
@spectraling / spectraling.tumblr.com

Multifandom blog | Mainly 1899, Dark, Stranger Things and Lord of the Rings | 30s She/They | I also draw occasionally, check out my tag  My art Carrd

look. i don’t think my stretch marks are beautiful. i don’t think they’re tiger stripes or natural tattooos. i don’t think my acne is beautiful. i don’t think the bags under my eyes are beautiful. i just think they’re human. and i don’t think i have to be beautiful all of the time in order to be accepted and loved and sucessful. i don’t think every small detail of my outer appearence needs to be translated into prettiness.

fun fact: this POV is actually called “body neutrality” and it’s SO MUCH more accessible/realistic for a lot of people. it’s based on the idea that the way we look is the least interesting/important thing about who we are, and that our bodies are worthy of respect regardless if they fit the mold of the current beauty ideals.


A human being lives three lives. The first one ends with the loss of naivety. The second, with the loss of innocence. And the third, with the loss of life itself.


being an adult and trying to be "responsible with my money" is so hard like literally what corners am I supposed to be cutting on this budget. what am I supposed to stop spending money on. my anxiety meds? food for my cats? impulsive takeout orders? spotify premium? patreon artists who draw huge throbbing monster dicks? all of these are completely necessary to maintain my quality of life.

I'm not going to put the person who left these tags on blast but

like actually don't ignore the monster dick part that very much IS a little joy. like idk a lot of people have engaged with this post with a tone of "heehoo obviously that last part is a silly goof goof joke" while also agreeing that people need whimsy and little treats to live and like. why not huge throbbing monster dicks? why can lovingly drawn indie porn not be a thing that we acknowledge as a treat? it's not less pure just because someone is jacking off to it, jacking off is also fun.


Also, people who make monster dicks for a living want to be able to afford little treats too...


I feel like I'm missing something here, because to me it seems pretty simple to cut the takeout, Spotify, and Patreon to make ends meet. Like, it sucks, a lot...but if the difference is whether you can afford the [rent, utilities, groceries, transportation, medical, pet costs] then yea, abstaining from ordering takeout and canceling entertainment subscriptions is how you change your budget decisions until you can change any other variable (increase income, decrease rent/utilities).

This seems like a simple math equation that doesn't leave a lot of room for heming and hawing over the whole thing. The money coming in each month has to match the cost of living, or your options are a list of horrible things. Nobody wants to be paying late fees they can't afford. Nobody wants to find out the electric company cut their line. Nobody wants to skip meals because the pantry is empty and they haven't gotten their next paycheck yet. And predatory loan interest and fees are no joke. Credit card debt is inescapable without damn near an intervention from gods.

So what exactly am I not seeing here? Is this a long way of saying that we feel guilty for spending money on ourselves? Or is there something I'm just not seeing when I read this back and forth?

you're missing the part where I want to experience some amount of happiness in my life instead of just paying bills, yeah


i dont think whites understand how being white makes literally everything easier.

it effects everything.

being trans is easier when youre white.

being gay is easier when youre white.

being disabled is easier when youre white.

being a woman is easier when youre white.

being autistic is easier when youre white.

oppression is eased when you are white, as you get extra privileges, and your whiteness is seen as a positive characteristic that in some ways counter-balances your other forms of being a minority. whiteness controls everything.

you are automatically way more innocent in your own oppression as a gay, trans, disabled person because of your whiteness.

never forget this.


three things:

1. it’s true

2. white people get pissed when i bring this up/wear this shirt

3. the comments to this thread melted my fucking eyeballs seriously why the fuck are y’all like this

[Image ID

A black person wearing a black t-shirt with white text. The text reads “across cultures, darker people suffer most. why? -3000”. They are gesturing towards the text with both hands



jesus fucking christ


[First Image ID: A screenshot with a water filter over it of someone else's text post. The text post reads "I keep seeing this around, especially now around Yom HaShoah, and it's starting to piss me off, "Never again means never again for anyone." NO THE FUCK IT DOES NOT." /.End ID]

[Second Image ID: A screenshot of someone's reply made in the tags. It reads "There's actually a whole (academic) article about this. How in Israel the phrase is generally understood to mean 'never again the victims' whereas in diaspora it's understood to mean 'never again for anyone' and how the phrase was PROBABLY coined by anarchist communists who specifically meant like 'dismantle the systems (like nationalism) that led to this in the first place'. IDK if this person is Israeli but it's usually Israelis you see responding like this and it's because they straight up have no idea the rest of the world doesn't see it like that. Combined w the at this point pretty infamous disdain for Holocaust victims and survivors for being 'weak'. It doesn't mean 'in your honour we will never let this happen again to anyone else' it literally means we will never again be like YOU who failed to protect yourself. Edit ppl sharing these tags feel free to do so without attribution. I'm not really keen to engage with teh people who will be angry abotu this. /.End ID]

@jewishvitya if you do not want to get involved feel free to ignore this @ but I wanted to confirm with you that this is an interpretation held by Israelis. Personally I've only heard "never again" as a blanket statement for "never again letting genocide happen to anyone."


Yeah, that's true, in Israel "never again" means we'll never allow ourselves to be victims again. That's how I understood it for us growing up.

We're aware of the different interpretation worldwide. But we don't trust other nations to protect us from another genocide, so I saw it more as an expression of guilt than a promise I can rely on. There's a level of... scoffing at this other interpretation and seeing it as a bastardized version of the promise we made to ourselves. "You don't mean it, you don't actually care, you just want to feel better about yourselves."

And this might be something to keep in mind. We don't trust gentiles. So any demand from Israel to stop oppressing Palestinians is taken as... you felt bad for us as long as we were victims, you like us when you can tell romanticized holocaust stories about how all we did was be murdered, but once we can protect ourselves, you hate us again. "They're so antisemitic they can't stand seeing a Jew being strong, they want us to roll over and be murdered." So many Israelis aren't even trying for... good PR. Because they believe that the only way to look good to a world that hates us is to die.

When other countries stand against Israel, the response is that we always knew we were alone and universally hated. So that's another reason to be patriotic and defend the existence of this country. Because no one else will protect us. That's why you see Israelis doubling down rather than seeing how wrong we are.

The disdain towards holocaust victims doesn't show anymore when we talk about this, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's part of the history of the meaning. Holocaust victims were seen as weak in early Zionism. To the point that survivors were mistreated.

If you see grains of truth in any of this, it's because these attitudes make use of very real antisemitism to lead us to these conclusions. Other countries are not doing enough to protect Jews and combat antisemitism. So it's easy to look at that and say "see? We can never trust them."

(Disclaimer in case this reaches someone who doesn't know me. I'm anti-Zionist, I'm explaining a mentality I don't agree with. I'm not making these arguments as if they're correct, I'm laying them out to show them.)

Yeah, while not Israeli, I was very much raised in a zionist mindset, which heavily involved the idea that someday we would NEED to run to Israel. And I was pretty heavily raised with all of these ideas, with a complete fear and suspicion to any gentiles to the point where I knew I wasn't supposed to trust a single gentile opinion on anything Jewish, because they were obviously just using it to control us into assimilation, or drive us out, survival optional.

I only recognized how dangerous that was from other Jews, and even then only because I was constantly uncomfortable with listening to the concept of a "self hating Jew" as the only explanation for why they disagree with Zionism. I need a reason, even when my entire being disagrees with someone, I need to understand why.

Without that mentality, the real oppression in the background of zionist thinking, makes it so easy to just spiral out into monstrosity. People really do hate us, and really do condemn legitimate self defense. So if there isn't the self awareness that fascism isn't a unique ideology of "bad people", that anyone can be prone to being swayed by fascist thinking even if they've been victims of it, the legitimate terror and still-present discrimination makes a fantastic barrier to lock yourself in an echo chamber where you dismiss those who say you're hurting them as not one of you, and thus lying.

This last paragraph is great, thank you for that.


Verified Palestinian gofundme’s Masterlist

Rightfully so, I have gotten messages worrying if everything I post is legit (I try my best to make sure the answer is yes), but here’s a masterlist of ones that one or more people have confirmed are legit Palestinians. Most are from the blogs @el-shab-hussein, @ibtisams, @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc ,@90-ghost, @nabulsi and @palipunk

I will also be making individual posts for most of these

these are vetted, please don't hesitate to share and donate


sometimes i realize that there are casual 1899 fans, and i just can't wrap my head around that??? no scene of 1899 has ever not made me want to go insane and throw something at the wall


Literal definition of spyware:

Also From Microsoft’s own FAQ: "Note that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers. 🤡


keep an eye out for whatever Microsoft does during the fallout of this. I'm expecting this to be a situation where they're hoping for two steps forward and one step back (i.e. a less-extreme-seeming version of this is introduced later instead of literally just spyware, when this less-extreme thing was what they really wanted all along)


You will need a Snapdragon X Elite CPU.

That shit is gonna be recording everything happening on your PC so that you can ask it to “recall” what happened on date X at XX:XX hour. Like “Oh Copilot, what date was it again when I told X thing to Person Y?”

That is so much data to store. So many vulnerability issues. It’ll make people break NDAs unintentionally, it’ll be used to spy on people and control them. It’s a dystopian surveillance nightmare machine.

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