
You heard me

@characterdevelopmentmakesmenut / characterdevelopmentmakesmenut.tumblr.com

"Oh, my God. Shut up. I swear to God, character development makes you nut or something." ~~My brother, after suffering through my trillionth rant about character development mid-episode | Check out my AO3 | You can call me Char (KAHR), he/him if you please | 18y/o | INTP 5w(?) | Feel free to ask me literally anything; I'll try my best to give a good enough response

full offense but none of you would have ever survived fanfiction.net in 2009


remember when writers had to be all like: “omg omg lemon starts HERE” y’all are lucky that ao3 has tags and filters you can set

Sometimes shit was marked “lemon” and it’d just be them making out, and sometimes they’d just start pissing on each other

No rules, no laws, you took your life into your hands opening fics


A/N: this contains SLASH, that means TWO MEN, if that makes you uncomfy, DON’T READ!

A/N: please don’t sue me, o anime overlords, I’m not making any money off of this! I’m just a broke student! I don’t have any money!

A/N: I totally wrote this while high off 10 Red Bulls wheeeeeee!!!!!

A/N: COMMENT if you want me to continue the next chappy!!!


No, no, no

remember when there’d be interactions with the author and the characters?

InuYasha: I don’t get why I have to be here for this

A/N: Because it was in your contract!!1!1 *revs chainsaw*


god those were lawless times. 


…I’m fucking SWEATING

this is literally giving me flashbacks


Reblog and put in the tags if you ever made up a story when you were still a child and tell if you still remember

#YES#THE MOMMY EATING TREES#i was really angry at my mom when we were camping for some reason i dont remember#basically a mom walks into a dense forest for some reason i also dont remember#maybe she was looking for her kid#anyway#she gets horribly lost and turned around#theres a tiny clearing where shes looking around frantically#thats when she notices the trees look like they have faces#the roots start undulating#though i didnt know that word at the time#the mom tells herself her eyes are playing tricks on her and shes been looking at roots and trees too long#then suddenly the faces she thought she saw open up#malicious eyes and hungry grins pin her in place as the undulating roots breach the surface and the trees start descending on her#frozen in fear the mom is helpless to fight back as the trees viciously tear her apart and eat her piece by piece#they fight each other over the scraps and nothing is left when theyre done#not even bones or a drop of blood#it was over in mere seconds and no evidence is left behind as the trees return to their holes in the ground and settle back in place#the end#my mom was absolutely terrified#which was endlessly pleasing and satisfying to little six year old me#in hindsight she was probably less scared of the story and more scared at how descriptively gruesome this tiny childs campfire story was#but either way she went home and refused to sleep in the woods for like nine years#shed still go camping with us but shed leave after it got dark to sleep at home#i still view that as a proud achievement to this day 13 years later#fun fact: i adapted this story and put it in one of my hobbit fanfics

Yes, I want my child to be the largest most powerful child in the world

i drank my milks and now i’m roughly the size of a barge


i want my child to be a 1,000 pound cow. what’s not clicking


I didn’t drink enough milk as a child and the fact that I didn’t turn into a 1000-pound cow as a result is one of the greatest regrets of my life.


the best part about comparing notes with fic writing friends for how you go about doing the fic writing? definitely realizing that you are horrified to your very core over how they go about doing it.

really solidifies the fact that everyone is different and that it doesn't matter how you do the thing as long as that process works for you


Item: Equipage of the Periscope, a red harness and helm that, when worn together, grant the wearer the ability to extend their neck on a flexible column of living metal up to thirty feet long.


does anyone have that one painting with the ghosts standing in the water?

like theyre in the water and they're staring off to the side and there's something so very wrong about it and they're bending over and trailing along like deer in the headlights but you can't see what they're staring at which might make it even scarier

like this

beach day beach day

by the way, the artist is olivia steen (website linked above) and apparently, her other works are just as breathtakingly eerie

look at this!!! it's cool as hell!!


I thought the last one was very familiar to me and turns out it’s painted over a photo of john lennon !

and after looking at the first one again it is also, a beatle photo


Not going to lie the first picture like the ghost on the water It kinda is referenced on the one picture where the Beatles are in Miami for the Help! shooting I dont have the picture but it really looks like! Especially the bending ghost resembles Ringo and The other Picture where the ghost is sitting down I also remember so much remember that that picture is Brian Epstein sitting I also don’t have the picture cause I cant fine IT aaaaa HAHAH

Now THIS is some fucking forbidden fandom lore lmao


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