
There Should be a Purple Lion

@heartofluxite / heartofluxite.tumblr.com

Drarry Blog here. BNHA blog here. NSFW. Avatar by @emmyedits


Word Count: 22.5 K (this is chapter 1 of 2)

Rating: Explict 

SummaryTakashi Shirogane is exactly the kind of man Keith likes; built like a brick house with a smile sweet enough to rot teeth and a heart of gold. Of course he’s also YouTube famous and worlds out of Keith’s league. The closest he can get to his pseudo-celebrity crush is when he watches Shiro’s videos from the safety of his bed. Or so he thinks.

A/N:  Thank you so much to @whiskyandwildflowers for talking me down when I worried I would ruin my idea and all of the invaluable alpha help and to @tdcatsblog for putting up with all my snippets and being the best beta ever.


Keith kept his hands steady as he reached for his helmet and pulled it off, cursing the fact that his hair probably looked ridiculous as it fell with stray bits falling into his face. He tried to remember when the last time he’d showered was. Possibly the day before yesterday, but he couldn’t be sure when the last time he’d probably washed his hair with more than water was. Figured fate would hand him the man of his dreams when Keith probably looked like a wild raccoon.

He very much wished he’d not eaten three servings of lasagna and garlic knots because they were threatening to come back up as he struggled to breathe.

“Right, sorry. I should introduce myself,” the man offered when Keith said nothing. “I’m Takashi, but my friends all call me Shiro. I’m uh…hoping you turned back around because you thought you could help me?” He shoved his hands into his pockets and smiled hopefully at Keith.

Keith continued to stare stupidly, trying to wrap his brain around what he was seeing.

Shiro, the YouTube star he’d just spent the last few hours watching with Lance and Pidge and whose very existence had caused Keith more than one emotional crisis was standing in front of him. In the flesh. An actual real person.

Ok, you’re here for the Sheith, I get it. And this is some good Sheith. Shiro is SUCH a dork, and Keith isn’t much better. The Keith & Lance friendship here is something special, though. This is one of my favorite portrayals of Lance ever. As always @teamtakashi‘s grasp of character is exceptional. Highly recommended.



Word Count: 33K

Rating: Explicit

Summary: Keith’s a successful artist with more money than he knows what to do with. Shiro’s a struggling grad student whose idea of luxury is boxed macaroni and cheese. When Keith hires Shiro to do some live art modeling to get him out of his art block, both of their lives begin to change in ways neither of them could have expected. 

Or the one where Keith accidentally becomes a sugar daddy and Shiro is into it.

A/N: This was written for @sheithlentines for @courtneylej . I was so excited to do this exchange and I really hope you like your gift, Courtney! I tried to incorporate as much of your likes as I could which was honestly so much fun because I think we love a lot of the same things. This was a completely new trope for me to write and I was a little nervous but had a blast doing it.

Thank you @whiskeyandwildflowerss for the alpha read, @restless-red-lion for the support and @heartofluxite for the amazing beta.


“Why do you want to buy me a five thousand dollar coffee machine? I mean, fuck—I should say no. Who accepts a gift like this? Especially from someone they barely know. It would be ridiculous to accept.”

Keith took one step closer, until they were only inches apart. Shiro tilted his head down to look at Keith, the rise and fall of his chest steady.

“You don’t want to say no though, do you? You’d like to have this. And I want you to have it. Let me buy it for you.” Shiro seemed to seriously be considering it, which was honestly more than Keith had hoped for. He’d known the idea was impulsive and a long shot and had the potential to go very wrong if Shiro were offended or weirded out. But Shiro didn’t seem any of those things. “Please,” Keith said, and that was the moment he knew he’d won.

“Alright,” Shiro whispered. “Shit what the fuck. Alright. Thank you.”

Keith beamed, the fluttering in his chest so erratic it was as if he could barely breathe when Shiro bit his lip and smiled shyly at him.

“You’ve got to let me do something for you, though. I mean I can’t think of anything I could possibly do that would come anywhere close to thanking you properly for this, but—”

“Model for me one more time,” Keith interrupted, knowing the only thing he wanted from Shiro was to see him again. “Let me draw you. Let me paint you.”

This time Shiro’s smile was anything but shy. “Alright.”

Sugar daddy fics seem to be huge in the sheith fandom, but this one is different. Shiro’s a poor, coffeemaker-less grad student (can you imagine?) and Keith is the successful artist who wants to make the people he loves happy. Having grown up with relative deprivation, Keith gets how life’s luxuries (though is coffee really a luxury?) can give one a feeling of dignity. And if Shiro, with his Thicc ThighsTM agrees to be Keith’s muse, everyone’s a winner, right? ESPECIALLY Pidge who gets so much evil glee out of Keith’s inner flailing that it should be illegal. Perfect fluffy, sexy Sheithlentines reading.


Happy @sheithbouquet to @DramaticDino!!! (dino-dicks on tumblr). I had a scare where I thought I’d lost a ton of work on this, had to leave it alone for a while but thank god everything was okay and I only had to redo a little. PHEW.

(my favorite things about this are keith’s voltron socks, their voltron cufflinks and the fact that i tinted their button-downs with each other’s color >:3 )


Sheith AU where Shiro is YouTube famous.

Shiro has a wellness and lifestyle channel where his videos regularly feature videos of him working out (his favorites are martial arts and sparring, usually in very little clothing), his cooking failures (turns out you can’t cook everything in a microwave) and motivational videos.

Keith, loathe as he is to admit it, is completely smitten and regularly falls asleep watching his videos. It’s a crush that is safe because it won’t ever go anywhere even if it constantly earns him ribbing from lance and hunk.

At least until one day on his way to work when Keith sees a guy stuck on the side of the road with a broke down car. He pulls over to help and to his surprise the shock of white hair that pops out from beneath the hood belongs to Shiro.

Shiro, who it turns out is even more attractive in person and somehow exactly like he seems online (funny in the cheesiest way possible, easy to talk to and nicer than any normal person has any right to be).

Keith leaves two hours later covered in motor oil, having fixed Shiro’s car (but possibly done some damage to his heart). That night he falls asleep watching Shiro’s most recent video, painfully aware he now knows exactly what Shiro’s cologne smells like and what it feels like to have their pressed together from thigh to shoulder.

Keith can’t even muster up actual annoyance when he realizes he’d forgotten his favorite leather jacket atop Shiro’s car, not when it meant he’d got to spend hours with him.

Keith assumes that is that and goes about his day. At least until his phone begins to blow up with close to fifty messages from Lance screaming at him to check Shiro’s YouTube channel. Making excuses to duck out of the auto shop he heads outside and opens the app where he sees Shiro’s newest video and damn near has a heart attack.

Help me find my Cinder-fella

With shaking hands Keith clicks play and watches Shiro’s earnest smile as he holds up Keith’s jacket and asks for help tracking down a “mystery man on a cherry red motorcycle who left his jacket and possibly stole my heart.”

Read this prompt and thought it was tooooo cute with youtuber Shiro and pining Keith, couldn’t resist!


Sheith AU where Shiro is YouTube famous.

Shiro has a wellness and lifestyle channel where his videos regularly feature videos of him working out (his favorites are martial arts and sparring, usually in very little clothing), his cooking failures (turns out you can’t cook everything in a microwave) and motivational videos.

Keith, loathe as he is to admit it, is completely smitten and regularly falls asleep watching his videos. It’s a crush that is safe because it won’t ever go anywhere even if it constantly earns him ribbing from lance and hunk.

At least until one day on his way to work when Keith sees a guy stuck on the side of the road with a broke down car. He pulls over to help and to his surprise the shock of white hair that pops out from beneath the hood belongs to Shiro.

Shiro, who it turns out is even more attractive in person and somehow exactly like he seems online (funny in the cheesiest way possible, easy to talk to and nicer than any normal person has any right to be).

Keith leaves two hours later covered in motor oil, having fixed Shiro’s car (but possibly done some damage to his heart). That night he falls asleep watching Shiro’s most recent video, painfully aware he now knows exactly what Shiro’s cologne smells like and what it feels like to have their pressed together from thigh to shoulder.

Keith can’t even muster up actual annoyance when he realizes he’d forgotten his favorite leather jacket atop Shiro’s car, not when it meant he’d got to spend hours with him.

Keith assumes that is that and goes about his day. At least until his phone begins to blow up with close to fifty messages from Lance screaming at him to check Shiro’s YouTube channel. Making excuses to duck out of the auto shop he heads outside and opens the app where he sees Shiro’s newest video and damn near has a heart attack.

Help me find my Cinder-fella

With shaking hands Keith clicks play and watches Shiro’s earnest smile as he holds up Keith’s jacket and asks for help tracking down a “mystery man on a cherry red motorcycle who left his jacket and possibly stole my heart.”

Reblogging again because this was so adorbs, I had to do a quick sketch of it!


A surprise gift commission!

Shiro dropped his left hand, wrapping it around Keith’s waist and pulling him flush against his chest as his right hand moved around to cradle the back of Keith’s head, resting it against his shoulder. Keith tensed for a moment, then felt the tension seep away as Shiro pressed a kiss to the top of his head. Relaxing into the embrace, he turned his cheek to let it rest against the soft cotton of Shiro’s hoodie as they stood there blocking the sidewalk and hugging. –  Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice 

Artwork for @teamtakashi/@goldentruth813 from a secret admirer. Happy Autumn!


Oh my god I’m not sure if I want to cry or scream. @tragedy-machine this is so good! Look at Shiro! The floof in the SnapBack! The socks in the slide on adidas! The red and and black hoodie! And the tender embrace!

I genuinely teared up a bit seeing this. It’s so good and a complete surprise and seeing something I wrote come to life is beyond amazing.

Thank you @tragedy-machine and mystery person you’ve honestly made my week. I’m like in aw someone did this for me and I can’t tell you what it means.

Reblogging on my main because I had the hardest week this week and some mystery person commission art from my fic and I’m genuinely crying and dry boy shiro is everything and I dunno what I did to deserve this but it’s beautiful and I want everyone to see it!


Server Contest Spotlight: TeamTakashi

Janel is a super active user on our discord and we were so excited to see her submit and entry for our contest. @teamtakashi wrote this amazing piece called “To Feel Your Warmth.” If you are looking for some good domestic fluff you can look no further!  You can check out her amazing fic here!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16490378  We can’t wait to see what more she creates! Are you looking for a discord server to celebrate your love of Sheith? Looking for a place to join with other fans and creatives? Come check out Across the Universe!


Awww thank you! 💖💜💙

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