, I stuck by you and your whole year of crazy!"
"Everybody didn't leave, you pushed them away! Which is exactly what you're doing to me."
"What kind of pills did you give me, some kind of colon blow?!"
"We'll be lucky if they don't press charges."
"Someone's following me."
"You look just like him."
"They got him."
"We don't have a minute!"
"There's nothing we can do for him now. We lost him."
"We don't expose ourselves to Ultra, not for anyone!"
"What is it with him? Maybe you spent a little too much time in his head? Let yourself get a little bit too close?"
"He's our best shot for survival."
"I know you dig the whole leader of the ragtag rebels thing... but living down here like a bunch of rats? It gets real old, real fast."
"I have spent half of my life dodging that sadistic son of a bitch. I am not getting caught by him again."
"I can only imagine what [John] has said. That I'm some... boogeyman."
"Did he say why I was doing this, or is it just because I'm evil?"
"Because you're scared of us."
"You have no idea what this world would look like if I didn't find people like you, and stop people like you."
"I'm not the bad guy here, not by a long shot."
"Nobody is going to hurt you-- actually this might hurt a bit."
"There's nothing wrong with me!"
"Wow, your friends are coming to rescue you. That's one way to get them out of hiding."
"Our powers don't work here."
"I was wondering when you were going to show up."
"Don't worry about me, [guys,] I'm good."
"I teleported!"
"That's impossible!"
"So you decided to come home?"
"Did you think he would help you find your promised land? Is that it? It doesn't exist. And even if it did, you're sure as Hell never going to see it."
"[Stephen] how are you doing that?"
"Those are some serious next level skills you broke out."
"How did you do it, and more importantly, /what are we calling it/?"
"Your training begins now."
"What else can you do besides... stop time?"
"You were right, he is special."
"I get it! He's Moses, you're giving me a complex!"
"Are you jealous?"
"I'm not jealous-- should I be?"
"I didn't mean what I said, I was being a dick."
"I'd never let you get hurt."
"People are predictable, even ones like you."
"I know I have no right to offer you advice[, not after what I'm about to do]."
"Your life just got very complicated, and very dangerous."
"Don't believe everything you see... The truth is, there is only one thing you can trust. You. Trust your heart."
"Is he alive?"
"You want me to stick around?.. or--"
"When I come home from being gone all night? Trust me, you don't want /any part of this./"
"For the record, I haven't forgotten about how you saved my life."
"The thing is... One day you might be the one who saves all of us."
"We have a visitor."
"I had a hard time tracking you down, it's like you up and... vanished."
"Clearly, I underestimated you. We've only just glimpsed what you're capable of."
"Are you threatening them?!"
"You're threatening them if you don't help me contain the spread of your species!"
"Therapy records... very illuminating."
"You are going to have to pick a side."
"Why didn't you tell me [Jedikiah] was my uncle?"
"You played me from the start!"
"You're not like him! You're one of us!"
"You want us to admit we're mistakes?"
"Nature doesn't make mistakes!"
"To them, you're not human."
"The people we've found, the people we will find? They are my family."
"I'm not going to let anything happen to them."
"I won't let anything happen to you. Just come with me."
"I trusted you."
"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into."
"[I trusted you...] It's your turn to trust me."
"[Stephen] made his decision."
"I hope you know what you're doing."
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
  • Name: Margarita Audrey Schuyler - Jefferson.
  • Gender: Female.
  • General Appearance: The first thing anyone notices is her hair, inherited from her father, since it’s dark and frizzy. She’s got the basic face shape of her mother, and the rest is a general mix.
  • Personality: Peggy’s actually rather sweet, although she’s also a bit egotistical, and is fond of throwing her family’s name / money around if she’s not getting what she wants. Put simply, she’s a sweetheart with a bit of an ego who’s all too used to getting her way, and has a bit of a patience problem.
  • Special Talents: She can play the cello, a skill she was taught as a small child. While she’s not quite patient enough for it, she can sow, and will do it if pressed to.
  • Who they like better: Eliza.
  • Who they take after more: It’s an equal mix, to be honest.
  • Personal Head canon: She prefers being called Peggy, and tends to get snappy if people call her Margarita. Also, her parents weren’t married when they had her, so that’s why her last name is hyphenated.
  • Face Claim: Kreesha Turner.
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