



rewatching Zou and thinking about how the Heart Pirates really wanted to meet Luffy but Law had almost immediately asked Luffy to talk in private and the Heart Pirates were all like "not cool captain come on” and giving thumbs down to him.

i know this is a stretch but

Luffy and Law weren’t together for maybe a couple hours, maybe a day at most???? and Law is already stealing Luffy away like they didn’t just an arc and filler together lmao. Law’s crew just wanted to meet his boyfriend😭 and hang out with him, the last time they saw Luffy, he was like half dead you know? this is good blackmail material for them though, Law being all clingy is adorable as hell.



Jimbei and Luffy's relationship is so special to me. Like, Jimbei only knew him as Ace's little brother and he already established that that only went so far with him, but then Luffy freed him and they fought together and by the end of it Jimbei decided that he'd protect him with his life. He rescued him physically, but also mentally and emotionally. He saw Luffy bleeding his heart out and said, "I'll cradle your innards until you're ready to shove them back in through sheer force of will," and Luffy did. When they parted ways, they already planned to see each other again and, when it looked like they might miss each other, Jimbei sent a message so Luffy would still be able to find him. Literally shared blood, an act whose significance is exponentially increased by the fact that they're a human and a fish-man. Right in front of a kingdom watching them spit in the face of lifetimes of prejudice, Luffy asked Jimbei to join his crew, then went nuts when he asked him to wait until he wrapped up his business. He was immediately like, "I gotta live up to their expectations, earn my place in the crew, live by the straw hat, die by the straw hat". Huggies and piggyback rides. In the middle of all this, he apparently gushed so much about Luffy to his crew that they expected their own captain to leave them. When Luffy talked about the end of his dream, even though Jimbei thought it was ridiculous at first, he ended up taking it seriously because it was his captain's dream.

Jimbei's like, "I believe this man and his crew will achieve what the greater powers in the four seas have been attempting and failing to do for the last 40 years and more. He's the key to ending the oppression of our race and leading the world to the light. While he hasn't achieved his full potential yet, what he is now is enough for me to swear my undying loyalty to him. His cause is my cause. His name is Luffy-kun~."

😭 He’s the best💜


Prolly takes place during one of jinbeis first adventures with the strawhats where nothing super big happens (well 1 big thing)



The only thing more stubborn and lovingly obsessed than a Luffy who loves Law is a Law who has swallowed the absolute fact that he is in love with Luffy, and would do absolutely, positively anything for him.



Not to be ill about zoro and luffy in wano again, but can we talk about zoro talking to luffy with his captain still positioned between his arms? Not even trying to put his captain down, but just lowkey adjusting his position (cuz he was out of breath)

He also let luffy sniff around his body like😭??



@flyfarflyfast YOU’RE RIGHT AND YOU SHOULD SAY IT. I also think Law just kinda gets…..weirder? Like there comes a point where it becomes obvious that part of the reason these two losers go so well together is because in their most natural state they both just say shit. Turns out Law just was low key masking all the time and as soon as he doesn’t have to he’s just like “good morning your outfit is terrible.” Also separately with Luffy shenanigans law goes from “why tf is this always happening to me” to “here we go again” to “this is just a normal part of my day” to “ready to square up the second my husband does.”

Transitively Luffy will say things like “stick to the plan!!” to people more often because how DARE anyone destroy the plans his man slaved over??? luffy gets approximately 0% better at not fucking up literally anything law plans.



Luffy thinking Law got seriously injured

And when he sees him again after leaving Ace devil fruit behind to save Law (he decided before meeting Sabo already)

The Love he has for Torao🥹

Sanji, visibly distrusting: Listen. Even though our stupid captain trusts you, we have ONE major rule here that you must obey at all costs. Usopp: At all costs! Your life is on the line here! Nami and Franky: [nodding solemnly] Law: Law: Alright, let's hear it. Sanji, points at Law with his kitchen knife: You are NOT, at ANY circumstance, allowed to kiss Luffy. Law, confused: Okay? Is that all? Sanji, deadpanning: That should be all. We'll be watching you. Usopp: Yeah, don't even think about it! Law: That's easier than I tho- Robin, smiling, somewhat pitying: Good luck, Law. Law: Law: Law: What's that supposed to mean- ... Law, during and after Dressrosa: Jesus fucking Christ, okay I get it now-

*Giggles* He never stood a chance😂

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