
STEM Fandom Trash


Be Afraid

one of the downsides of colleges with a quarter system is that when this time of the year approaches, you are simultaneously in crisis because the actual year is almost over and how did it go so quickly...but you're actually only 1/3 of the way through the school year, and since when was that a thing??


D&D character idea (please note that I have not played dnd before so it might not make total sense): a frog. This frog has some amount of magic, probably given to them by a deity (a cleric then I suppose?) (you could also make them a bard w their croaking sound). The frog has some ability to morph into other things, though they keep frog traits. As such they can go from a normal sized frog to a humanoid-passing thing as long as they have a large hat and a cloak. This morphing ability also allows them to grow in size. They can’t really speak, not in humanoid nor frog form but the team can learn their language with time. This can allow you to have an infiltrator bc, well, who would expect a frog?

An alternate (honestly better) version of this would be that the character is a hoard of frogs, key details being that they can pile on one another to create their human shape or their Large frog shape - this can be either gnomes-from-gravity-falls-esque or they can merge together and Grow (or both - large frog is merging and humanoid is 50 stacked frogs in a trench coat) and that their bardic magical abilities come from a chorus of frogs which would slap


College dorm bathrooms be like

You enter between the hours of 10am and 9pm: there is perhaps one other person in there, you do not see them physically but there is a stall occupied

You have to go to the bathroom at 1:30 in the morning: there are 2 other people going to the bathroom, 2 more people are brushing their teeth. Someone is taking a shower


You know what would solve so many of Batman’s problems? If he put a tracker in the joker

Like sure if the man knew abt it then he’d def like mangle his skin to get it out but if he’s already unconscious and got like tons of cuts from being beaten up by batman for the 34658th time then they could just put one in and then the next time psycho clown breaks out to murder? Found in 5 minutes


I’ve decided that having super speed (a la Flash) would probably be one of the worst power sets I could get bc like my anxiety would get so high like my heart would manage to beat faster than anything has ever moved before, distraction techniques would no longer work, I could finish embroidering something in a minute, I already get bored watching videos can you imagine how much worse it’d be if I could process things at light speed? Hell


I know a lot of people are creeped out by the fact that a lot of the laugh tracks still used today were recorded a long time ago but honestly I think it’s so beautiful like yes human lives have passed and the first thought most people probably have is a feeling of haunting I suppose, you are hearing the laugher of people who may as well be ghosts

but, I find it rather beautiful because like, humans don’t live forever but they want to share that they lived to people in the future, like how people have been writing [x] was here on walls forever as so many people, past and present, want to leave some sort of impact and just the idea that what you left behind is a signal of your genuine happiness and joy in a moment, which is now shared with so many people who consume the media that uses their voices

When you laugh at a television scene that has a laugh track, you are feeling the joy that they felt, people all over, in the past, the present, and the future share these laughs

Take a moment to bask in the fact that you and hundreds of thousands of others have shared your laughs, even if they weren’t physically present with you


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