
@titaniumthamnophid / titaniumthamnophid.tumblr.com

Independent Snake Man blog. Mostly game-verse with elements from other sources. Crossover friendly. Please read the READ ME page before following. I track the tag "titaniumthamnophid". For icons I didn't make myself, please see this page for all the sources.

(( I'm going to officially be archiving this blog. I can't work up muse for Snake, and I don't know if I truly ever will again.

For those that have had RPs with me in the past, want to go over details to talk about how Snake will be handled going forward for your canon, and have my discord? DMs are open all the time, hit me up and I'll work something out.

All of my RP is done on discord now - I really do like the tumblr community, but I'm just way too tired of making icons for everything and I just... can't anymore with it.

Otherwise, if you need me for anything? I'll be over on my personal @tetrakataki. My art blog is also still around, as it always will be.

I wish everyone the best, and I treasure you all. <3 ))


Tumblr is known and also spoken of by its user base for its high proportion of lgbt+ users, but I'm curious as to if the lgbt+ user base is actually as large as though or if its just confirmation bias, so...

For fun if you want put how you identify in the tags and the part of tumblr you'd say you're here for

Anonymous asked:

I would make an edit of the ssspiderman point meme but I'm too lazy to actually do that. I'm sssure you can imagine it yourssself. (@the-real-dwn-022)


"We'd need it with at least three, four spidermen? But hey, the collective grows. Welcome to the gang."


"I have no reason to trust you and about a hundred reasons and 11 wars backing me up on that. We can handle our business without the help of terrorists who probably did this!"


"Fine. If you want me to stay out of it, I can do that. Enjoy finding out that I wasn't lying about this. Because I guarantee you that it wasn't me or any of my brothers."


"We are looking for evidence since it happened outside the line of sight of the security cameras our best hunch is SOMEONE that has been snooping around enough to know where all the cameras are." "As for a struggle it happened so fast she obviously had no chance to struggle which is something a few of you DWN could easily pull off."


Big inhale, big exhale. "I may know where the cameras are, but snatching her up? No. I actually like it when she's where she normally is.

"If you actually want a hand in searching for evidence, I'm willing to offer my services. I get to prove my innocence, you get to find the culprit. Win-win."


(( I am leaving hiatus, pushing into a semi-hiatus state. I probably won't be that active but I'll be trying to at least do things now. ))`

Anonymous asked:

the mun from star buster steals from other people. bye forever


OH how I have wanted to talk to you!

Alright, I dont know what stick someone shoved up your ass that decided to start going into peoples inboxes trying to spread this bullshit about one of the sweetest people on this hellsite, but before you 'bye forever' why not come right back here and talk about your gripes? Lets really figure out where this small dick energy is coming from.

Do you hate fun? Did your mommy and daddy not love you enough? Are you such a waste of space that this is what you do in your free time? What happens to a person that they have to swoop in like a god damned coward and start harassing people for having a good time?

You keep coming at Potato about the fact that this character is stolen. Guess what dipshit, this is RP, NEAR everyone has characters that are inspired by existing characters. MY characters are inspired by an existing franchise. Guess I stole them too! Glad I got away with such a heinous crime.

Here's some advice. Stop living in 2015 where you peaked when you were 12 and go outside and touch some fucking grass before your mom becomes even more ashamed of you.


(( Rising from the depths of hiatus to say some things. Because even without muse for my boy, I DO still check in (primarily to shoot the bots with my block-shotgun). Happened to glimpse this.

I didn't expect this shit to keep going. I figured, y'know, maybe they might learn and go elsewhere after I first got wind of things in February. But you know what? I guess some people just don't get it. Ever.

Oh anon, bothering my friends... tell me, what makes you think you have the right to act as you are doing right now? To assume something is stolen, and send messages to those around me? If you have proof of any ACTUAL theft, by all means, come and show me. My DMs are open. But if all you have is your accusations that I've seen so far, well, that's not going to cut it. Guess what that means? It means you're wasting everyone's time - including yours! - by being a piece of shit that doesn't know when to stop.

While I doubt you'll take my advice, have it anyway! Shut up, grow up, leave Potato and everyone else alone, and go do something better with the time you have on this planet. I'm not going to tolerate hate. ))

Anonymous asked:

Whats the new brainrot?

(( I basically rediscovered my love for Invader Zim and the dramatic little bastard has wormed himself deep into my brain meats. ))


Hiatus? Hiatus.

(( So I haven’t felt my boy in quite some time.  Having brainrot for an entirely different thing hasn’t helped, either.  I don’t really do this much, but... Hiatus for the time being. ))

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