
Blog titles are for the weak of heart

@aldreaiskillionfalan / aldreaiskillionfalan.tumblr.com

Molly, 21, she/her/hers. Clawing myself slowly out of a writhing bog of identity politics. This blog contains anomie, political/social commentary, and leftist memes, plus the occasional Animorphs post to prove that I'm still worthy of my canon url. Currently suffering towards an undergrad degree in Sociology and Gender Studies. My sideblogs are @yeerk and @terezi-discourse



The guy who invented the theory that vaccines cause autism had his medical license revoked for it

thats ridiculous

they took it away because he came up with a seemingly plausible theory?

They took it away because other scientists have been unable to reproduce his results, his results were made up, he didn’t even get approved by an ethics committee, and now he’s risking the health and lives of a whole bunch of people

It’s not just that he came to incorrect conclusions, he falsified data on purpose, apparently because he had patented a related medical test and stood to make a lot of money off people using his test instead of vaccinating.

It’s crazy how this one person, in a study of only twelve children, gained so much traction in the world. He put this lie out there—and it was a lie, not just interpreting data incorrectly—and now it doesn’t even matter that he’s been proven totally false. Years of effort to reestablish the truth can’t undo the lie once it’s out there in the world. Hundreds of thousands of people believe that lie, and actual children are getting sick and dying because of it.

This is a really troubling aspect of how human minds work, and it’s something conservative politicians take advantage of on a regular basis. If you just say that “well over 90% of what Planned Parenthood does“ is provide abortions, it doesn’t matter how often people recite the objective truth that abortions are a tiny fraction of Planned Parenthood services. You can say the truth 1000 times for every one time the lie is repeated, and thousands of people will still trust the lie.

I’d never heard this before, and it’s actually really helpful information to have, so thanks. Here is a scientific article by the American Academy of Pediatrics explaining the flaws in Wakefield’s research and briefly summarizing four studies that refuted the fraudulent claims. Here is an article by the editor-in-chief of the British Medical Journal calling him a fraud in no uncertain terms. Here is the first part of a nine-part investigative journalistic series, published in the BMJ, uncovering his fraud.  And the General Medical Council conclusions that stripped Wakefield of his clinical credentials can be found here.

I’m honestly so mad right now reading about this guy. People are dying of measles right now because vaccinations fell off so sharply, and those deaths can be laid at the door of this man.

This man is a mass murderer




!! And even if it was proven to cause autism, that’s not even that bad. Would you really rather your child die than have autism?? That’s just insulting. To you, and to people that are autistic.

For those who would rather not read scientific journals on the matter, I’d suggest Ben Goldacre’s book ‘Bad Science’. There is a chapter in there describing all the flaws & problems & biases that surround the Wakefield paper, in a way that’s accessible to people who don’t have scientific backgrounds.


honestly its suchhhhhh a pattern in social justice movements (and i say this for lack of a better catch-all term) for leaders to attempt to underscore the significance of an issue specifically by diverting it away from the preexisting cultural notions of the issue as it was experienced by black people and the terrible political and social suffering imposed on black people because of those notions.

and not to say that its bad that these tropes are being combated, because itd be great if they actually were ! but all thats happening is that these social justice authority figures are just trying to suspend peoples disbelief that its not exclusively a black issue (in a bad way) long enough to open their minds to the possibility of political actions towards an exclusively white end.

two examples cross my mind atm. first is kimberle crenshaws discussion of domestic violence in anti-racist and anti-sexist political movements. (this quote is from her article “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color”, in the subsection entitled Race and the domestic violence lobby.)

Yet these comments seem less concerned with exploring domestic abuse within “stereotyped” communities than with removing the stereotype as an obstacle to exposing battering within white middle- and upper-class communities. […] While it is unlikely that advocates and others who adopt this rhetorical strategy intend to exclude or ignore the needs of poor and colored women, the underlying premise of this seemingly univeralistic appeal is to keep the sensibilities of dominant social groups focused on the experiences of those groups.

my second example is assemblywoman Diana Richardson’s recent statement in the new york state assembly regarding drug justice / treatment. (the video can be found here, but it doesnt catch all of it sadly.) her anger is absolutely justified; drug laws have terrorized the black communities around new york for decades, but only when an “other demographic” is experiencing “drug problems” is it treated with care. even worse, theres no retroactive care, no reparations, no acquittals, no compassion for the communities and families and individuals torn apart because of oppressive drug policies. at the end of the video, assemblywoman richardson hits the mark when she criticizes not the fact that others are getting compassionate treatment, but that that compassion is at the expense of black people that were given no such mercy.

a new brand of political compassion that lacks a “restorative justice”, as assemblywoman richardson calls, it for those that have been cruelly and unusually punished in the past is not proper compassion, and a new brand of political compassion that only functions on the exclusion of those that have always suffered the most is not proper compassion.


Here’s some antihumanist knowledge for u: you’re never going to find an Unproblematic job. Like don’t be a cop or join the military or shit but like the idea that your job at the punk venue makes you a like better radical then someone working an office job or as a retail worker is…

Well it’s a really easy way to foster shit work conditions and a shitty Atmosphere within your job because hey they’re social justicey so how could they be exploitative

this reminds me of a thread that i came across on the buddhist forum i frequent. the OP was asking if there are any specific occupations that are ethical and, on the other hand, others that are inherently unethical. the first few said that like, bartending and being a butcher are pretty explicitly “unethical” because of the harm it does to living beings. (in buddhism we understand alcohol to be an inherently harmful substance, mostly physically but also psychologically.)

and i think that like, framing the issue as ethical vs. unethical really obfuscates the ubiquity of suffering and our complicity in it by existing in any way within samsara. a parallel can be drawn here between samsara and capitalism, in that no matter what occupation you choose youll still be working for and within capitalism, which is the institutional imposition, transformation, and reification of suffering.

iirc, towards the end of the thread someone said “eh, you cant really absolutely abstain from harming other living beings unless you choose the monastic life, and even then… in my opinion securing a future for yourself, albeit through complicity in harming others, means that you can continue your work to help liberate all living beings.”


terfs have completely fallen for the lie that cis dudes will claim to be girls to get into girls bathrooms and toilets. have you meet a straight cis dude? they think touching laundry makes them gay, they think drinks in bright colours make them gay, they think ponytails make them gay, they won’t pretend to be a trans woman, trust me.



related– The idea that straight men would go through major life changes and endanger themselves and change their lifestyle completely just to hit on lesbians is so ridiculous. No straight man is going to pretend to be a trans woman because they already do that shit all the time, why put in all that effort towards doing something they already do with no effort at all? Like trust me, actual straight men have no problem feeling entitled to hit on lesbians just the way they are. 

I think the funniest part about twefs thinking that this will happen is the idea that a door or some social expectation will stop a cishet man who wants to hurt women in a public restroom. Get fucking real. If that was true women would be totally safe in women’s bathrooms and guess what we aren’t.


why do people still make fun of triggers. like how obvious do you have to be with your hatred of ptsd sufferers and ppl with MIs as a whole lmao

oh also autistic people. ppl with autism can be triggered too. in fact the word “trigger” is used by actual psychologists so don’t even fucking try to say that its just “a tumblr thing” you absolute shitheel


Blame tumblr for making people no longer take it seriously. They turned it into a joke.

and how, exactly? cause some people have “weird” triggers like eyes or food? triggers can be literally anything because the brain is unpredictable, especially with MI/neurodivergent folks. and said triggers could be linked to past trauma they’ve endured, hence the mention of PTSD. i literally cannot hear anyone raise their voice in a certain tone or else it triggers a breakdown(or worse) in me due to the abuse ive endured in early childhood. is that weird? is that a joke?

triggers aren’t a fucking joke.

not one single person who has to suffer from ptsd or trauma has ever turned it into a joke. it’s all been neurotypical able bodied people who think its funny to make fun of those who have triggers or experience flashbacks. tumblr didnt force anyone to suddenly stop taking this shit seriously, a bunch of awful oppressive people just decided it’d be amusing to turn us and our abuse/experiences into a joke simply because they may not understand it themselves, or bc our coping techniques may seem “ridiculous” in their eyes. it’s never been us. it will never be us. it’s not funny living like this.


I fucking love how tumblr has been using high flicker rate gifs on the login screen. Have you not heard of epilepsy?

not to mention that once in a while i go to a blog, and either the url is changed, they deleted, or i just typed it wrong, and it’s literally always a p high flicker rate gif:/


For anyone with sensitive eyes or epilepsy, if you’ve downloaded AdBlock, you can get rid of these GIFs.

Go to ‘options’, it should open up in another window. You can then go to ‘customise’ tab, and select ‘manually edit your filters’.

If you then paste tumblr.com###fullscreen_post_bg, the GIFs should no longer show up (in the very least, they shouldn’t show up when you go to an unclaimed URL).


Reblogging for any followers who have issues with this.


stimming/sensory/autistic community, make sure to turn off anon submissions! there’s been a wave of Nazi/gore/porn attacks in various submission boxes!

I’ve been informed they are also targeting Jewish bloggers and/or LGBTQIA+ blogs

I feel this so much. the first time I saw a syllabus with ALL the assignments, I was like "oh thank you", it's such a relief! one of my profs only has a month's worth of assignments up on the site, so I hope she puts october's assignments up all at once so I know... I can plan around my distractions and time-wasting

It was great when i got to college and professors had syllabus instead of randomly-assigned homework shouted out at the end of class, but some of them just don’t stick to them at all. I don’t actually gt much out of knowing due dates way in advance, since I do them at the lat minute.. but I wish it weren’t too much to ask for them to have all the readings figured out in advance and kept in the same place.

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